Well, he asked for the school to give his number to the other parents. There is a chance that A) The school refused to do this, hiding behind some confidentiality bullshit (they'll say that, even though permission was given, they weren't comfortable giving out his number) and hoping that the situation will go away with the end of the school year, or that B) the other parents aren't that worried about it and decided to not call, again hoping it would just go away. If he REALLY wants a face-to-face with the other parents, I'd suggest talking to the school counselor. Tell the counselor that your daughter (and hell, add that your son is pissed) was traumatized and is really upset, and you want a meeting with the other parents, at the school, with the counselor and maybe even the principal present. Any school counselor worth anything will call the other parents to attempt to set up the meeting, and that should (if they're any kind of parent at all) sufficiently raise their level of caring. If the school counselor refuses to set up the meeting in a timely fashion, take it to the principal, and be insistent. They'll do it just to get you off their case. The added bonus to doing this is you have a mediator/witness at the meeting. You'll have to behave, but if the other parents come off as uncaring or are complete assholes about it, you'll have a witness to their behaviors to back you up if you have to resort to Nett's methods. It is always good to have a witness in case of any he-said/he-said bullshit. I also recommend you DO NOT meet with the kid under any circumstances. That will not end well under pretty much any circumstances. I also wouldn't recommend meeting with the other parents without an impartial witness or mediator. In a situation where things can get tense and turn into your word against theirs, it pays to have someone who can back you up if you need it. Nothing stops them from going to the police and saying you threatened them, except a witness who knows they're full of shit.