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Honey, there's a Mr. Death here about the reaping.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Rush-O-Matic, Feb 26, 2016.


My predicted date of death is not what I was hoping for

  1. Longer than I thought. Hooray!

    6 vote(s)
  2. Longer than I thought: Dammit.

    3 vote(s)
  3. Shorter than I thought: Uh oh.

    10 vote(s)
  4. Shorter than I thoughtL Hooray!

    3 vote(s)
  1. toddamus

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Somewhere west of New York
    Life spans are likely to increase. There is some really interesting and potentially viable research going on in oncology that would drastically change how cancer is treated.

    Also fuck BMI, I am one of those people for who it really is very inaccurate. I'm 5'9, 190, very muscular. I could trim down to 180 if I ate better and drank less but thats the lowest weight I could hit. I have the body of a fullback. BP is great, all other health markers are great, but you put me on BMI and all the sudden I need to lose like 30lbs now
  2. zzr

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    My prediction was 83, which is bullshit. My paternal grandpa lived to 84 while smoking most of his life, and my maternal grandpa lived to 87 while chewing tobacco. I've already told my kids that I'm going to live to 102 or 103, so they better make preparations for that. All of my kids will be in their 70's then. I hope they have some awesome grandchildren to take care of me. And fuck the bicentennial Crown. If I live to 106, I'll see the US tricentennial. That's my new goal.
  3. dixiebandit69

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    The asshole of Texas
    I wasn't going to post in this thread, but since I spent all day Monday hanging around a hospital as my dad underwent some minor surgery got me thinking about it.
    My number was 61. That's about what I figured, what with my daily drinking.

    As far as my cause of death? Probably suicide. Why, you ask?

    My family is the same way. I saw my mom get cancer twice, and the second time it got her fast. Even if you DO "beat" cancer, you're not the same person anymore; I've seen what it does to people.
    If I'm ever diagnosed with cancer (and it's not something small that they can just cut out), I'm getting all of my affairs in order, then driving out into the middle of nowhere and eating a buckshot sandwich.
  4. TJMax

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    Oct 19, 2009
    North Las Vegas
    I'm 40, and according to the first link I'm probably less than halfway through my life. Hooray! According to the second one, I'm only going to live to be 76 (and 7 months, 5 days). BMI is 23, but at 5'9" and 160 pounds I look thin, male, and about four months pregnant. The numerator and denominator of my blood pressure are each good for stage one hypertension. Maybe I'll keel over of a heart attack at 42...
  5. Queen-Bee

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Edge of Canada
    I'm 51. I've smoked for 36 years, drank heavily for 38 years, currently live on bags of junk food, never exercise and am a bit overweight. My mother is 81 and is not on any medication (as far as I've heard - I haven't communicated with her in 11years). My father died of cancer at 37 and I had a different cancer at 33. I'm ridiculously healthy. Perfect blood pressure, when all my peers are having to make huge life changes for their high blood pressure. It's an everyday topic. I get a wee bit of a cold about every year and a half. Just had it...two days of feeling kinda crappy and my sinus' being hammered, otherwise, meh, I was ok-ish. I have long term injuries/pain from working on my feet for 30+ years on bad shoes, including a testy back. I actually have super cute little biceps because I do a lot of heavy lifting. I also am constantly in motion, in every direction, which is 1000% better than sitting at a desk.

    End of story, I'm going to live over 100. I don't even doubt it. Sadly, the money is going to run out by 57. Perhaps I should start a gofundme?