So my wife just got a call from the pharmacy regarding a recall for her birth control. Apparently the manufacturer packaged the pills upside down so that the inactive pills are labeled for use during the first week of the, um, cycle. For those of you keeping score at home, that means that ladies taking the pill are popping placebos during their most fertile week. Is it possible to buy stock in Planned Parenthood?
How does shit like that happen? I'd be livid (and wondering if the hormones were making me feel so pissed).
I went to lunch today with classmates and one asked another if he had kids. He said that he doesn't, but he had a little girl who died. And, the anniversary of her death was last week. Awkward. I have a massive, scary exam next week and I'm preparing for my descent into Hardcore Study/Try to Not Freak Out Week with a bottle of wine and going out to dinner with The Boyfriend. One last night of freedom!
I am so fucking glad I don't have any homwork left. There isn't much about college that I miss. Yet. If anything.
No it doesn't. But who was the manufacturer? And are the placebo pills different colours? EDIT: I have considered my statement. If someone ends their four-week cycle on 7 days of placebo and then starts a new cycle on a week of placebo, then yes, at the end of those 14 days, they are at their most fertile point.
I'm just tired of the studying. School 8-5, come home, eat, study 3 more hours and sleep. Still feeling like I still have a shit-ton to learn. It's never-ending. Rise and repeat. It gets old quickly.
Yes, yes, yes, we know you want to be a woman and have a vagina and make babies. Tell us something we don't know.
Fuck. Was intending to have a quiet night last night. Got talked into coming out. Got hammered. A friend of mine randomly busts out 'the Jews lost the 2nd world war, what a bunch of pussies'. Now, my Jew pride, like my Jew gold, approaches 0 as I'm an atheist and have problems with Israel's approach to Palestine, but my friend is Italian. Cue "Hey, at least we picked a side and stayed with it, motherfucker." The smacktalking escalated until he demanded to know if I was circumcised, and told me that if I had all my penis I wasn't a real Jew. I've never had someone accuse me of being a fake Jew before, and my response was "I'll show you Judaism motherfucker, shot competition right now!" And I went to the bar (a fancy cocktail bar where they don't sell shots, no less) and got 6 bourbons, neat, and handed him 3. Yeah, I don't know either. I assume my thought process was slightly compromised by this point. He refused to do any shots, at which point I told him even his cowardly turncoat ancestors were ashamed of him, and since Italians have no shame that was no mean feat. And that's my last memory of the night. At least I woke up in my own bed? Also, I'm in the middle of rolling a gigantic hangover curing joint and two random tiny little children just knocked on my door. Maybe if I duck they won't see me. Also also, I'd like to dedicate this post to ballsack.
Silence of the Lambs is on AMC all night. The nut-tuck scene is on right now. I thought of Nom. Nom, if you don't do the "I'd fuck me so hard" costume/dance for Halloween, you are just another anonymous internet poster. HEAR THAT?!
I'm sitting at my dining room table, supposed to be playing a pen & paper RPG, and instead am in a lively discussion about the greatest mullets in the history of the WWF. I don't know what to make of all this.
Today I was in the check out line in Publix and I swear to God I saw a guy dressed up as Robin Hood with a fake bow and arrow and the rest of the kit. After seeing Trakiel's post, I'm starting to think I saw him in person.