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I banged my teacher and all I got was a B-

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by xrayvision, Oct 2, 2014.

  1. downndirty

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 18, 2009
    Re: 9/19/14 WDT NSFW

    Either you think it's awesome, or you think it's fucked up and I doubt much mind-changing will happen.
    I think it's fucked up because:

    1. Something is fundamentally wrong with a pair of adults who want to fuck a 16 year old kid. If the genders had been reversed, there would be outrage. However, at a certain point, this becomes exploitative.
    2. They abused their position of authority/power as well as the trust of the people who let him go to that school.
    3. This kid is not in a position to understand or deal with consequences, potential or real. He doesn't know how to recognize the Cray in "Don't stick your dick in crazy". This isn't conquest, this is him becoming a victim in a game he doesn't fully know how to play. Think of how easy it is for them to manipulate him into doing shit that has real repercussions. This can easily become a "Twilight"-style abusive relationship that precludes this kid from growing up normally.

    The social assumptions being made here-he knew what he wanted, he could accept the consequences, he wasn't being manipulated, it's awesome because he's male, he couldn't possibly be the victim because he's a male having sex are-are contingent on outcomes that we cannot yet see. What we can see is that he's a legally-protected kid that is not supposed to be a party to this kind of thing.

    Think about how his life would be if he DIDN'T fuck his teachers, because they are fucking crazy, and then the whole school found out about it, or they made his life hell in other ways, which they were in a position to do. The assumptions being made become tantamount to rape, because his life is ruined if he doesn't do what those assumptions predict.
  2. Juice

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    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009
    Bumping to a new thread.
  3. lostalldoubt86

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    May 23, 2010
    Earth, The Universe
    As someone who is trying to get a teaching job, this pisses me off more than simply because it is adults fucking children. There have been a bunch (about 4 or 5 in the last year) of these in my area recently. Every time I see it on the news, I am completely disgusted. 1. Because it is adults taking advantage of children, 2. Because of the response when it is an attractive female teacher having sex with young men, and 3. BECAUSE TEENAGERS ARE DISGUSTING! I am a substitute almost exclusively for middle school and high school students, so I am around this age groups pretty consistently. I cannot comprehend why anyone would want to have sex with any of these students. I don't know what anyone on here was like in high school, but the teenagers in schools today do not have the mental or emotional capacity to have any sort of sexual relationship with an adult that will not ultimately result in trauma. No matter how "cool" society perceives it, these kids are going to be fucked-up adults.

    That being said, I did apply for the job of one of these teachers in my area after she got arrested.
  4. JWags

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    Oct 21, 2009
    Re: 9/19/14 WDT NSFW

    This actually happened at my HS. Late 20s/early 30s teacher hooked up with one of his female students AT HER FUCKING GRADUATION PARTY. Party died down, parents went out with other parents for a few drinks, people stayed back partying at the house and said activities occurred. The kicker? He was also her basketball coach for the last 3 seasons...and her younger sister was still on the team and was livid to the point of quitting despite being the potential star of the team the next year.

    This same teacher is actually now married to a DIFFERENT former student who is 3-4 years older than the previous girl. This chick, also one of his players, also hooked up while still a student. Supposedly it was an ongoing joke that he had a calendar counting down her 18th birthday. He also, not allegedly but confirmed by two different family friends in the class, returned a pair of her underwear she had left at his place the night a brown paper lunch bag during school.

    He's kind of a scumbag who not shockingly is no longer teaching at my high school.
  5. Angel_1756

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    The Big Four-Oh

    Oct 21, 2009
    The T-dot O-dot one-of-a-kind
    I'm just gonna leave this right here.
  6. Jimmy James

    Jimmy James
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    Oct 19, 2009
    Washington. The state.
    Re: 9/19/14 WDT NSFW

    So what you're saying is differences in culture and region allows for different laws to be made? Right on.

    I fail to see what difference it makes what form coercion comes in. A man that threatens to beat a woman is different from a woman that threatens a false rape accusation?

    From a legal standpoint alone, he was a victim. Two teachers had sex with a student. Two people in a position of authority had sex with someone they thought they could control.

