All this talk of MILFs remind me of a girl that was in my class in high school. She had her daughter the summer between our junior and senior year. For our senior shirts we all signed the back of it. She, being the lady she was, signed her name along with "MILF." You guys knew that teenage mothers are awesome, right? Needless to say, that was whited out so it wasn't on our shirts. Apparently it wasn't appropriate. Who knew.
Replace junior and senior with 7th and 8th grade and you are pretty much talking about my hometown. I kid. But none of the pregnant girls made it to senior year actually.
Last Saturday night during the WDT party, I was so drunk when I got back from the bar that I could not even log in to TiB and fell asleep with the laptop on my chest. This week, I'm sober-ish. Somebody do something memorable.
Dana Delany (56) and Michelle Pfeiffer (54) are moms that still got it, imho. I've had a thing for Ms Delany ever since her ssssssmokin hot guest appearance on Moonlighting. (yes, I'm old) The nudity in Exit to Eden wasn't bad either. Ditto for Pfeiffer in Fabulous Baker Boys.
I watched that video, and while I was disturbed that people like that still exist, they're largely in places like Nebraska. Which considering I've lived on the East Coast my entire life, might as well be in Narnia. But for some reason your post reminded me of the road trip I'm taking this summer and that we're driving through (and possibly staying in) Lincoln. Significant time in the previously-Flyover States just got way more interesting.
I'm bored. It's my birthday for 14 more minutes and I think I can honestly say this has been the most mediocre birthday ever. I can't say it was awful because nothing bad happened but it sure as shit wasn't awesome. I think last year was better and I was 4 months pregnant at the time. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that you guys need to entertain me. I'm just sitting here drinking cheap wine, watching Jimmy Fallon, and listening to Lucero.
Hooker, lovey, where are you at? Lawrie just got his third hit of the evening and he all but dropped trou once he got to first base. A moth had flown into his shirt, and he was stripping down trying to get it out. JESUS. We came this close to having the most perfect thing ever happen at a ball game.
Chicken tenderloins + bacon + rice + beans + avocado = yum. Also, perplexing date tonight, set up by a mutual friend. Met this person for happy hour and the evening began as such: Me: "Hey, you must be (lady). I'm Eddie. Nice to meet you." Her: "Oh hey Eddie, nice to meet you. Wow, (mutual friend) was right. I should let you know though, I have no plans of going home with you." Me: "Well this evening is going to go wonderfully. I'll just start with a shot and let's see where this goes." Fun!
If you're going to post that lousy cover, let's post the better cover. I prefer this version over the original anyway.
So, is "Somebody That I Used To Know" one of those songs that I'm not going to understand at first and then suddenly become obsessed with? Because I've listened to it twice and I don't get it. But everyone else seems to be tripping over their boners for it.
I just like the female's response because she sounds fucking angry at the chorus line. I love it for that only.