Someone ranted or raved about Nabisco's 100 cal pack of Pecan Sandies so I went out and bought some. I can't stop. To who ever it was that posted about them, fuck you and thank you. Also love the chocolate covered pretzels of the same brand and 100 cal packs dealybob. Sweet, salty and crunchy. Yum.
Sweet jesus, these things are addictive. I inattentively gorge myself on these sugar water sticks while playing video games at night and I've been known to take down two dozen in a sitting. And considering they are so god damn cheap, it would be fiscally irresponsible not to binge eat them.
Swedish Fish. I don't buy them anymore because when I have a bag I keep eating them till I make myself feel sick. I can't fucking stop myself. I once bought one of the giant boxes at Costco and ate so many I spent the next day in bed with the worst stomach ache I ever had.
For me it's Thin Mint Girl Scout cookies. Every time I have any at work I get out 4 or 5 and put the package back in my desk drawer. When those are gone I get out 4 or 5 more and tell myself that's all until tomorrow. Repeat until the package is empty. Also, how has nobody mentioned bacon? On more than one occasion when my wife and kids were gone somewhere, I would fry up a package of bacon to eat with dinner and have some left over for the next day. Every time I have eaten just bacon for dinner, nothing else, and eaten the entire 16 oz. package.
I have some seriously strong addictions, and they're a little embarrassing since they're incredibly girly. The first is chocolate. I'm not really a "chocoholic" who wants chocolate cake with chocolate frosting covered in chocolate syrup with a side of chocolate cookies. That would be too much. But, if I go more than a few days without something chocolatey, I won't be able to rest until I've found something. One of the things I hate most about my new neighborhood is the bodega on the corner is just the worst kind of shitty bodega. I don't think they'be restocked anything in years. I got chocolate ice cream there that was freezer burnt and a chocolate bar that was stale when I was having seriously cravings and I was OUTRAGED. The second is soda. Specifically in cans. I'm assuming this is because I've had a can of soda with basically every dinner for as long as I can remember. I rarely have more than one can a day, and it's always with dinner, so it's not like I have Mountain Dew teeth or whatever. But I just need it. I went to Paris for two weeks, ate incredible food, and drank wine all the time because soda was really expensive there. I came back and immediately after getting home I ran to the bodega for a can of Coke because it was all I wanted. A few weeks ago, I decided I was going to try cutting out high fructose corn syrup from my diet. I was buying flavored seltzer for a while, because I thought I could trick myself with something else that's bubbly in a can, but I cracked after only three weeks. The last is shopping. Yeah yeah yeah. But it's bad, especially since I've barely had any money for years. I really don't know what it is, but I just need to shop and buy something new, even if it's like some $5 shirt or magazine. (Although I hate spending money, so it's all sorts of messed up.) Carrying a shopping bag brings the same feeling as a much-needed drink. But it doesn't even have to be for me. I've had internships where I need to pick things up from showrooms or open mail that has clothes or books deliveries in them, and it still brings the same satisfaction. I'm not an alcoholic, I'm not into drugs, I don't smoke cigarettes...but goddamnit if you withheld chocolate from me for more than a few weeks I would probably snap and go on some rampage that would put a crackhead to shame.
The Wendy's Spicy Chicken Sammich. Mother of God. Quite literally the only reason I exercise is so that I can devour these whenever I want, thus making my addiction not as terrible. I'll order two at a time and come back for more later that day. So good.
Its not that odd, but I need coffee in the morning and I'm fussy about it. I haven't gotten to the point of picking beans out of animal poop, but for me it has to be freshly ground. I can't drink pre-ground stuff; store-bought or otherwise. Timmy's is just atrocious. The last time someone bought me Timmy's coffee I took one sip and dumped the rest down the sink. I'm always perplexed that people will sit in a line-up for 20 minutes at the Timmy's drive-thru when for the love of a coffee grinder and a half decent coffee maker you can have freshly ground coffee. I typically drink 4 to 5 cups a day, every day.
Raspberries, blueberries, and green beans. These are the 3 foods that if they are put in front of me or near me, I will eat them all, regardless of the circumstances, how much of them there are, how much I've already eaten, or whatever. I go to the grocery store and buy a pint each of raspberries and blueberries and will devour the entire packages as soon as I get home, no exceptions. Any other food I can have a modicum of restraint or moderation, but not these three.
My apologies for the interruption, but I would like to point out that this is the greatest word I've ever heard.
I am addicted to the sugar free and the low carb (berry flavored) Rock Star energy drinks. I will drink at least one, and sometimes three a day. Also, ice cream. If I buy the pint size cartons I always finish it off in one sitting. I have been known to eat a half gallon in one sitting but it usually takes me two. My favorite is the Publix brand ice cream, but I am also partial to Blue Bell and Eddy's. french fries. When I say that I will not eat the whole order I end up doing so anyway, even at places like Burger King and Wendy's where the fries aren't that good.
