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I banged my teacher and all I got was a B-

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by xrayvision, Oct 2, 2014.

  1. Binary

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Re: 9/19/14 WDT NSFW

    We should probably wait 10 years to pass judgement after every school affair to see if the older person marries the younger person. Then it's okay.
  2. Parker

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    Re: 9/19/14 WDT NSFW

    Exactly. All I know is if any of the three teachers I listed let me get at it, I would have been happier than a pig in shit. That was the time of American Pie. All of my friends were in a race to lose our V-Cards. Stifler's mom was a goal, getting a MILF would make you legendary. If a teacher said yes to my irresistible swag, and the fact I was in band, it'd be ridiculous if they were punished to the utmost of the law.

    All I'm saying there is a difference between a teacher cracking and saying yes vs a teacher saying "fuck me or I'll fail you."
  3. toddamus

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Somewhere west of New York
    Re: 9/19/14 WDT NSFW

    Really? You think there is a difference between an adult losing control and fucking a teenager and adult seducing a teenager? Either way the adult is in control, either way the adult has discretion, either way the adult knows better.

    If an adult puts themselves where they lose control around a teenager, they've made a fundamental mistake and still deserve some reprimand for the criminal consequence.
  4. downndirty

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 18, 2009
    Re: 9/19/14 WDT NSFW

    For me, this is the same as the loan manager fucking you in order to secure a loan or the HR manager to get a promotion. It's a violation of their authority and trust. Age isn't a factor, who initiated what isn't a factor, at least for me. The biggest thing is that two adults fucked a child entrusted to their care. Fill in those blanks any way you want, but it's not's fucked up.

    The question I have is....what 32-year old finds a 16 year old so Goddamned attractive, she'd risk imprisonment, ridicule and her career to bone....and then invite a fucking coworker over to tag-team? She's not beastly, so why do this? For 16-year old me, this is what dreams are made of. For 30-year old me, who has been a's sad and more than a little stupid. Ok Cupid and a rabbit vibrator will solve most of these problems. The only case I can think of is when a kid runs the class and controls the dynamic, at which point you are so far gone as a professional you should quit.

    Also...what the Goddamned fuck, internet: ... ion-glove/

    We have made the perfect blend of masturbation and technology already. We don't need supplemental prosthetics, so STOP GODDAMN MAKING NEW ONES. This is straight up nightmare fuel.
  5. Binary

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Re: 9/19/14 WDT NSFW


    The rest of your post suggests that you missed my sarcasm.
  6. Juice

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    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009
    Re: 9/19/14 WDT NSFW

    Parker's realization:

  7. MoreCowbell

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Re: 9/19/14 WDT NSFW

    Happyfunball to the white courtesy phone.
  8. happyfunball

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    overly defenCive stuffed cougar

    Nov 6, 2009
    Re: 9/19/14 WDT NSFW

    He winked at me!! Seriously joke all you want about that, but it's not something I'd ever consider. Because he's a kid. And it might not even be illegal in PA since I'm not his teacher. Still would never happen.

    If that hasn't been clear, consider it that way now.
  9. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009
    Re: 9/19/14 WDT NSFW

    #49 Kubla Kahn, Oct 2, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2015
  10. Parker

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    Re: 9/19/14 WDT NSFW

    No, I didn't, I just kept posting because I was bored as fuck at work. But Dave has a point in that video.
  11. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009
    Re: 9/19/14 WDT NSFW

    I don't know about mental maturity but the DARE officer's daughter at my school was built for fucking speed by the time she was a freshman. Im guessing she grasped the concept as she'd wear skin tight low cut tops showing off her D cups on a hundred pound frame. You can imagine it melted my 18 year old brain.
  12. The Village Idiot

    The Village Idiot
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    Porn Worthy, Bitches

