Anyone else find it funny that the guy who calls himself Kannabis on here is using the word "tomatoes?"
Thats not really all that bad. I have friends that go thru that much per day. Albeit a tid bit lower quality "tomatoes" but still about $75 1/4oz. They save money by going low quality and selling the stuff to pay for their habit. I'm personally not that ballsy
Why not? I hear they are delicious. I forgot to add that I stopped buying shaving cream, I use soap. It's not the same.
Set up a paypal account and see if some of the users will toss a few bucks your way. Maybe a waste of time, but some may be willing. Give them some extra rep points in exchange, people seem to like those.
You provide a service, you get paid. So not necessarily just taking money from people. But that is just me, apparently I am greedy. And on the topic of cheese, during some lean times I had to resort to grating my own. Boy, were those some hard times.
Man, I second this. Use it when you need stuff, too. I moved here with nothing - clothes, books, and two dogs. Zero else. Thanks to the power of Kijiji I outfitted an entire house: two bedrooms, an office, living room, kitchen, all the accessories, etc. for a ridiculously low amount. Plus, people are loons. They'll buy anything, so you can make cash quickly.
I hear you boss. Six months ago my big-ass law firm ran into some trouble, and even us partners had to take a pay cut. For about two months I stayed single, and didn't respond to any of the phone calls from my bevy of college dropouts. It got to the point where I was masturbating to people walking in front of my house. But then I figured out some money-saving tips here. 1. Step down from the blow-whores, and switch to the crack. It's basically the same chemical, so they still fuck like bunnies, but it costs 1/10th the price. You'll be a bit uncomfortable at first, since most of them are black and you might have trouble communicating, but if you're open minded about black people like me then eventually you'll learn the dialect. 2. Take them out on dates to your local post-pub-crawl restaurant. You can usually find a table that still has food on it. 3. If you use condoms (after all, some bitches complain if you don't, amirite?) just grab one from your local college or front lawn (make sure to boil the latter) and after you've kicked her out of the house, put it back on then roll it off. Slide it back into the package with a bit of cooking oil, and fake ripping it open for the next girl. Noone will be the wiser.
I'm the epitome, or very to close, of being the ultimate consumer of non-essential things. I smoke, I drink too much, I love going out for dinner way too much, and I'll go for a drive just for the sake of going for a drive. Meanwhile, I have to almost be forced to buy new clothes or shoes, and I let things break down / waste away long after they need fixing. The things I can most easily give up would likely include TV, milk, eggs, heat in the winter most nights (love the cold), any kind of hair product, and if absolutely forced, online video games. The one thing I'll never be too poor to buy though - the good toilet paper. I cheaped out one time (2 days). NEVER AGAIN.
For a while when I lived in New York I went without cable or internet. I had a smart phone for rudimentary internet and tons of DVDs plus the Virgin stores $10 DVD bins only a few blocks away if I needed something new. Because of where I am now the insanely nice TV I got for Christmas last year picks up virtually every channel in HD over the air, but I still pay for basic cable since Comcast's goofy pricing plans make it cheaper to get cable + internet than just internet. I've also started cooking more so I'm not ordering takeout 4+ times a week. If my financial aid situation works out and I'm able to stay in school my bills will drop to virtually $0. All I'll have is my cell phone bill and some groceries every now and then. Never would have thought that being a fuckup my first time through undergrad would ultimately result in me getting a shot to weather the recession in school and come out with virtually no debt, but if things break my way over the next day or two that will be what happens.
I spent six months without a job last year. I definately learned the value of saving. 1. Plan a budget. Hands down, this will save you money like crazy. 2. Learn to cook. I had to teach myself and I only bought raw ingredients at the store. So no junk food, if I wanted to eat something, I had to cook it, which means I cut down on snacking and lost some weight in the process. In addition, I have access to a military commissary so I did not have to pay sales taxes. 3. I used unsecured Wi-fi from my neighbors, and the apt manager's office (it was a hotspot) 4. I didn't have a TV, so I went to the book store and read books on every subject imaginable and for free. 5. I stopped going out and I rarely drink. I only allowed myself to catch a movie every now and then. 6. I did not buy anything I did not need to survive (DVD's, CD's, electronics) 7. I also kept an eye out for the cheapest gas in the area.
The changes in the last 2 years are outstanding. Rich construction worker - Poor college student. Used to have Dish with every fucking channel imaginable - Don't have any cable at all, only have a tv to watch movies. Ate out 8 times a week - Never EVER eat out. Ever...seriously. Smoked a shit load of weed - Don't really smoke at all. Drank every day - this one is pretty much the same Three bedroom house with lofted ceilings, big yard - Studio apartment, no yard. I guess that's about it. I'm sure there are many more downgrades that have happened, but I probably block them out.
My ex and I always use to go 50/50 and she always encouraged me to "save my money." Very practical, cool girl. So I never seemed to spend nearly as much as other guys. Of course, we still did other cool things for each other all the time that were generally free but from the heart (I made her a music video with pictures of us on our Europe tour) that she loved a lot, for instance. We saved our money by ignoring the petty materialistic gifts so we could travel a lot together. More or less, that was our gift to each other. Anyways, I just stopped going out to eat and learned how to cook. That is a huge money saver, more than I could ever imagine! I stopped going to movies and waited to find a copy online. Same with music. As far as the internet, many of my neighbors had no idea that their network was not password protected. If you can't even PW protect your network, which is so easy, I don't feel bad about jumping on when I need to. I also never had a tv. So all that money saved allowed me to travel quite a few times. I also used the saved money to enjoy good quality beers from time to time and good food. Food is something you should not skimp on. Oh, and speaking of food, not keeping snacks around the apartment saves a lot of money and is good for the weight. The only reason I ate them was because they were around, not even because I was hungry.
I like to keep my hair very short, clippercut as close to the calp as I can. So eventually I realized I could just get a Wahl clipper thing myself and not spend the money at a barber. So it was a $40-$50 dollar investment that saves me ~$20 every 6 weeks or so. When I run out of my current set of razorblades I'm planning to switch to an electric razor. Blades are stupid expensive. Basically I'm looking for ways to turn reocurring purchases into one time investments as best I can. Seems to work well here and there.
Since I already have a pretty big stockpile of razor blades if the rare need to shave comes up I do, otherwise I use my clippers and beard groomer I have ~ $30 to trim my beard down to the lowest the two can handle and then use the razor blades fix up as needed. I've been thinking about getting a straight razor with reloadable cartridges once I'm out of regular razor blades since it might be cheaper.