"Twenty-nine percent [of women] say they were raped during their military service. They spoke of their continued terror, feelings of helplessness and downward spirals many of their lives have taken since." link second link I have no idea if this is correct, but the fact that it happens at all is extremely depressing.
I'm taking this from my crim law case book, Criminal Law and Its Processes, 7th Edition, Kadish and Schulhoper, page 315: Academic integrity fail.
Not actually true. If 100 people have 1 kid, 100 have 2 kids, and 100 have 3 kids, the average is 2 kids. Only 1/3rd of the people are below average. If 99 people have 1 dollar and 1 person has 2 dollars, then the average amount is $1.01. 99% are below average.
That's excellent. 73 percent of women counted as rape victims did not label their experience as rape. If someone says she wasn't raped, how the FUCK can she be considered a rape victim???? I can see this conversation already. Douche - Hmmm... So you were drunk... and he SEXED you? Girl - Ummm, we were both drunk, and I would say we sexed each other... Douche - Sorry "Girl", I don't know how to tell you this... but you were raped... Girl - No..No I wasn't... Douche - It's ok sweetie, I'm here for you... Girl - Why are you touching my hair like that you fucking douche?!?!
You'd be correct if the intelligence of a large population didn't fit a normal bell curve. [insert joke here about you being the corresponding "below average" data point to the original post]
100% of people that use condoms make Jesus cry. Don't you know that just plain being in love will prevent anyone from getting pregnant by now, people? 65% of children that run with scissors are killed in horrible bloodbaths. Only about 55% of all rappers collectively agree that is actually IS all about the Benjamins.
55% of all basement inhabitants call it an "Entertainment Center". 5% of all basement inhabitants call it a "Command Center".
So we're assuming that the 1/10 is the person being raped? was the survey taken in prison? so he dropped the soap?
Delaying having a baby after the age of 24 significantly increases your risk of having breast cancer. Ladies.
Reality doesn't mesh well with people's agendas. The fact that groups considered marginalized (drug users, black people gays, prostitutes) are more likely to contract it than the hated white-middle class-male didn't mesh well with some types, hence the campaign. Too bad the odds of getting it from a chick who is already infected (vaginally, no condom) ranges from 1:1000 to 1:2000. Pretty long odds.
Yes. People are actually horrified when I mention these things. They know that they're true, but they don't like hearing it. The odds of becoming HIV+ from a typical infected needle stick injury (i.e. a superficial puncture) is about 0.1%, even less with proper treatment. That's over an order of magnitude less than, say, Hepatitis B. And gays have about a 15x higher rate of HIV/AIDS and STDs than the general population. I find it a lot harder to call it bigotry that prevents men who have had sex with men from donating blood after learning that.
Yes, I believe that's sort of how it goes. They don't ask "have you ever been raped," they ask stuff like "Have you ever had sex while intoxicated?" "Have you ever had sex with a man because he gave you alcohol?" (which could mean she just became uninhibited, felt obligated to pay him back, or passed out and was raped). It's the same "logic" behind the "Tucker Max Rape Culture" people. If the girls were drunk, he raped them, despite him being drunk almost every time he says sex, so he should also be a victim. Advocacy numbers just get in the way of having a serious discussion and making progress to fight real problems.
I'm not familiar with this study, but I can see both side of this. I do think that the folks that estimate rape statistics get a little overly enthusiastic when it comes to crunching the numbers, but let me play devil's advocate here: I have a friend who was dating and sleeping with a guy. One night, while very drunk, he decided he was going to have anal. They had talked about this previously (while sober), and she was very clear that anal was off limits under all circumstances. That night, he continued even though she had previously said no and continued to tell him no while he was doing it. They never talked about it after that, and they continued to date for a few more months afterwards. Only now does she refer to what happened as rape (she said no, he persisted, he was previously made aware of the fact that she was not comfortable with anal). She continued to sleep with him after said incident. Had she taken this survey immediately following, she would have fallen into the grey category this scientist refers to, yet I think it's pretty clear that what happened was rape. I can also see this happening in cases of marital rape. Not arguing with the numbers, just saying I can see both sides of them.