Ditto. I work in 45 minutes, and am on my second beer (will have a 3rd on the way over there). Granted, I won't have time to drink for the next 3-4 hours, but once things settle down around 9, I'll average about 1.5 beers an hour until closing time at 1 (aka, another six pack), have a couple more while closing up, then have a couple more when I get home to unwind after "work" at 2am. Yes, I really am female.
I am seriously pissed that those granola eating hippies to the south of me drink more beer. It's probably all organic horse-piss. I figure I down an average of 10 beers a week. I don't drink every day, but when I do, I'll take down at least 6 in a sitting. Round up to a gallon a week, I'm sitting right at 52 gallons a year. And yet I wonder why my mom thinks I'm an alcoholic.
I am old. I have settled down significantly in the past 4 years. I still drink 116.64ish gallons of beer a year. I have cut down to going out 3 times a week & usually average 8 beers per. So, in Oklahoma I'm pulling the weight of 3-4 people.
About 122 gallons a year. This is the number now that I've taken pot back up to reduce beer consumption. Before? You don't want to know.
I am with you, buddy. Our numbers are roughly the same, and I am helping you push the curve here in OK. Stay strong, our entire community is counting on us...
I feel like a wuss. I'm probably drinking around twenty or less gallons a year. I probably drink more whiskey than your average idiot. Does light beer even count? I mean, unless you have a vagina.
They speak truth. Every single day, with every meal that wasn't breakfast (and sometimes with breakfast), and at least, at least 6-7 more on top of those, for 11 weeks. It came in pints or liters. Pints were for children and people with cancer. Nobody blinked, nobody tsk-tsk'ed, nobody asked me if I "wanted a glass of water with that". To them, water is for cowards. Water makes you weak. And they were all drinking, too. All the fucking time. And I lost weight while I was there. Don't ask me how. I'm not a doctor.
I would say I drink on average 10 or so beers a night on Friday and Saturday. Thursday I probably drink 8. Wednesday's I typically will have 6. Then probably 3 beers a day the other 3 days. That brings me to 6.14 beers a day, or 209.5 gallons in a year. It'd be interesting if I added the amount of rum I drank. Cheers to being a senior in college. Though I don't drink as much over the summer because I'm separated from most of my friends. But when I do, I drink enough to basically kill my liver, which makes up for it. These numbers are kind of scary. And to think, after my knee surgery last year, I drank even more than that because I couldn't do anything but sit on my couch.
Do you go to UD? I knew a guy that went there, but he failed out the first year. Yeah... he drank a lot too.
Wow. Yall really are alcoholics. I figured that I drink a very pathetic 8 gallons a year. In the past three weeks I've had exactly one mixed drink and one beer.
I'd probably say a good 20 or so gal per year of beer. Now if it were Jack and Coke's...probably also a good 20 gal in the same scale as the beer. Back in the college days it used to be like 3-4 gal/week. We had Wednesdays where a local bar held an event called Burgerama which had burgers for $2 and legit pitchers of MGD for like $1.75. We'd go every week and down at least two of those per person then go out at night to parties and drink even more.
I'd say I drink about a case a weekend... thats 117 gallons per year if I did my math right. Damn thats a lot.
Man it's almost painful to post this, but considering I drink anywhere from four or so to 20+ on a weekday and at least 15 on the weekends, I'd estimate around 8 a day on average... 272 gallons a year. Thank god I'm in college or I might think that was excessive.
I had to translate wine, vodka, Crown and shots into gallons of beer, but if I did my math correctly (this is not a gimmie considering my hangover. Shocking that I would have a hangover........), I clock in somewhere between 290 - 320 gallons a year!. That would be approx. 60-65 drinks a week. I don't drink every single day. I often don't drink anything but G2 and Timmy's on Monday's and Tuesday's (my days off) while I dry out and rest up for the coming week of liver-crippling boozing. I actually consider myself a responsible drinker. I do suffer hangovers, so I carefully plan and choose when I can tipple and how disabled I can get. I have never, ever missed work because of liquor, although I did sleep through a 2:30pm hair appointment Monday. Oh, and I'm not a college student.
Needed to empty out some swing top bottles for a brew it yourself kit that needs to be bottles this weekend, as such, I drank a half gallon of beer just last night. Feel faaaantastic today.
I don't think I ever tried to keep count. What was the point? "A lot" pretty much always summed it up nicely.
Like the original poster, I am probably somewhere in the 150-180 gallons per year area, more if you factor in the liquor (maybe another 4-6 liters per year?). My explanation is simple: Some people need happy medicine (like my fiance), I drink booze. I don't drive, sign legally-binding documents, or operate heavy machinery while intoxicated, but I do like the taste and the way it makes me feel.
Hurghh. I feel bloated just reading this thread. Instead of counting I'll agree that "A lot" sums it up nicely.
Fact: a distilling company (Distiller's Limited, I think) purchased the rights to sell thalidomide back in the 50's because it was such a wonderful sedative that they were worried that it would overtake liquor for sedative use. At least alcohol doesn't cause birth defects the way thalidomide does. Then again, alcohol doesn't cure leprosy. Hm.
On the low end of average I drink one weekday and 2 days on weekends. Weekday I'll drink around 10 beers. Weekends would be anywhere between 10-30 a night, depending on how early I start. Average that to 20 and I drink about 50 beers a week. Which sounds about right because usually monday or tuesday night I'll get the sweats really bad. As in I have to get out of bed at 3am and grab a towel to dry my back because I'm sweating out the weekend. I don't even want to do the math on what I drank in college. I'm in ND and can confirm that dark blue color we got. Amongst my friends I am a lightweight. I generally get drunker faster than they do. But when I drink with people who aren't from around here, I am a God. I'm a scrawny 26 year old who looks 17 and I've put old grizzled hicks to shame. I know 2 middle-aged farmers in my hometown who are notorious for being able to drink ungodly amounts of alcohol. A few years ago they were at some party together and decided to have a drinking contest. They each had somewhere around 50 beers throughout the course of the night but there was no clear winner. The party ran out of beer before either of them was ready to quit. The bar has a drive up window for off-sale. You can also get a whiskey coke to go if you ask. It's not legal, but it's common. I once saw someone on horseback go through the drive-thru and get 2 drinks to go, one for each hand. Have a pitcher of beer in front of you, but your ride is leaving to go drink in the next town over? Just walk behind the bar and grab a handful of plastic cups. In high school when we would have bonfire parties in old abandoned farmsteads, the volunteer fire department would sometimes get called. Someone from town would call someone at the party to warn us, but if we didn't leave at least a case of beer for them they would be pissed. I remember me and some buddies getting our ass chewed by one of them sophomore year because we were unaware of the etiquette. The volunteer fire department is nothing more than a drinking club. I didn't think any of these things were all that odd until I met people that didn't grow up here.