This! A-fucking-men this! When the majority of the scientific comunity is in agreement I don't give a fuck about your opinion of the facts. I have seen so many jack ass politicians and news show host attempt to refute scientific evidence by starting their statement with "I'm not a scientist, but..." No! Fuck you! You are done talking now! There are mounds of evidence supporting global warming, evolution, the benifits of vaccination, but people want to argue this shit. I don't give a fuck what your political party says, your particular religions says, or what your favorite celebrity has to say. I will continue listening to people with masters and doctrates who spend their entire proffesional lives in the pursuit of knowledge. Hell sometimes they only study this one fucking subject that you are trying to debate. But you some how know more because you read a few newspaper articles and watched a special on Fox News? Go fuck your self my college English essays are better researched.
This! A-fucking-men this! When the majority of the scientific comunity is in agreement I don't give a fuck about your opinion of the facts. I have seen so many jack ass politicians and news show host attempt to refute scientific evidence by starting their statement with "I'm not a scientist, but..." No! Fuck you! You are done talking now! There are mounds of evidence supporting global warming, evolution, the benifits of vaccination, but people want to argue this shit. I don't give a fuck what your political party says, your particular religions says, or what your favorite celebrity has to say. I will continue listening to people with masters and doctrates who spend their entire proffesional lives in the pursuit of knowledge. Hell sometimes they only study this one fucking subject that you are trying to debate. But you some how know more because you read a few newspaper articles and watched a special on Fox News? Go fuck your self my college English essays are better researched.