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Huh...that was pretty weird.

Discussion in 'Permanent Threads' started by Maltob14, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. CharlesJohnson

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Girl and I were going down to this muddy, toxic looking river in the swamp to swim. Some random blond girl was joining us. We stopped on this covered pier where people were hanging out. The girl asks if there is anyone in the water. So, I fly out over the river (did I mention I could fly in this dream? I can fly in this dream) and see no one in the water. We go "great" then proceed to get naked. The blond girl takes off her bottoms as well. Which is when I notice she also has a cock. Then she starts cutting her cock off with a chef's knife. That's where I woke up and decided to stay awake.

    Analyze that shit, Mr. Freud.

    There was very potent pot involved last night, an hour before bed.
  2. TJMax

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    Oct 19, 2009
    North Las Vegas
    One of the coolest dreams I ever had was about an episode of Growing Pains: Dad Jason (Thicke's character) was out somewhere with the younger son, Ben. A rough ex-con type decked Ben and gave him a black eye. Jason told him, "If I ever see you again I'll kill you." Later, at home the doorbell rang. Jason opened the door, and the ex-con was standing there. Jason reached under his sport coat, pulled out a .45 semiauto and blew the guy's brains out. I was in awe. I would have liked to tell Mr. Thicke about this dream; now it's a little late. Yes, I still remember this dream 24 years after I had it... What? Why are you looking at me like that?
  3. Fiveslide

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Last night I dreamt we were in the middle of a bug apocalypse. Mosquitoes would leave you desiccated in minutes, every bee was a killer bee, Ants take you down screaming and clean your bones of all flesh. That type of shit.

    Me, a best friend and an ex-girlfriend are hunkered down in a sealed crawlspace, for some reason. We start the threesomes in this surprisingly clean and well lit crawlspace and those two are giving me crap about my normal sized pecker. That's a detail that's true to life, this friend always looks like he's smuggling a loaded quadruple meat foot-long sub into the movie theater, he can't hide the damn thing. I tell her, "I might not have a huge dick, but I have a tongue like a bull whip", and she gives me this approving nod.

    Then we had to go out for food and got sucked dry by mosquitoes.