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House of Cards: Season 2

Discussion in 'TV Shows' started by Juice, Dec 13, 2013.

  1. Binary

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    I don't think it would fit the narrative. Walker's character was honest and forthright. I'm also not sure that hits a believable note for me - there was nothing to stop Frank from checking the contents, and given his general distrust of the universe, I would expect him to do so. Walker was always kind of a flat character, I wouldn't be disappointed to see him gone for good.
  2. Roxanne

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Dec 8, 2009
    Am I the only one who didn't find the threesome gratuitous? Affairs are the secret underbelly of their relationship. It's what sets them apart in a calculating, we-use-people-as-we-see-fit sort of way. But they've always (as far as the viewer knows) had their affairs apart.

    Now they're reined in on all sides. They've been forced into each others' arms in a way they haven't been in a long time. There is no Adam to give Claire an outlet, no random young chick for Frank to spend his extra energy on. They only have each other, and the knowledge that they both have a need for deeper depths of depravity. Then there is Edward, a man who has been nothing but loyal and trustworthy, an upright man who wants only to please. They may as well have shown Claire and Frank fucking their dog. Either way, the message gets across--these people will use anyone in any way they see fit as long as it furthers their own ends. And in a slightly more romantic fashion, it shows Claire and Frank coming together (teehee) and recapturing the strength of their relationship, which is the two of them, side by side, fucking the world.

    Definitely had a place for me. But then again, I see the artistic merit in every threesome, so who knows.
  3. xrayvision

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    I found it to be weird. I didn't see it coming. Well, I saw something coming, but not that. Maybe a Meechum and Claire situation. I don't see how it advances the plot much.

    Side note about that: Even though Meechum was off duty, aren't there other SS agents around that could have seen that shit? Don't the other guys realize that Meechum never left the house?

    The thing was, it was the only romantic-ish excounter Frank had. Nothing with Zoe was ever romantic. She was a wet hole and a mouthpiece for Frank. Thats why she was so easily cast aside.

    Claire tended to use her affairs as a sort of romantic and sexual outlet. Galloway was a fun and not so serious break from all the political bullshit. But Claire always had the upper hand and was able to turn that shit off like a light switch. And I always thought Galloway was a little bitch.
  4. Currer Bell

    Currer Bell
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Heh, with all the emphasis on Meechum protecting Claire, I thought for sure it was going to turn into an affair between the two of them. But when Frank came home and was looking at his wound and they were all looking at each other - the only thing I could think of was that Claire and Frank saw Edward as like the son they never had, and he though of them like his parents. Then the kissing started and I was all, "Shit, was I way off base!"

    I also wondered how this was going on under the radar of the other guards.

    It may certainly have not been an advancement of the plot (unless this gets outed in the next season), but it does serve as a highlight - as Roxanne said to the earlier conversation about how they are more insulated now. It also was an interesting juxtaposition to the public furor over the President's marriage counseling.

    Which reminds me - I wondered what drugs he was taking. I'm betting it was viagra. The first lady was talking about not wanting what goes on in their bedroom to be in the public eye, and a viagra prescription would have have been the most obvious indicator of their troubles.
  5. JoeCanada

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Edmonton, AB
    Just finished the season ten minutes ago. Watched it in about three sittings, so the whole thing is kind of a blur, but...

    I don't think the threesome was for the plot so much as it was for character. Frank and Claire talked a bit this season about the sacrifices they have had to make, and I think in that conversation they were partly referring to Frank's homosexuality (or his homosexual urges, maybe he's bisexual). With that episode last season, and Frank and Claire's lack of sexual intimacy, we had enough to suspect it.

    When Frank casually used Meechum's first name when talking to Claire, she noticed and seemed amused. Knowing that Frank is gay/bi, I think she realized he was attracted to Meechum. So she decided to get Frank some action so he would chill out and get back to normal.

    I thought the whole thing was great as a way to highlight Frank and Claire's role as this twisted, dark version of who the American president and first lady are supposed to be. For that reason, I think it needed to be a little gratuitous. She got him gay sex with his bodyguard so he would relax, and he did; the next day he had "slept like a baby" and they both seemed perfectly calm and refreshed. They're manipulative, cold-hearted sociopaths who have frighteningly little in common with the people they pretend to be.

    Can you imagine if Joe Biden's wife did that for him?