I resolve to: -exercise regularly -find a job That's about it. I'm truly happy with the majority of my life. I just graduated, so it is time to put on my big girl pants and find a real job. The exercising thing is about getting back my old habits and not letting laziness interfere with my goals. Happy 2012 y'all!
Comming from a farmer, that movie was complete bullshit. That bitch may only make 20k a year but that's after ALL her bills are paid off, phone, truck, insurance, utilities, mortgage etc. Essentially out of that $20k all she has to buy is groceries and clothes, which is a write off anyways coe tax time. Don't belive everything you see folks. Monsanto does so many good things overall for farmers that sueing a theif for trying to undercut them is justified. If it wasn't for Monsanto I as well and countless other wouldn't have had the oppurtunity to join 4-H.
Completely agree with you. I made a fuckton in sales, but couldn't have been more miserable the last 5 years or so of that part of my career. Making a major career change that started at 46 was a bit scary at first, but I am so glad I did. I'm a whole lot happier today, a lot less stressed and feel useful, and that's had a positive effect in every other area of my life. You're never too old.
See that, motherfuckers?!? WAS. He WAS 46. I'm 46 NOW. And therefore, not the oldest person here. But I am going to try to eat healthier and smoke less, and exercise more as it gets warmer...
I find that most people who proclaim, "Money isn't everything!" are the ones who are at least comfortable in their financial situation. Personally, 80% of my stress would be reduced if I earned 30% more money. This year, I've decided, is going to be a Sort Through The Bullshit year. Sort out whatever this intimacy disorder is, pick a city that I really want to live in and get everything under control financially. Tall order, yes, but aim high, I say.
Pretty simple...or so I think: Get my priorities straight. Learn the shit I need to learn. Find a girl worth spending time with and pursue. Eat healthier.
I've always agreed with and been of the mind that New Years Resolutions are a bit stupid and blustery and short of harmful habits you really are committed to eradicating, then its just more clutter on my social media and at the gym. However, I do think it is a good opportunity to evaluate things you wouldn't mind focusing on moving forward. So in that vein, I gave it a bit of thought. I was relatively happy with my 2011 and it ended pretty well, so there is nothing game changing, just things to refine. 1) Finish my masters strongly. I'm scheduled to graduate around Thanksgiving after fall quarter, so the end is in sight, but I've just gotten burned out by the whole experience and am just ready to be done with it. I have a great GPA till this point, so I want to finish strong, keep that relatively unblemished, and keep my overall momentum on the other side. 2) Keep eating better. Not that I ever ate terribly, and am more healthy than most of my friends/roommates, but I've gotten to know my body and what works for me better and I want to keep it up. I've wasted alot of work and effort at the gym by not eating right and I don't want that to continue. 3) With girls, and to a lesser extent friends, learn to fold a losing hand sooner. I've pursued girls too long, wasting time and effort on girls who weren't giving the same in return. Trying for 2 weeks to set up a date when the girl doesn't seem to give a damn. No more. If they show me something, then its a different story, but I'm done catering to attention whores and flakes, regardless of how good the initial interaction was. Same with some of my lesser friends. I like hanging out with you, but if I'm constantly going out of my way to set stuff up and you can't be bothered to even come to my neck of the woods to pre-game or for a party, then I'm probably better off spending my time elsewhere. For the first time, I have a good idea of who I want to be and how to position myself coming into a new year. Something that both excites and worries me.
Fuck. Yes. Will my bank forgive my loans and debt because I'm "following my dream"? Will my rent be cheaper? Is there a "non-sellout" tax return I can file that will get me enough to not be miserable? Then everyone shut up and let me do my job i tolerate and make enough to be happy when I'm not there. The only people who say money isn't everything are the ones who have enough that it's no longer a real thing, and more of an idea now. I actually joined a gym, and got an e-cig. My gym is literally 45 steps from my store, and i don't hate the staff. as far as the e-cig, I'm not sure. I'm trying to tie the two together, since wheezing through a 2 mile jog and then smoking on the way home is too dumb, even for me.
Killed another hooker already... Jesus man it's only Jan 4, have some restraint. My resolution is to not give a fuck about shit I cannot control. So far, so good.
Jeez, I don't think anyone is saying that they'd all rather be earning so little money that they are drowning in debt or rent. When people say "money isn't everything" they don't usually mean "it's better to be poor and stressed out about finances every day than it is to be rich and stressed out about your job every day." There's a happy medium. A whole lot of people could be financially comfortable making a lot less than they're earning now, with a lot less stress and time spent at work. That's all. It's not rocket science. I've always approached my jobs with that attitude, and at different times in my life I have been both very comfortable and pretty broke. When I was broke, sure, I was trying to find ways to earn a few more bucks to reduce my financial stress - but I didn't decide to pursue $100,000+/year jobs (even though in my field of tech, that's not out of the question depending on how hard you want to work).
I have 2 resolutions: 1. Lose 25 lbs. 2. Learn to make some passable sushi. There was only one place around here that made good stuff and they fucking closed. I think I have #1 down OK. If anyone could pass on any helpful hints on #2, I'd appreciate it.
I was going to resolve to be less randomly spiteful and petty, but instead I'm going to ratchet up this psuedo-beef way farther. If you like gentle ribbing directed at a b-list celebrity who'll never see it, by all means follow the twitter account at my signature.
My resolution is to stop making snide comment about people based on their level of education. I say things before I think and end up sounding like a pretentious asshole. Added to that, I need to stop insulting the catholic school I went to just because only 4 of the 30 people I was in class with ended up going to a university. Community college and McCann Business school count as degree programs.
Aren't you a part time secretary that lives with your parents? Perhaps you should look at your own education choices and where they have gotten you. Two resolutions: 1. be the best boyfriend I can be to my girlfriend. 2. Do more things that make me happy, and stop participating in activities I'm not fond of just because my friends are doing it. Yes, people in their late 20s can be peer pressured also. edit 3. Stop judging people because they live with their parents well past the time when society deems it normal.
This is my main big one. I can afford it but I want to do it without roommates and I need to kill around six grand in credit card debt. beyond that continue losing weight, im down 10-ish lbs but kinda stalled. 90ish to go!
Stop making snarky comments with my friends about the really young, sheltered, or just plain bonehead people in our class. We do it all the time. A professor even laughs at our snarky comments regarding a Justin Bieber look-a-like. But, I'm really not funny, and it's pretty unprofessional. I need to keep it inside before I get in trouble at a clinical or something. Take the stairs. Apartment is on the third floor. School is on the fifth. Both are easily doable and take about as much time to walk as to ride. I'm always in a "hurry" so I take the elevator, and I feel lazy for taking it. Stop drinking diet cokes. I got in a bad habit this semester of drinking them for the caffeine. (I hate coffee).