My hair has always been a blessing and a curse for me. I have pretty damn thick hair that is bordering on wavy. Also, it grows out more than it grows long. So while I don't have hair prone to the white boy 'fro, trying to get manageable length turns into thick, shapeless blah. When I was younger, I had a pretty ridiculous combination of flat-top spiked hair on top, with a Macgyver inspired mullet in the back. It was just absurd. Then for most of HS, my hair was shaggy-ish down over my ears. Starting in college and since I've experimented with various different lengths including buzzing my head a couple times. As awesome as it felt, I like having hair up there. Right now its a "short" haircut bordering on the longer side. Take it down with just scissors, no clippers except to clean up the edges. I've always wanted long-ish hair I could sort of sweep back off my forehead with my hands, but with the thickness and cowlicks inherent with my hair, I just work with what I have. Elegantly disheveled as Say Anything once put it.
I get a haircut every 3 weeks. Sometimes sooner. I get a number one on the sides, and short as shit on the top. Not a flat top, and not with the clippers, but just enough that I can throw some gel in it and go. My hair is very fine, so once it gets to a certain length, it looks like absolute shit. Plus, I was in the Navy for 5 years, so once you get used to that, you're always kinda used to it. My son (7 years old) has a mohawk. He asked for it, I obliged. It looked pretty shitty, because hey, I'm no barber. So, I took a strip of painters tape, covered the mohawk area I wanted to leave, and shaved the rest of his head. It actually looks pretty good now. He loves it, it seems to give him a boost in confidence, and one of the girls in his class gave him her phone number without him even asking for it, so it must work pretty well. Maybe some of you guys should try it.
As my hair gets longer it gets very curly and in resenting this I kept it buzzed or cut short for several years. As I began noticing my hairline receding (and concurrently got on a very lazy streak) I decided to let it go long. Although sweat and/or wind can turn the ol' mop into a disaster, most every woman I meet from teens up to grandmothers compliments me on it. Also most girls I have been with since growing it out love to run their fingers through it and even pull it while I perform oral.
Somebody tag this so we won't forget it when we hand out the 2011 TiB Award For Least Subtle Boast About Sexual Prowess.
Look again. It's all there. Driving a boat with a bikini'd lady at his hip. "Teens to grandmothers." Close it out with a muff dive and a half-smile that says, "Will I fuck you? Maybe if I have time after running this town tonight. He wrote that song about me, you know." The Four Habits of Highly Effective Puss-mongers. Take notes.
I buzz all my hair off. Once upon a time, I had a medium fade (like this dude except without the chinstrap beard and earring). Unfortunately, it meant that I had to pay a barber to cut it every weekend, and half the time the barber would botch the fade and it would look like crap. So one weekend, after staring at a three-hour line for the barber, I finally said "Screw it," got my own pair of trimmers, and buzzed it all off. And it's stuck like that since then. I occasionally try to let it grow out, but it's itchy as hell and I feel like I look weird with hair. On the other hand, I prefer the head stubble to a completely shaved head. These days, I take the guard off a trimmer and buzz everything off every Sunday over the sink. It leaves about a sixteenth of an inch of stubble on the head - just enough for it to be not-prickly. Posted this picture a week ago. Spoiler
I'm the same. 0 guard and do it myself once a month, when it starts to look like a long, straight fluffy affro. If my hairline hurries up and recedes, it'll take even less time.
OK, this is my current haircut. I usually have it buzzed Number 2 length, and I went last week for a haircut so it's grown a little. I'm an unfortunate wretch in that I have a double crown, which means the hair grows in opposite directions on the front and back of my head, making it impossible to manage without it being buzzed with clippers or completely shaved off (which I did for 18 months between '05 and '07) - I had a "short back and sides" at school because it was all that was allowed and looked like I'd just fallen out of bed EVERY DAY at school, despite my hour-long effort to get my awful hair to just lie fucking flat; I'd comb it when wet after my morning shower and by the time it was dry, I'd have a hair aerial on the back of my head. Worse still is that I have the same hair layout as my grandfather - his hair just grew straight outwards from his scalp. So, if I leave mine to get long, I start to resemble a cactus. If my hair was curly, I'd have no difficulty in rocking an Afro, but it's dead straight, and thin. I also, sadly, get bleeding lumps on my scalp, too. It makes NO difference what shampoo I use - I've tried just about everything on the market. I see no female touching my head, ever - and I wouldn't blame her. I've also started going bald at the front (not visible in pic, since it's the back of my head) - in a year or two, I'll be back to the shaved head. I tried my best for this photo, but trying to photograph the back of your own head accurately is surprisingly difficult.
Since I've lost about 20% of my hair and don't get a 20% discount while getting it cut I decided to do it myself. I just use clippers, my guards aren't numbered but I use a 3/8" all over. Then I have a girl I know clean it up every once in awhile.
My hair looks like shit when it's anything but extremely short. Every month I get a 3 to 1 fade so that it won't grow out on me.