I thought that if the movie had remained truer to the book stories it would have been much better and allowed Tucker's character to save face: Spoiler When Dan is in jail, calls Tucker and he answers while fucking the midget, or shortly after, he posts bail. The two go out and get their drinks spiked, back to the hotel where the entire 'rhino dump' ensues. Would've made Tucker a much more likeable character and avoided the awful anti-climactic scene at the end.
To Tucker's credit, the DVD appears to be doing way better than the theatrical release. It's been between 20th and 30th positions of the highest selling comedy DVDs and Blu-Rays for both movies and television, and has already spent 14 days in the top 100. In fact, it's selling better than other comedy films that made significantly more at the box office. I'm happy for the guy. That being said, based on the statistics, there's no way it ever comes close to moving 2 million units.
I honestly think that being a RMMB board member spoiled it for me. I pretty much knew everything that was coming. I heard for so long that the movie was the greatest thing ever put on tape, and when I saw it for the first time today via On Demand PPV my reaction was "meh." Drew let loose a few funny lines. The shit scene was more nauseating than funny. Tucker kept saying how it was important for the Tucker character to be likable, and I never felt that way. It was worth the 6 bucks I paid to see it, but I don't plan on buying the DVD.
Anyone know if there is a way to track dvd sales? Or at least Amazon sales? From what I've read on here (and what I've heard from a few friends), I wouldn't be surprised if it sold well enough on dvd for a sequel. I know Tucker mentioned that it was depressing after the tour was over hearing fans come up to him and not knowing there was a movie out. I'd imagine (this is only a guess) that the negative reviews the movie has gotten have still gotten the word out to those unknowing fans who were going to check out the movie anyway. I would like nothing more than to see these guys get a second chance at a movie. I thought their first attempt was respectably good, all things considering. And if Tucker learned some lessons, the sequel could be incredible.
A couple of my roommate's friends are in my apartment right now, and they just saw my IHTSBIH pint glass I got at the premiere. When I told them where I got it, they both said, "There was a movie? Is it new?" They both read the book and said they loved it, neither had any clue a movie has come out. It's been discussed tons of times, but there's just another example of how bad a job was done of getting word out about the movie. Hopefully the DVD does well, I would definitely like to see a sequel. By the way, I told them the movie was ok, not great, but it's worth checking out.
I had no idea the DVD released. I was in BestBuy for over an hour yesterday while they were doing an install on my truck and spent a fair amount of time in the DVD section and never saw it. I'll put it in my Netflix queue and get around to seeing it eventually.
If you look in the comments you'll see that the final paragraph was directly taken from Wikipedia. Secondly, this has been up for 3 weeks and Tucker never mentioned it. These two things make me skeptical. If it's real, I'd actually be interested in seeing it just because I'm intrigued as to how it would turn out. (edit) Maybe since it's just the rights to the adaptation and not a total greenlight yet, Max hasn't mentioned it. The guy who is producing it seems to have made some statements in the comments section here. As for the movie, I watched it 2 weeks ago. Never really got into it. It wasn't that the jokes were forced, it's that they just landed off the mark. I felt like there wasn't any wit put into it. The thought just seemed to be "This line is so offensive, it's great!" Ok, but offensive doesn't necessarily equate into humorous. 3 out of 10 for me. And I'm guessing a lot of people were comparing it to The Hangover. You have a movie about three guys running around at a bachelor party being debaucherous. It's the Dante's Peak / Volcano effect (or The Prestige / The Illusionist). It's just bound to happen. If you're a casual movie-goer watching the trailers of each movie, one definitely drew you in more. As for marketing, I was out of the country. Despite that I did see some banner ads on Fark and a couple TV commercials during a college football game.
Excuse me while I put on a robe and slippers and throw another log on the fire. The douchechills coming off this sentence are cutting right to the bone. The New York theater scene is hysterical. All the ego and hubris of Hollywood with a dash of self-congratulatory "struggling artist" snobbery to taste.
