So if I would have taken this picture with a shittier camera, it would be way more attractive to you? NSFW Because I mean I could stare at that all day.
That doesn't look real. It looks fake as shit. and is pretty much a picture perfect example of what I'm talking about. I don't know if its the lighting or camera or what, and I don't care, yall can keep it. If a shitty camera makes it look real, then woo! And Yukon- I got my fuckin Snickers!
But REAL fake. And for the record, I don't like to post girl pics, as I really do kinda feel that it is trashy and disrespectful. I'm just trying to make a point about all the shit I've been seeing lately. If you're goiong to post someone, at least make it a real person, not some GQ cartoon.
Posting pictures of regular girls who had someone take their photo while they're hanging out with their friends feels creepier than posting pictures of girls who knowingly posed for photographers with the understanding that their pictures would be for public viewing on the internet. Anyway, am I the only idiot who can't drink out of a Nalgene without spilling half of the water onto my chest? Yes? Ok, just checking.
And all the girls in those pics Blue Dog posted would look even better if they weren't all wearing such unflattering bikini bottoms.
I also have this problem. The stupid wide top makes me look like an uncoordinated doofus. Which I am.
If I had to kill all of you, in front of your gun wielding friends, family, and S.O.s so help me god I would not hesitate one second if I could get 10 minutes with her. She is everything I want in a woman. I can't tell her ethnicity, she has light freckles around the eyes, she's naturally pretty, and...and...I need to go right now.
Some etard just attacked me for stating that Johnny Cash didn't write Hurt before NIN "ruined it." He knows because his taste is "hella old evn tho only 20." Sigh. Does he not know how to Google before making an ass of himself? edited because I am intoxicated
S.O.S. *stop* Fat, 300 pound weirdo kept fondling me *stop* She rubbed her weird tits on me and they felt like golf balls in a sock *stop* Why is it Haitians are always toilet concierge expecting tips *stop* FUCK YOU GOLDSCHLAEEGEGEGEGER No. Really. My pal looks like Steve-o. He gets a normal looking girl try to hit on him. I am way better looking, and funnier. I get Shrek feeling up my ass all night.
Yeah, that was my first thought: 'Are they real?' Like I give a shit. They could be filled with cyanide and I'd still have a go at it. If i'm going to go, might as well have a smile on my face.
Yeah besides the carcinogens that seep into your water from nalgene bottle plastic their biggest design flaw is that wide mouth bullshit. I got a aluminum one a few weeks ago with a cap top that is perfect sized.
Made my mom an awesome breakfast casserole and shes happy for the day. Happy Mothers Day TiB moms! Spoiler
Happy Hallmark-holiday-commemorating-the-female-role-to-propagate-the-species-Day to all the Tibette Moms. Sorry ladies. This romantic is taken.