Better yet, look for someone who isn't in office, but wants to be, and become their "look how THEIR system is failing us" cause. They could very well drop you into their PR machine and use you for their advantage, but you may benefit as well.
Okay, so I have about 5 gigs of video. We really have no idea what we're doing in terms of video editing, Does anyone know anyone or have some experience with it?
Windows Movie Maker is actually a pretty good program for making simple videos. It's fairly intuitive and is already installed on most Windows systems. I didn't even know I had it until I had to make a video for my in-laws' anniversary. You can drag and drop things to the timeline and it's easy to cut/paste/delete sections of video.
Yeah, and I'll add this to note: for me, it is MUCH easier to do this in "timeline" mode instead of "Storyboard" mode. I think storyboard may be the default, so changing to timeline will make it much more intuitive. imho
Update: So through a little and some connections (yay awesome uncles) I was able to get on Telemundo and tell them about my fight against the state. The video is in spanish, so if anyone knows how to put english subtitles on it and is willing to do it it'd be greatly appreciated. Anyway, hopefully this is just the first of many and it's picked up by more news outlets.
Dude, if you can get something like that put up on the local San D news (mention that you're a Pads fan won't hurt, though the Broncs blanket might), you should be able to rake in dough for medical care stuff. I'd also like to see someone like the people on these boards giving testimony that you are one of the most intelligent, well spoken, funny writers they've ever seen. If you can get them to send a camera crew up to Paso Robles, I'll make that statement myself.
Sadly I do not have time to do it, but somebody on the board should subtitle this like the Downfall/Hitler Reacts parody videos. Instant viral hit.
That's the hard part, getting news stations to pick it up. I'm hoping now that one picked it up that it kinda snowballs from there. French Fry: . .. ... .... YES
If y'all could take a second and help me get on the front page of reddit, I'd love you long time. <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... _muscular/</a>
It's worth noting that reddit accounts take all of 5 seconds to set up and you don't even have to use an email. It is absurdly easy. Go, join, and give the dude an upvote.
I'll shoot this and the Youtube video over to my friend. She's a S&T intern at MSNBC, but maybe she can get it to the right people.