    In a society that has a hard time seeing male victims of sexual assault as nothing more than a punch line (anybody got prison sex jokes?), I would have played it off like this kid did too. I can guarantee you that if he stood up and said, "These women raped me", EVERYBODY would have told him to keep his mouth shut.

    They would have said:
    "Stop being a pussy. Man up."
    "Ooooh, the teenage boy had sex with two attractive women. Life must be so hard."
    "I wish I was in your position."
    "You had a threesome. Quit complaining."
    "You enjoyed it anyway."

    Not only does the victim have to deal with the fact that they were assaulted, they get to hear everybody tell them that they wanted/deserved it. At least if you play it off like you were the "stud", people's reaction toward you is going to be way more positive than negative. Given the choice, what 16 year old doesn't pick the latter?

    That's bullshit.

    One thing we're not considering is that he was telling his friends that he was assaulted, which was twisted into bragging. Because if a teenager is having sex, they are automatically bragging about it.
  7. Rush-O-Matic

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 11, 2009
    Re: 9/19/14 WDT NSFW

    One of my best friends in high school was Valedictorian, and gave her valedictory address to our graduating class while pregnant. (She was 17 at the time.) She didn't keep the baby, and the father was rumored to be a teacher. She didn't tell me and I didn't ask. She did, however, tell me that she slept with one of her professors in college, because "she really needed an A" in that class. So, I guess she had a thing for teacher dudes?
  8. Juice

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    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009
    The fact that the guy's name is "René" makes him 10 times creepier.
  9. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009

    No, it makes her a whore. Durr.
  10. Parker

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    Re: 9/19/14 WDT NSFW

    Let me preface this by saying I'm not discussing the teacher side of this. I only want to talk about the student:
    Wait? Social assumptions? At 16, he wanted to get laid. As much as he could. Because at 16 is 2 years post puberty and hormones are rampant. Why is everyone forgetting that 16 year old boys are horny as shit? Also, at 26, you can see in the "Why I stayed" thread I stuck my dick in crazy and wasn't thinking about the consequences, also because I (along with most of the other guys) wanted to get laid. So let's stop talking about 16 like it's 6 years old.

    Is there a chance that a 16 year old didn't want to fuck two relatively attractive women (I've been to Louisiana, those two are like 8s there) and feared some consequences? Yes. But they are way lower than half. Not wanting to fuck while 16 would make him an outlier, as developmental psychology says its at that age 16 year olds, male and female want to fuck everything. Women just have societal weight put onto it and boys just get told "wrap it up."

    Shit I wish I could have fucked some teachers for better grades. Especially in Math, but all of them were men except for one. But I really hated algebra.
  11. Jimmy James

    Jimmy James
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    Oct 19, 2009
    Washington. The state.
    Re: 9/19/14 WDT NSFW

    Yes. Just because you're a 16 year old boy, you are nothing more than a hormonally charged penis. Also, just because you're a 16 year old girl, you're automatically down for sex, because puberty and hormones, amirite ladies?

    But if you aren't down for sex because a lot less than half of you are somehow less hormonal than the rest of the 16 year olds around you, you're totally not normal. But it's fine, because hey, you're a girl and shouldn't be having sex anyway.

    Edit: Most of what I've been reading is "Yeah, they overstepped their bounds as teachers, but they're hot and he's a boy. So it's somehow less awful."

    What the fuck, you guys?
  12. Misanthropic

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Re: 9/19/14 WDT NSFW

    In addition to the moral and legal reasons why this situation is fucked up, and those women are indeed predatory, is the physiological reason - the brain of a teenager is not quite fully developed, particularly the region of the brain that controls impulses and considers long term consequences of actions. The prefrontal cortex is one such region, and current research shows this isn't fully developed until the late teens early 20s.

    In other words , teenagers are incapable of making a proper judgement on whether to sleep with a teacher or other adult, but the adults are. Therefore, the adults are absoultely taking advantage of the teenagers poor decision making skills no matter who "started" it.
  13. Parker

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    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    Re: 9/19/14 WDT NSFW

    To be fair, without any outlying psychological conditions, developmental psychology shows, yes 16 year olds want to have sex. It's kind of how human kind made it to where it is today. Puberty and hormones. Now, I for girls, I'm not putting any subjectivity or context in regards to "automatically down for sex" except for the very fair acknowledgement there is the societal/cultural pressure on women not to, which is different for boys.

