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I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell

Discussion in 'Pop Culture Board' started by apex22, Oct 19, 2009.

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  1. MrPrime

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 22, 2009
    I just watched it and I got the same feeling as everyone else. The movie had the potential to be awesome, the jokes were good, the many of the scenes were well written and acted, but something about the pace felt wrong. Almost like it was the first movie someone had made....wait a minute.

    I really do think if Tucker and Nils had another chance to do a movie, they would overcome all the problems that cropped up and produce a fantastic movie.

    Final Verdict - Awesome first movie, but it needs some experience injected into it
  2. Nettdata

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    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
    I thought the movie was a 6/10, but only because of the backing provided by my investment in the TMMB message board and the behind the scenes insight during the build-up. It's like when I was an extra in Needful Things... you know too much about the movie to really approach it objectively. So I don't try to.

    Mind you, call me crazy, but I'd totally bang that midget.

    I really don't want to know what that means about my outlick on life.

    I'm an equal opportunity employer, and willing to give everyone a chance?
  3. johnnychase

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 23, 2009
    Suggested reading material for aspiring filmmaker, Tucker Max: There was a guy named Blake Snyder who wrote probably the best book on screenwriting of all time, called "Save the Cat." The reason he calls it that is because one of the most important elements of a film is that the audience absolutely must like the main character or at least be able to identify with him/her enough to care what happens. The "Save the Cat" reference is linked to some heroic effort or any redeeming act that humanizes the character and makes us care about the lead. Usually it happens in the first ten pages of a script. It never happened in this movie.

    This whole "artistic" endeavor was mental masturbation for Tucker. Apparently he really bought into his own act that he's the greatest thing since sliced bread. The trailer sucked, I called it and was red dotted to hell on his now defunct message board. The movie sucked just as hard as the trailer did. I can say that I didn't laugh out loud or even chuckle once. I couldn't help but think how unlikeable the lead character was the entire time I was watching it. He has zero redeemable qualities.

    It's not the worst film I've seen, but it's definitely the worst I've seen in the last year. Was it a comedy? A drama? It failed at both. Where was the fucking plot? If these characters were at least going somewhere or had some important mission, then maybe I'd have cared what happened to them. That Drew guy can fuck right off, waxing on about a pancakewich. Tucker thinking he's just so smart and witty and that by being an intelligent asshole he's got the world by the balls- who cares? Would someone please donkey punch this guy? And the other guy, Dan, marrying an annoying chick and having no balls to stand up to his "friend" Tucker, who the fuck cares? He could've died of an epileptic seizure 2/3 of the way into the film and it wouldn't have mattered as I had no interest in what his character did one way or the other.

    Ok, fucking a midget ended up to be like a big catalyst into the 3rd act of this film. I get it, midgets are funny. By that logic, watching an average sized douche bag fuck one should be hilarious. Oh right, I'm not 13 years old anymore. Ditto on the Magic Johnson and Scott Peterson jokes. Tucker, you missed the mark by close to a decade.

    Where was the art department and wardrobe? Tucker wearing a 99 cent white t-shirt is supposed to convey what? That he has no sense of style? I'll buy that.

    The best performance of this movie came from Tracii Lords, right until her well traveled anus goes into fits. Now if you want to tell me that any of that actually happened, again I'm not 13 years old anymore. Oh and visine doesn't give you the shits. Thanks,

    The shit scene was way, way overdone. If the movie had ended with Tucker dying of shitting his guts out, I'd have laughed. It might have been the perfect climax to this abomination.

    Don't even get me started on the wedding speech. You mean to tell me that happened in real life? Sure, man. He'd have gotten about 2 minutes into that speech before someone would've put Tucker into a full nelson and escorted him off the premises. Which brings me to the fact that Tucker is not nearly physically imposing enough to be that much of a tool in public. If he'd have walked around with black eye for 90% of the film, then I might believe that some of this stuff actually happened.
  4. Nettdata

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    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
    So, what... you're giving it a 6.5 out of 10?

    I could see that.
  5. Ferris

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 22, 2009
    Saskatoon, SK, Canada
    Just watched it last night. Talk about over promising and under delivering. Frankly, this was not a good movie. Watchable, yes, but not good. The lighting and camera work was mediocre at best. The main character had no redeaming qualities, the dialogue was forced, and the delivery was off. I do not remember a single quotable funny joke from this movie, and chuckled maybe a couple times.