    Nov 23, 2009
    Where angels never dare
    Re: 9/19/14 WDT NSFW

    I have to wonder at some of the guys thinking this 16 year old was a victim. We have gotten to a point in this society where we have taken a very arbitrary number - 17 or 18 - and elevated it to some biological finish line. 'Yes, NOW you are competent to make decisions.' The reality is I've seen pretty savvy 17 year olds and really stupid 42 year olds. One of the main differences here is that I think the reverse - male teacher/female student - is horrible. There's a power dynamic not present in female teacher/male student situation (for a 16 year old - and I'll go further and have to say I'd wonder about the propriety of a male teacher banging an 18 year old former student who graduated the day before). At 16 was I able to make 'adult decisions?' Absolutely not (and there is plenty of evidence that I still can't).

    But at 16 would I have banged two decent looking teachers? In a heartbeat. If that would mean I was being 'abused' - well, it's an abuse I can live with. From the article, sounds like this kid was pretty broken up about it.

    You want to know what makes him a poor decision maker (and not yet an adult with wisdom) - fucking talking about it! Jesus, he could have kept riding that train. What a dumb ass. Frankly, he should be the one facing charges for 1st Degree Premeditated Dumbassery. Seriously, they should put his face on a flyer with the caption: 'Dumbass - Doesn't Shut the Fuck Up About Stuff He Should Shut the Fuck Up About.'

    He'll probably be a Senator someday.
  13. happyfunball

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    overly defenCive stuffed cougar

    Nov 6, 2009
    Re: 9/19/14 WDT NSFW

    No one is arguing that any 16 year old wouldn't take advantage of it, but it's exactly what you pointed out about his immaturity that shows maybe he isn't quite ready to make those decisions. And it really pisses me off at those that say they'd feel differently if it were a female. Why? How many times do you hear that females mature quicker than males? I hear it all the time. So using that statement, wouldn't it really make MORE sense to say it's okay if it were female? No, both are stupid. Those teachers were in a position of power and abused it. And like downndirty said, what do they even have in common emotionally with a 16 year old? I EXPECT a 16 year old to think it's cool. I don't expect a 32 year old (or 24 year old for that matter) to think it is. And to think it isn't abuse when we know nothing about the situation and how it came to pass just doesn't make sense to me. Of course he thinks it's cool now, how do we know how he'll feel in 10 years when he, you know, GROWS UP.

    And I get it about the whole "assigning an arbitrary number" to it. But if you don't, what do you think will happen? You'd have people having sex with even younger kids with no repercussions. So what do you do? You have to put some kind of restrictions on it.

    On a lighter note, I had a squat lesson on Wednesday, but I had also squatted on Monday. So my legs were pretty sore after my lesson was done. It was one of those situations where I went to my car afterwards and had to psych myself up to lift my foot to put on the gas. Right at the top of each thigh I felt a pull. But I'm a hardass and persevered throughout the day and I was feeling pretty good. Until Wednesday night I decided I needed to move a carpet in my bathroom and instead of doing what normal people do--bend over and slide it--I thought since I was standing on it, I'd just give these little hops to slide it into place. Worst decision ever. Pulled the exact muscles I was favoring. I'm still hurting. And today is deadlift day. Blah.

    Also, my son missed the bus and I had to give him a ride this morning. Stupid kids.
  14. downndirty

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 18, 2009
    Re: 9/19/14 WDT NSFW

    One of the reasons this kid gets labelled a victim is that he is not capable of dealing with the consequences. Say one of them is knocked up...or he gets an STD. I think if you take age out of this equation, it's still fucked up. A college professor banging a student to secure an "a" is a shit thing to do. It's not about being 16, 17, 18 and one of those being ok, two being awful. It's about taking advantage of the relationship.

    If he went to another school or was no longer a student? Awesome. If he's like "This bitch told me to get her pregnant or I would fail her class": fucking awful.

