Well I'm 6'2", probably around 160-70. Need 10 more pounds of muscle. Ready go? Anyway, I would totally fuck Brad Pitt. Even though people are confused as to whether or not I'm a lesbian or a guy, whichever one I am, Brad would still make me swap teams. @Maltob- a/s/l?
Ladies, imagine these men without the personalities that come with them, imagine them as shells and they can have any personality you want. Its about body type, just like the other thread. Gentlemen this isn't Craigslist, stop posting your attributes. So I'm 6'2, dark hair, and have many statues modelled after me. These range from statues of Zeus, to the Thinking Man, to the Statue of David. I declined to have one put in Brazil so they opted for Christ the Redeemer instead. I'm that hot. Pick me.
Fine then I pick Ryan Renyolds. Hot, and everything else. Win win. They have to puff up somewhere. Sheesh. PICS or STFU.
Tall, skinny, well-dressed, dark-haired boys have a place in my heart... not that I'm picky or anything. I just like to wear 4 inch heels and even then I think a guy should be a couple inches taller than me, so 6'0 is my cutoff. I've hooked up with my fair share of shorter athletic guys too, but for whatever reason I find myself more attracted to taller skinny boys.
I'm gonna say it if noone else will. I guess I want to feel protected. Thus, the shoulders have to be a fair bit wider than mine, and the guy has to be stronger and taller than me. Preferably leanish muscular (as in, goes and plays some sport with his buddies a couple times a week, and generally exercises and doesn't sit in front of the TV the whole day). I have never been attracted to a guy shorter than me (I'm 5'10''), and I know a lot of very good looking shorter guys. All my boyfriends were above 6'3''. A lot of my friends are the same way. So guys, just keep this in mind when you're trying to hit on taller girls. I'm not saying there aren't tall girls who like short guys, but it's just not physically attractive for many.
I thought that was obvious. It works both ways though, I generally like to date girls that are shorter than me. It's a gender role thing. Guy should be big and tough, able to dominate the girl. Girl should be petite (at least by comparison), and ready to be dominated. Boom. Although I've hooked up with a taller girls, and even dated one girl that was taller. I think that's because I'm ridiculously handsome and have an amazing body, so that makes up for my 5' 8" stature. Or at least that's what my mommy tells me.
You realize that because of the social ideal of the time, all of those statues have dicks roughly the size of a baby carrot. So the real question is... are you a grower or a shower?
These are the perfect body types for a guy, in my opinion. Solid-looking dudes who look like real people, not so cut up I feel like I'm gonna slice something open. Height really doesn't matter, a good body can make up for any vertical challenges. That said, I'm 5'4" so it doesn't bother me dating a guy who is 5'7", while I can certainly see it bothering a girl who is taller than that. Oh and yes, I'm aware Jeremy Piven is a huge douche, but his body was perfect in that one episode of Entourage and ballgags were invented for a reason.
I couldn't edit, but just to add something... this man would be a dream come true if he were an inch taller. The fact that he has an awesome personality/sense of humor doesn't hurt him either.
Strictly based on physical attributes, I like my men to have some meat on them, or be thick, like someone else mentioned. I like to have something to grab onto. If you work with what you've got, are confident, and smell nice, chances are I'll be drawn to you. Also doesn't hurt if you've got a killer smile.
Oh, if we're throwing in non-physical attributes, then could you please be emotionally distant and in some way unavailable? That shit is like catnip to us. I'm not even kidding here.
I like semi-muscular, and scruffy. At least my height 5ft 8, and I tend to favor darker hair and eyes. I'm thinking Gerard Butler with three day old beard.
Clearly I missed someone who you wanted on that list, who is he? Neither, I'm more of a yule log. Expect me in the boobie thread soon then.
Eh, I guess I gotta go with the Seth Rogen type. He's 5'11", which is usually my maximum height preference and I dig guys who are rockin' the chub. I also like dark hair, blue eyes, and pale skin. I'm 5'10" and like guys who are 5'7" to 5'11". I don't need to feel protected, I have a shotgun and a dog for that.
This isn't fair. You're asking me which one of these I'd fuck? Well, shit. All of them. No suprise there. You're gonna have to choose someone genuinely hideous for me to say "no, I wouldn't hit that AT ALL." Now, if we're talking about which one I'd date/want to procreate with.....that's a different story. Seth Rogan or King Leonidas. Maybe the blond dude if he had a nice personality. But Seth Rogan is my first choice. My reasons below: 1. His hair. I love guys with thick hair that I can run my fingers through and grab ahold of during....play time. 2. Facial hair. He's not afraid to rock it and it looks good on him. But he also looks good without it, which is key in my book also. 3. Glasses. I think they're adorable. 4. He has a sweet smile. I can imagine waking up to that sweet smile and it gives me warm fuzzies. 5. I'll just say this bluntly. He's Jewish, and I fucking LOVE Jewish guys. 6. He's tall, but not too tall for me (I'm 5'3). EDIT: Per Chater's instructions, I am formally including Sean Connery and the blond dude as well. So my list (based purely off of physical characteristics) is: Sean Connery, King Leonidas, Seth Rogan, and the blond guy.
Lest we forget the difference between good looking and sexy. Two different things, often. Brad Pitt or a young Robert Redford are fucking good looking men. Sex appeal...well, that stretches beyond looks and if someone has 'it' it often forgives physical imperfections. Sexiest man ever? Here you go, kids: I don't care if he died under mysterious sexual circumstances. And a good example of what I mean by "thick through the shoulders." With chest hair just because...mmm...chest hair.