    This was supposed to be somewhat of a realistic movie. But no one who is as physically unimposing as Tucker and Drew could speak the way they do in this movie without getting beat up or straight up shanked. The insults were cringe worthy ("I'm gonna carve you a new fuckhole?" Who the fuck says that to a woman at a bar without getting kicked out, or beaten?). And the pancakewich spiel taken line by line from a message board post was just bad. Any normal human would tell a guy going off into such a rant to shut the fuck up. Like SBSam mentioned, nothing in this movie seemed real.

    The only character I liked was the stripper (looked amazing) , and Drew became somewhat of a human being after meeting her. Other than that, Tucker could have drowned in a pool of his own shit and I would not sympathize.

    I really hoped the critics were wrong about this movie, read the production blog, and was thoroughly excited to see this movie. I now honestly believe you have to be brain dead to believe this movie was better than the Hangover. The people in the screening videos were obviously pumped up by the experience more than the movie itself.

  6. sublime

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    I watched it on my shitty laptop screen from a random website while lying in bed this morning. I thought it was a good not great movie that had a nice ending scene and the way I watched it was perfect. I would have been very disappointed seeing it in theators.
  7. recklessartist

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    Should still be lurking

    Oct 22, 2009
    ... Seriously? I guess on the internet at least you can E-punch me still. Oh well. as you were.
  8. Clutch

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    People keep saying stuff like this even though they spent an entire scene addressing it. You know, the one where (the more imposing) Dan stands up to fight the bartender who wants to kick Tucker's ass. Hell, it's the main theme of the movie. What do you think the fiance is bitching about when she says that Dan is always cleaning up Tucker's shit?

    That said, it was an awful movie. It was like watching the pilot of a stand-up comedian's first sit-com. Every joke they ever did gets shoved in just for the sake of the comedian's ego.
  9. Subito

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 25, 2009
    Drew ruined this movie for me. I didn't have a problem with the lighting or audio that seemed to bother some people, and I thought the relationship between Tucker and Dan was actually decent. However, every one of Drew's lines was a forced one-liner and it got to the point where I would cringe before he even started talking. He had no real dialogue. Maybe some of it seemed funny on paper, and he did have a few funny jokes, but so much of it was just painful to listen to.
  10. goodfornothing

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    This is exactly what I thought. Never did Drew's jokes come off well -- and that was the entirety of his talking -- forced jokes.
  11. Supertramp

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    That's what I thought, but after watching the movie with a couple of friends I realized that those two (who didn't have any knowledge of Tucker Max, RMMB or the movie) enjoyed Drew and laughed loudly at his jokes.

    The script had it's problems, there always are, but Drew seems to be pretty hate-him/love-him to me.
  12. Guy Fawkes

    Guy Fawkes
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Nor'east USA

    There wasn't enough good to make me forget the bad.

    The interaction between the three main characters was mostly unfunny and unbelievable. The movie slowed to a crawl when they first found the strip club too. I almost stopped watching at that point because of how slow it got. The banter between all the strippers and the guys leading up to Drew meeting the "Gamer Stripper" was a waste of time. We already know Drew is a dick to women because of his interactions with the bachelorette party girls. Plus his "wit" and barbed responses weren't as funny at that point because you expected it.

    This movie is compared to the Hangover for some reason and while I'd give the Hangover a mere 6.5/10 the biggest differences for me between the two were the introduction of other characters that could carry part of the movie so that the back-n-forth between the main characters didn't have a chance to get stale. IHTSBIH had too much focus on the three guys and over the course of an hour plus their schtick got old.
  13. Wage Slave

    Wage Slave
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    Village Idiot

    Dec 7, 2009
    The Murder Mitten
    I finally got the chance to see it last weekend. All I can say is "wow, what a fucking disappointment." Perhaps, as Nettdata suggested, the time I spent on the RMMB spoiled the freshness of the material, but overall it seemed forced and trite. This was horribly disappointing, only because I expected so much more, and like many others, thought that this would somehow be a revolutionary comedy. Granted, there were a few times (very few) that I chuckled, but mostly I found myself cringing. I remember the only part I laughed at was when Drew threw the crumpled dollar at the stripper and said "Dance, Monkey!". I was waiting for those rapid-fire, razor-tongued exchanges (a la "Clerks") that everyone believed would take place; only to find awkward, unbelieveable dialogue.

    I understand that Tucker/Nils wanted to maintain their "vision" by independently producing this, but I can't help wonder what would've happen if this had been turned over to a major studio for their input.