    Nothing I said in this post or the above is irrational. And yes it is less awful. No one mentioned this. There is a difference between teenagers asking an adult to buy them liquor vs the adult getting the kids drunk against their will. How many of you had people buy you liquor when you were underage? Not 100% sure, but I'd put down cash money there are more psychological consequences to voluntarily drinking at 16 vs voluntarily having sex at 16.

    You can make the same argument that a 25 year old doesn't know the consequences of sex, etc...unless they've had it before. I really hate the argument that at 16, the kid had no idea what he was doing or what could lead him to it. Also where does it say he was telling his friends about it and framing it as a sexual assault?
  14. Rush-O-Matic

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 11, 2009
    Re: 9/19/14 WDT NSFW

    I'd take that bet. I know a number of people that voluntarily lost their virginity at 16 and regret it - either wishing they had not or had not with that person. Very few of those same people regret drinking at 16.
  15. Nom Chompsky

    Nom Chompsky
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    Honorary TiBette

    Dec 23, 2010
    we out
    I suspect that the responses in this thread would be different if the people making them weren't attracted to the abusers.

    That pretty much sums up how I feel about their ethical validity.
  16. Jimmy James

    Jimmy James
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    Oct 19, 2009
    Washington. The state.
    Re: 9/19/14 WDT NSFW

    Is it rational for sexual assault to be treated differently because of gender? Because it looks like you're saying it is.

    Also, your implication that the boy was asking for it and comparing it to an adult providing underaged kids alcohol is disingenuous at best, fucking awful at worst.

    This is black and white, dude. Two teachers fucked a student. That's it. Game over. It's illegal. By saying the boy was asking for it, you are shifting blame onto him instead of the two women that not only violated this boy, but society's trust in educators as a whole.

    This is unequivocally fucked up. But we're living in a society where a statutory rape victim who impregnated his attacker is now forced to pay child support.
  17. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009

    That's more a condemnation of our cultures insane attachment to beauty than any single poster here though.
  18. Frebis

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Until this story came out I never realized that I had rape fantasies.

    Society says it is wrong for a person in power to sleep with a 16 year old. That fact trumps any other animalistic insticts at play. The teachers knew that. This makes them both guilty as fuck. Whether he wanted it or not does not matter.
  19. toddamus

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Somewhere west of New York
    Are you referring to statutory rape fantasies? Kinda a weird comment considering the context of this thread.
  20. Parker

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    Re: 9/19/14 WDT NSFW

    I'm not implying anything, I'm explicitly stating quite a few things. I never said he was "asking for it" because that phrase has a connotation I'm not engaging with. What I am saying is that if he said "Hey teach, how about we have an after school special with this dick?" requires a different line of thinking and legal approach then if it was "Hey student, how about you hit this or I fail you/get you kicked off the team?"

    There has been a lot of conversation of "He couldn't possibly know what he was doing at the age of 16, consequences, ramifications etc." Let's call the knowing of what one is doing sentience for the sake of the discussion.

    What we're saying with this whole "THEY TOOK ADVANTAGE OF HIM!" line of thinking is that at the age of 18 AND graduating, humans achieve sentience, now making their decisions informed, rational and aware of consequences etc. I had to accent that, because I really want everyone to think about it.

    This in a way parallels military age and drinking age. 18 someone can kill a man, but can't decide to have a Redd's Apple Ale? At 16 they can drive a car, but they can't decide to fuck their teacher(s)?

    Is it possible that this line of clarity of thought / sentience / "knowing of what one is doing" moves a bit for different people?

    No one pops up at the age of 18 saying "I get it now! This all makes sense!" It hits different people at different times. Each of us in our personal lives sure as hell know older people who don't have a fucking clue. Is it possible there are people younger that do? The logical answer, of course, is yes.

    Therefore it cannot be a black and white situation.

    Also Nom, with the first big case that came out a few years ago. With the latin kid and the blonde chick. She wasn't attractive, she was average at best. Conversation was still the same. Combined with what Kubla said.

    FYI the teachers are out free on bail, and please play attention to the last sentence.

    That poor, poor child.