The creepy part to me, is that that photo came from "" and was posted by That's not a website I visit - I'm hoping that means eighteen or nineteen.
Not sure what the rest of that sentence was supposed to say, but I got that off Google Images, thankyouverymuch. Which, by the way, has a new search results format that I'm happier with. As far as tequila goes, I fucked my best friend on tequila. 'Nuff said.
All I'm saying is: I've never uttered the words "Fuck it man, let's get fucked up. Hey - get me a shot of Jack" and found myself in the fetal position in my tub, clutching a vomit soaked pillow and crying because the bar fly I brought home decided to choke me with my own fucking belt mid-coitus. I have, however, had that issue with tequila.
I saw that recently, and it's a total ripoff of one of the original Flickr search websites that I don't think is running anymore, as I can't find it. I mean, I hope the guys who made the original got to work on the Google one, or else it's just kind of a cheap move by Google. So my sister's highschool graduation party is tomorrow. I just had to set up one of those dining fly-type tents. I've set up and taken those exact tents down probably over 100 times in my short life. I know how to set the damn things up. I almost threw a brick at someone's face for trying to argue with my over the best way to set it up. Woulda taken 5 minutes my way, but no, spent a good 45 minutes setting the motherfucking thing up because some people don't understand simple instruction. Motherfuck.
I really like Bernheim Wheat Whiskey. It's not a bourbon, but it's made by Heaven Hill, who also make Elijah Craig and Bluedog's beloved Evan Williams. Oh, and twins, though I would have preferred a beach theme:
If you mean "up here" to be Canada, or Toronto, that's not really true. Go to any signature LCBO and they'll have TONS of different bourbons. My local one here in Van has about 40 of them.
Rule of thumb with Tequila, make sure it's 100% agave and at least double distilled. If it does not say 100% agave, they can mix it with up to 49% grain alcohol, turpentine or wine-o piss and still call it Tequila. Cabbo is my personal favorite, though there are TONS of other great brands if a liquor store stocks a variety beyond Patron for the ballers and Cabbo for the rockers. I can hold my liquor on real Tequila better than anything. There were some liquor stores in east Atlanta I'd go to where I'd find dirt cheap Mexican Tequilas that were really good. I'd figure that out based on what the Mexicans would buy. Random side note since you really can't mix Tequila with much more than OJ, Doritos make a great chaser.
From my experience: Tequila= slap the pickle with the wildebeast, and not hiding it. Bourbon= headbutting your best friend's nose, followed by admission of true bromance. When stupid enough to ingest both: asking your friends how it's Tuesday when your last memory was Friday. Just cracked a bottle of Pernod. A little nervous. After reading so much Henry Miller I might drink this bottle and wind up broke, in France, and rawdogging toothless hookers. On second thought, the only major difference would be the toothless part. Cheers! Oh, and: Spoiler
Chater, I found your phone. You might want to check your messages more often. Also, meet Bia and Brana Feres, Brazilian synchronized swimmers. Rawr:
Tequila definitely provided a much different drunk for me, and as Frebis alluded, no good ever came from it. At least none that I remembered. I drank a fair amount of bourbon in my drinking days, usually Maker's Mark Manhattans, but for sipping (which I defined as "not slamming it") I liked Knob Creek and Woodford, but with the way I drank, that was usually when someone else was paying. And since the theme is twins... Spoiler
I find twins as creepy as gingers. Maybe it's because they share the same soul; unlike gingers who have no soul. Of course, I've fucked almost as many gingers as I have non-gingers...
So, what you're saying is that the only people ever to get in your pants were Rosy Palm and her five sisters? (do you see what I did there?) I've moved to gin. Bluecoat. It's enjoyable.
Generally speaking, I find that tequila is good only for taking shots and pulling ass. Both of these are great things, but would you ever sit by a fire reading a book with a nice glass of tequila with very little ice in it? I wouldn't. People say bourbon results in violence, which is why I pride myself on being a bourbon drinker. If i can swill turkey 101 (rocket fuel) all night and not go to jail, it is testament to my drinking ability. I believe bourbon and scotch to be the drink of "mens men." If you can, do yourself a favor and pick up a bottle of Four Roses Bourbon (the single barrel one). Even the people who are generally repulsed by the fact that I drink neat whiskey said it was like no other bourbon they had ever tried.
Oh, Tequila...probably one of my least favorites. I usually end up only resorting to it when it's close to last call and I need something to fully cement myself as shitfaced. It's pretty much vomit fuel for me, but I still drink it when its offered to me. I've had Patron...nothing special, I think I'd take Jose over it..seemed a lot smoother to me. I'm now tempted to pick up some Bourbon from all this talk of it......
They look kind of like the Olsen twins. Dice&dinner with friends begins soon but, not soon enough. If you've never played Liars Dice I highly recommend it.
If you want to give tequila a second chance, get some decent stuff and throw in a bit of grapefruit juice or grapefruit soda ( Fresca will work too). It's really good.
Tequila was once my primary shooting booze but that devil agave hath scorned me far too many times. The lone memory I have from my last night of drinking tequila (aside from the occasional margarita) is vomiting in my mouth and swallowing it repeatedly standing at a packed bar. As I stood there, teetering on the brink of letting loose all over the bar and pondering the inevitably ensuing assstomp, I knew it was over between the two of us. I'd rather have a double ranch and vodka than close out a night with a round of Jose. Shit, just thinking makes me cringe like fingers on a chalkboard. A little something for all tastes- NSFW NSFW
Beat this! White trash party last fall. I got nice temporary tats and I'm drinkin PBR to fit the theme.