    4/10 for me.

    (***In addition, I know it's been discussed some, but Tucker's sudden disappearance/dissolution of Rudius just seemed odd and coincidentally timed with the fallout of this movie...of which I'd love to know more about)
  14. Beefy Phil

    Beefy Phil
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
  15. Muses

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    I'm kind of confused by the huge disparity in reviews between here and on Tucker's old board. I remember reviews on the RMMB generally being positive, with most people only citing the problems showing up in everyone's bashing reviews here as minor critique. Now - with more or less the same group of people, just on a different Tucker-free board - opinions seem to be flipped. Each review I read in this thread seems to be more negative and bashing than the last.

    I saw it with three friends on the movie tour. Two of them had read the book, the other one had never heard of Tucker Max before (we're all college guys, aged 18-20). More than once during the movie I couldn't even hear what was going on because the audience was laughing too hard. As we walked out of the theater the four of us unanimously agreed that it was the funniest movie we'd seen in a long time.

    I haven't seen any of the movie again since then besides some commercials and the trailer... and some of the more hateful reviews here made me wonder if I was "wrong" about how I liked the movie. Of course this is silly - some critiques did make me notice flaws I missed in retrospect, but I definitely liked it when I left the theater. I liked it a lot.

    I'm sure Tucker and his friends being around to pump the crowd up and get us laughing before the movie started, not to mention the swag bags, helped make everybody that much more receptive to the movie. Now on this board, though, I think maybe the opposite effect is taking hold. Go back through this thread and count the number of people who said something to the effect of "I saw it in theaters/on the movie tour with my friends and loved it, then I read this thread and watched it again and it wasn't nearly as good." Maybe it's really just not nearly as funny the second time... or maybe it's just a lot less funny when you go into it looking for the awkward, unrealistic, or amateurishly-filmed parts (which I will admit are definitely there to some extent).

    It's already way too late for me to be anything approaching objective about IHTSBIH, but when it comes out on DVD tomorrow I will be buying it. And I'm sure as shit not going to watch it on my laptop with this thread minimized in the background - I'm going to see it on a wide-screen TV with a nice sound system, with a few friends and a case of beer. The way you'd watch American Pie, Wedding Crashers, or any other movie about getting drunk and trying to touch some titties. I don't know if I'll like it as much the second time, but I'm definitely going to watch it in a setting where I can appreciate it the way I did the first time.

    I'll never have a "fresh" perspective on IHTSBIH, so fuck it. I'd rather be a fanboy than a hater.
  16. Uno

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    Experienced Idiot

    Nov 10, 2009
    Calgary, Ab
    As you said, a part of it has to be an issue of how people saw it.

    The reviews from the old board were people who had seen it on the tour, which as has been said, was more of the experience than the movie. Now, it is people watching on DVD and downloading, without the huge build-up before the movie, and Q&A afterwards. It'd make a huge difference on peoples impressions of the movie.

    I found more humor in the video clips from each premier than the movie itself. Mind you, I also though the trailers for the movie were awful, amateurish, and unfunny, so I am a tad biased.
  17. Beefy Phil

    Beefy Phil
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Or, both sets of reviews are products of fickle mob mentalities and are therefore generally devoid of objectivity.
  18. redbullgreygoose

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    Oct 19, 2009
    I know I stayed true to the one I posted on Rudius. But tucker also ripped into me for it. I think it was mainly because at the time I wrote it the movie was bottoming out at like $7.50 a screen. It was also only a couple days before he shut down the board. Anyways, It'll be interesting to see how the DVD does now that it's out today. I agreed with Tucker's marketing plan of making a good product, advertising it to a select group and letting word of mouth take care of the rest. It was obviously a failure. But I'd say the failure wasn't with the marketing plan, it was with the product.

    My two cents
  19. Frebis

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Holy shit, Amazon already sold all ten printed copies!!!!

    But seriously, I'm going to Best Buy immediately after work to see if I can snag a copy. I'm crossing my fingers they actually have this shit.
  20. Currer Bell

    Currer Bell
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    When I was in Blockbuster on Sunday, there were cards showing they had six copies, but they had all been rented.

    I saw it at the College Park premiere and liked it alot, as did my husband who only knew about Tucker Max through my occasional blatherings. I'm planning to rent it this weekend and if it is as good in the second viewing, I may purchase it to show my support as previous posters have mentioned.
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