    I too would have banged my teachers at 16, but that logic extends to a vast number of warm, wet holes. The people in charge of my life were heavily discouraged from possessing some of those holes and that's a good thing.
  15. Juice

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    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009
    Re: 9/19/14 WDT NSFW

    But as far as we know, none of that happened. It's circumstantial. He didn't get either of them pregnant, or an STD, nor did he act a whore for good grades. He fucked two teachers in a threesome. How much psychological damage do you think was incurred aside from this being the forever dominating memory in his spank bank?
  16. Currer Bell

    Currer Bell
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Re: 9/19/14 WDT NSFW

    I often wonder about the various milestone ages and how TPTB decided these things. 21 to drink, 18 to vote for the leaders of our communities, 16 to be in control of 4000 lbs of metal.
  17. happyfunball

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    overly defenCive stuffed cougar

    Nov 6, 2009
    Re: 9/19/14 WDT NSFW

    How do we know yet?

    How much psychological damage would occur if he were a she? Don't forget to call her a slut or a whore while you think about that as well especially if she is bragging about it to her friends.

    The double standard is driving me fucking nuts.
  18. The Village Idiot

    The Village Idiot
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    Porn Worthy, Bitches

    Nov 23, 2009
    Where angels never dare
    Re: 9/19/14 WDT NSFW

    My overarching point to all of this is every society on the face of the earth, ever, creates these arbitrary lines (which do need to be created for obvious reasons) and always thinks their arbitrary line is inherently 'right.' My point is there is nothing inherent about it. While we think it is inherently wrong to have sex with a child (and I believe it is wrong - that's not my point) - there are societies that thought it was ok. As far as immature decision making - that is the purview of humanity in general, not just the young.

    Riiggghhhhtt...because we've never seen women above the age of 18 - who are supposedly more mature - make really bad decisions when it came to sex. The major difference (and be as pissed off as you like) - is there is a physically coercive element present in male teacher/female student relations that is not usually present in female teacher/male student interactions.

    I agree, the teachers abused their power. No if, ands or buts. But before we start slapping the label 'victim' on this kid, perhaps we can take a look at the situation and see if anyone was actually victimized. Which is my point. If you want to get right down to it, EVERY relationship in life has a power dynamic. Certain ones we have singled out (rightfully) as being to problematic to allow sex - like teacher/student. I'm not saying the law is wrong - what I am saying is I don't see this kid as a victim. I was 16 once, and I see lots of 21 year old guys and frankly they're indistinguishably retarded. Does that mean I think 16 year old boys should have sex with whomever wants to have sex with them? No, of course not. But there is another element here.

    He either knows what he wants in this situation - and again, let me be clear, we all sometimes want things that are bad for us - but is what he wanted going to be that different 10 years from now? I really doubt it.

    Of course. My point, yet again, is we slap the moniker 'victim' on this kid based on that. The question isn't 'were the teachers wrong' - the question is 'is this kid a victim?' There are plenty of crimes committed - and some of them have no real victims. Crime committed does not automatically translate into victim. And truly being a victim doesn't mean there was a crime committed. While they often coincide 'victim' and 'crime' - sometimes they do not. I believe this is one of those times.
  19. happyfunball

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    overly defenCive stuffed cougar

    Nov 6, 2009
    Re: 9/19/14 WDT NSFW

    That was kind of my point about the bad decisions. And from what I'm reading here, there have been plenty of females that go after male teachers. So maybe not as coercive as you think.

    But you clearly stated that you'd feel different if he were a she about the whole situation. Why? What if it's something she really wanted? Even though it was bad for her?

    This is what bugs me:

    My son does it - gets high fives.
    My daughter does it - oooohhh, she's damaged.

    I don't want either of my kids doing it. And I'd hate for them to be judged differently on it. It would ruin my daughter's life, but uplift my son's.
  20. Juice

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    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009
    Re: 9/19/14 WDT NSFW

    See the boldened section. I have no idea if it were a she. Maybe there would be some damage or maybe there wouldn't be. Again, circumstantial.