Nah, I think things are right as they should be. Unless he comes here, do you think he might come here?
Seconded. Does anyone else think of Tucker when they see that Burger King commercial with the guy with tiny hands?
The Most Interesting Man in the World come on he once had an awkward moment just to see how it felt. Oh and he can speak French in Russian
Apparently I look like Max. Or a combination of Max/Dawes, according to shegirl. Although at 5' 8" I'm probably taller than Tucker's 6'. I don't see it, and a few of you have supported me on this issue. I'm just a white guy with dirty blonde/light brown hair. That's it!
I would fuck Gerard Butler all day, every day. Jesse Williams too. Guys right around 5'10-5'11'' are perfect for me. Not saying that I wouldn't even look at a guy taller than that, because that's definitely not true. But I'm only 5'2''. One of the first guys I dated was 6'6''. Talk about fucking awkward.
Ladies, I'd like to commend y'all for posting photos of dudes with guns. It gives a man hope, you know? Knowing that brandishing a gun in each hand makes him automatically hotter. That's what we're supposed to get out of this, am I right?
The one problem being that when it comes to rugby players, wrestlers, the guys with the really tight stacked bods, you're usually trading height. I mean Jason Statham? 5'8". Broke my heart when I found that out. I'm not saying that tall guys don't get jacked like that because I've seen my fair share, it's just a hell of a lot harder for a 6'6" guy to get that kind of definition that a 5'6" guy.
Yeah, once was a wrestler, 5' 8". But rugby players? Most rugby players I know are actually a few inches taller than me on average. I've always wanted to get into the sport, but the only rugby around here is a league filled with a bunch of 6'+ 230 lb Tongans that would eventually end up hurting me in some serious way. I've already had a twice broken nose, broken jaw, torn patella tendon, fractured patella, and 6 broken fingers. I do NOT need anything else broken.
Oh, by the way, this man right here? 6 feet even. Rugby player. (Don't thank me, thank Deltabelle.) Nick Youngquest is his name, in case you need to call it out while you masturbate later. Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler NSFW He hits people. WITH HIS BODY. And he keeps going. *swoon*
LIES! Feeling tiny is awesome. I'm a total sucker for guys a foot+ taller than me. Nothing awkward about it at all.
The girls citing Rugby players got it figured out. Tyler Durden, David Beckham, CK models, etc. are children. If he can fit in skinny jeans, he should be chained to a squat rack until he becomes a man.