I haven't watched the film since the premiere, so after reading the negative reviews, you fuckers actually had me second-guessing my initial take a little bit, and how much of that was due to my mood at the time. Well, I got the DVD, and watched it a second time, and...I stand behind what I wrote. Funny comedy, slightly better than the Hangover, and a 71/100 on my film list account. There were definite flaws in the work, like the sound, editing, and overall presentation of the scenes. The transitions and punchlines just didn't have the same build and atmosphere they do in comedies with higher production values. And yes, some of Drew's lines were clunkers, and Matt was on the wrong side of the annoying douchebag/charming asshole border a few times, but overall, they were more than outweighed by the positives. I'm actually surprised at how overly critical some of the feedback is, considering how lenient reviews of other comedies on here and the old board generally were. Don't get me wrong; the critique is generally valid, it's just that I felt the film succeeded in spite of its weaknesses. (I could list a bunch of negatives in "The Hangover" too, but it was a funny, quality film regardless) Some of the scenes were genuinely very funny and amusing, Dan was excellent, Drew was good overall, and Matt did a decent job in key scenes. The dialogue, while occasionally too wordy and unrealistic (there's a huge difference between the way one writes and how people talk in real life), was also amusing and had a certain style to it. If you want to get technical, I think Tucker often wrote lines channeling how he HIMSELF would talk, rather than how Matt's version of himself would, which made his performance a more difficult one. I liked the fast pacing, I enjoyed the same absurdity, jokes, and friendly banter that was present in the book and on the site, and the interactions with women were particularly good. There was also a real spirit of fun in certain parts, which is what I also enjoyed about "The Hangover".
I saw it last night On Demand. The directing, acting, soundtrack, and technicals seemed okay to me. The writing(character, plot, and dialogue) was just awful. It appeared as if some average cocky party-going college kid got greenlit to write a movie about himself. The only time I laughed was when Tucker grabbed the mic at the wedding from the real Tucker Max and called him Slingblade. Because he was making fun of himself. But I'm sure the wider audience didn't catch that. It's like they were influenced from other good movies and made the associations less funny--(Drew-closet Serial Killer a la Patrick Bateman, deaf girl a la In the Company of Men, visine shitting a la Wedding Crashers). It was really cool how Tucker and Nils shared the process with us on the old board and I was rooting for them too. I mean, fuck, didn't they say they were working on the script for 4 years and had done ten rewrites. Maybe they should have sold the rights to a couple of seasoned comedy screenwriters to give it a third party perspective and polish.
Max also said: ' I think this could be really cool. I mean what is better than beer, stripper poles and hot naked chicks? Now, mix them all up, make it funny, and put it on stage? ' Yeah.
Finally received the dvd yesterday and got to watch it a second time with my fiance's brother. Unlike it seems like the majority of people here, there was nothing I noticed during the second viewing that I didn't catch during the first. However, the second time around I actually liked the pancakewhich rant. It still should have ended up on the cutting room floor (and they should have made it sound less pre-meditated), but it was funny. Speaking of that, some of the outtakes were absolutely hilarious, and I have no clue why they didn't make it in. The "Logan Fratty" scene was one of the best, in my opinion, and the scene with the cops playing cards was great as well. The movie is incredibly watchable, I am glad to have it in my collection. I just really, really wish there was a commentary track to go along with it. I don't think you have to be a fan of Tucker Max to be a fan of this material, and I bet the dvd sells, well. I don't think this will be a cult classic, but the improvements they can make if they get to make more movies could make the series flat-out awesome.
A bunch of my fratty friends rented the dvd last night. Two of them thought it was okay (big fans of the book), the rest thought it was a piece of shit. They said the funniest parts were the first bar scene with Dawes, but really thought the Pancakewich scene was awful. Honestly, I just thought it was regular shitty, but the opinions around my parts seem way worse.
Upon a third viewing, Drew's lines were mostly forced, and the DVD was abysmal, for all the shit Tucker talked. After how much he let us in on the process of making the movie, I was hoping for WAY more than just a "Deleted Scenes" special feature. I mean... Seriously? That's it? After all the shit talk about "revolutionary film making", after all the talk about inside access... 3 or 4 more "inside the movie" features could have made it a best seller, no joke. But instead, he chose to give the fans garbage. Deleted scenes. As if we gave a fuck. Maybe if there was a commentary, or a gag reel, or a making-of, you stupid sonofabitch. I wanted to like this movie, you cocksucker. You made it unworthy of liking, when it could have been great. Fuck you, Tucker. Fuck you in the goat ass.