No seriously, what the fuck is this bullshit? If I wanted to snort glue, google turtle pics and talk about My Little Pony, I'd go to 4chan.
Isn't that what you think about just about everything 'sack? How many times a day do you think you throw fag into a conversation? The wonder bread truck just went by, it's so gay!
I prefer banana peels, but hey, if you really want to sting your dickhole with citrus juice, good for you. Make that tangy little bitch take it right below the navel.
He originally found this one, but then opted to keep it for his own pleasure later on... NSFW pic is not for the squeamish. Seriously. Spoiler No. Really. It's bad enough that I just made a new tag so I could call it "really not safe for work" and bury it one more level.[rnsfw][/rnsfw]
You know, I still don't even the story behind the hairbrush. I keep reading these fucked up hairbrush jokes, but I am out of the loop.