Vanilla Cream Dr. Pepper from Sonic or as my little brother and I like to call it: God's Piss. I started drinking these my freshman year in high school ten years ago and I still can't stop. The Sonic in my hometown unfortunately (my body says fortunately) shut down a couple years after I started drinking them and the closest Sonic was 45 miles away in another state. I wish I could say I didn't make an hour and a half round trip for a glorified soft drink, but then I would just be an addict and a liar. In all fairness there wasn't much else to do anyway. The only time I haven't consistently craved this ambrosia was right after I got out of the hospital for pneumonia. And then a few weeks later I ordered one out of habit and back off the wagon I went. In fact I'm drinking one right now. Moving to Oklahoma was one of the worst things I have ever done because Sonics are about as ubiquitous as Glenn Beck fans and meth labs. I just wish I could make them at home. The biggest problem I run into is when the employees mistake the drink order for cream (CRM) as cranberry (CRN). A vanilla cranberry Dr. Pepper is one fucking gross concoct ion.
Spoken for truth. Fla-Vor-Ice has to be one of the most addictive substances out there, food, drug, or otherwise. Runner-up: Sonic's Raspberry Ice Tea. Dear sweet fucking Christ, their Happy Hour is one of the cruelest things to happen to my wallet.
I drink at least four glasses of milk a day. I've loved it since grade school. Sexy shit, huh ladies? "Milk-toast", indeed. Also, at some point of the day I have to consume peanut butter. I'm like Brad Pitt when he played Retard Death in that 3-hour gay movie.
TV I will start a series from the beginning and watch every episode available. I had to stop watching Dr. Who because I had a panic attack after finishing David Tennant's last episode. I also brought my laptop to work so I could hide in the basement and watch the premiere of this season of Weeds. As I type this, I'm watching South Park It's the one where there are too many minorities at the water park. I have no idea how many times I've seen this episode.
Computer games. I'm ready to kill people after 5 days if I don't get my fix. As a consequence, I don't go on many holidays. Championship Manager 4 has been my consistent regular for the last six-and-a-half years Also, Peanut M&M's. This thread is making me think of them. I know a place where I can get almost half a kilogram (that's a pound for you Americans and Canadians) for about $15 - that might last me three days at the peak of my binge. I don't have any now though. Fuck.
Animal crackers. Target has really good plain and chocolate ones. If I didn't stop myself I would probably consume an entire box and gallon of milk in one sitting. Nom nom!
I would blow my brians out if they stopped making these: Spoiler At my peak, I was drinking 4 of these a day for about six months. Keep in mind that they cost $3.45 where I live. Now Im down to two a day but because of my job, there hard to get. When Im back in school though it'll probably be 4 a day habit again. I would seriously drink these even if scientists found that Monster Assault causes testicular cancer.
I can not open a box of Girl Scout Samoa Cookies with out eating myself sick. I thought I was safe since I only had to avoid those little Nazi cookie pushers once a year, but oh no...those Keebler elves have seriously ruined me!
Focus: For the longest time, video games. I can't remember the first games I played all that well, but I do remember it blew into full on addiction when Starcraft first came out. I think I was around 8 years old at the time, and every day I would play it for hours on end. I played that from 1998 until 2004 when I got Halo 2 which I played from 2004 until 2007 when Halo 3 came out. I also remember playing World of War craft for a short period of time during that time frame. I still play Halo, just a fraction of what I used to. I really didn't have many friends during that time period, definitely not until I was almost 17 years old which would have been in 2007. I really didn't mind though, I had friends online who I would play with all of the time and I was content with that for quite a long time. I remember I would come home from school and play whatever game I was getting my fix from for at least 3 hours a day during most of that time period. Too bad some of that time wasn't spent doing something productive.
I love Sun chips as well, especially with a good sandwich and definitely hate the jet engine bag. Gatorade I don't drink water, like at all. I will usually consume a half gallon or more a day depending on how much physical activity I do. I usually buy them BOGO and get them for about $1 a piece, sometimes filling my whole trunk. They are everywhere in my house, always a couple in the fridge and freezer. Before you start nagging me about the health issues like that obese chain smoker that told me my kidneys would fail, don't. My blood pressure is awesome and I always fly through my physicals. Oreos Not those crappy self-sealing packages from your local grocery, oh no. I buy the packages with whole sleeves because they are so much fresher and better tasting. Of course I eat the whole thing and can rarely stop myself once I get going. Luckily I don't get a craving every day...