God I miss Asia. The average American in it's native habitat is a land beast that makes Christina Hendricks look like a starving Ethiopian Child by comparison.
Shrug. If y'all don't wanna take a face first dive in Hendrick's chest, then that's just more titty for the rest of us.
Going back to audrey's earlier post on Mad Men, she mentions the pacing of the show, that is what first struck me about the show. It just seems that very few other shows are as nuanced, they just hit you over the head with what the scene is supposed to mean while Mad Men seems to give you the time to develop your own feelings. I don't know, I like it.
Game of Thrones: You can watch it for the sets, costuming, writing, amazing acting, Peter Dinklage killing it, intense storytelling, no holds barred attitude to actions, choices, and consequences.... or for the random chicks having sex in the background during plot exposition. Either way, a good time.
It is a slow burn and hard to get into the first time like she mentioned. I started it stopped about 4 episodes in, burned through Breaking Bad in a weekend and then about a month or so later restarted and finished Mad Men. I know at least two of my friends who haven't been able to get past the first half of season one.
That's what first stuck out to me too. You watch an episode and at the end of the hour you ask yourself "What happened this week?" The answer is something like "...Don had lunch." And somehow, that was really interesting.
I had to force myself through the first three seasons of Mad Men. For some reason, once I started the fourth season, I suddenly cared about almost every character.
Best Tumblr of all time? Edit: I also wanted to contribute the male equivalent. It has more warming of the heart and less nudity but it's still pretty special to me.
Note to self: As much fun as it is to throw your nephew in the air and hear him giggle, wait at least 30 minutes after he eats. God. Dammit.
Yummy yeah! This wine and champagne kit that best friend got me for Christmas is awesome. It is obviously an excuse to buy more of both.
You kind of need to bitch slap him into place. Or stomp him up with your heels. Does she notice? I would be pissed.
Alright, I msy be drunk, but this has been bothreing me for a while. I don't even find shit like that site attractive anymore. Its stupid fake shit. The smae with magazines and ads and whatever. Its not real. Its about as real as a fucking scooby doo cartoon. Call me crazy, but I find this and this and this to be much much more beautiful than say this, even though the latter is a supposed "super model". That doesn't look like anytihg to me. It might as well be a friggin cartoon. Yall keep on posting pics that may as well be toilet paper. Who gives a shit about pics like [img=http://i.imgur.com/blwiS.jpg]this[/img]? That woman isn't even real to me. God forbid she has any tattoos and shit all over her. Then its like tossing a black jelly beann onto a giant pile of wet shit. Call me crazy. I hate photoshped, airbrushed, glammer bullshit.