I have a staff of 12, I don't think any of them are over 25. I've had to fire one in the last 2 years that was a spoiled brat and wouldn't move a finger to help out or do the work aside from the absolute bare minimum. The rest do their jobs, most of the time pretty well. I could care less if they spend half their day on Facebook. If the work gets done when I need it done, it doesn't matter. They work hard and earn their keep. If you have a problem with "Millennials," start surrounding yourself with smarter, better quality people.
I hate that my people continue to come up with fucking retarded names for their children. I hate the fact that we internally continue to perpetuate the idea that someone who doesn't act/dress like a gangsta, gets an education, can speak the English language properly and listens to anything besides rap, hip-hop & RnB is "acting white"; which for the record is the second most racist thing to say to a black person. I hate the fact we never call each other on all the cultural bullshit and internalize "street life" as any form ideal. I hate the fact 90% of the time I see another black dude on the street, there is this challenge mean mugging me until one of us nods or say what's up. I hate the fact that a majority of the female population doesn't participate in fitness or any healthy life habits because it would mess up their hair or nails and need to be "thick." I hate the fact that there are men that perpetuate the previous sentence. I hate the black dudes who fuck fat white girls.
Yes, can you please explain it? I'm always baffled by it. I first saw it in the Work Hard, Play Hard video and thought it was a parody, but nope, its legit. So would you say you hate the player...or the game?
I can honestly say I did not expect such a shit-parade when starting this thread. Focus: all this generational stuff pisses me off. My generation inherited the Bush-era economy, started our job hunt in the worst economic implosion since the Depression, served in two pointless wars that don't provide them with any tangible benefits (all while the VA is now a symbol of scandal and ignoring the series of problems they face). We are also doing less drugs, getting less divorced, lowered teenage pregnancy, drinking less and experiencing a historic collapse in violence, discrimination and substance abuse. We are more likely to go to school, work during high school, be literate and vote than any generation in our nation's brief history. It's the same problem I have with a lot of older people: you have had a job, a house, a car and a financial bubble so long that you forgot what life was like without those things. Trying to establish yourself now is much harder now that the cost of education (and the number of jobs that require it) has skyrocketed, the availability of jobs that pay a living wage has gone down, the housing market that imploded which effectively rock-and-a-hard-places us out of consideration for most loans. It was bad that your nest egg imploded in 2008, but it's not the same as trying to claw out of a hole with that burden. I have gone across continents and into some true shitholes for an opportunity to contribute, earn my keep and serve other people (including my country). The next middle-aged twat waffle that suggests I am lazy, entitled or ignorant gets smothered to fucking death in a cheap nursing home.
Anti-Focus: People can whine about gun culture all they want. But its not all nutjob rednecks threatening minorities as they media would have you believe.
My biggest irritation with current American culture is the following: Ignorance. It's like we celebrate it and compete in it full time in this country. I don't think Americans are stupid, at all, actually. But the amount of time we focus as a society on really small things while ignoring the large issues right in front of us baffles and irritates me beyond belief.
Even the jobs requiring significant investment in education aren't paying well enough that one can afford to live, eat, and pay student loans.
And then you hear bitching about how 'kids these days live with their parents until they're 30, and when i was starting out, I started with NOTHING, yadda yadda yadda' Bitch please. Most of these kids WISH they were starting with nothing, instead of at negative tens of thousands.
I talked before about my daughter and school and all that. She's decided to take a year or two and just...be a grown up for a bit. She's found a job that will pay rent and utilities and give her the opportunity to work more and make more money, and she's well above minimum wage. I'm happy for that. She and I talked about being super super young and going into ridiculous debt, and she decided that sounds kinda shitty. Yeah. The debt these young adults are incurring is colossal.
By 2015 they say the average USA college student will graduate over $24,000 in debt. That's no way to send a young person into the working world.
I hate this trend in our culture where everything a celebrity does that's moderately funny is hailed as the best thing ever. It seems every other Buzzfeed article is celebrating the most mundane thing a celeb does. I remember when Emma Stone did that lip sync bit on Jimmy Fallon. She did a pretty good job lip syncing. And the internet collectively shot its load in praise of her ability to mouth the words to a song. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/04/29/emma-stone-lip-syncs-with-jimmy-fallon_n_5231903.html http://www.rollingstone.com/movies/...llon-in-tonight-show-lip-sync-battle-20140429 Jennifer Lawrence seems like a cool girl. And she is pretty. So are millions of other girls, yet we need a million lists explaining just how amazing she is. http://www.buzzfeed.com/tommywes/times-in-2013-jennifer-lawrence-proved-she-was-master-of. Look, I get that as a society, we've decided to put celebrities on a pedestal. I'd love to live in a world where millions of people turned into an awards ceremony for teachers and social workers, but I accept that this is just not the case. I just wish we didn't need to keep creating this whole complex where we are in awe of the fact that Jennifer Lawrence burped once on the red carpet. She's a human being, as are all other celebrities. We don't need to lose our shit when they act like normal human beings. And it goes without saying we don't need to act like jackals when they screw up like normal human beings.
I hate that many matters of fact have become matters of political disposition. Daniel Patrick Moynihan once said "You are entitled to your own opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts." That, unfortunately, is not how many factual matters are interpreted today. There are an astounding number of matters of statistics and science today that are considered up for debate because the person "doesn't really agree with that belief" or something to that effect, as if science or math gives a shit whether you find it palatable.