Says the man whose avatar and signature combine to form a personal ad for a mostly-straight guy looking for a quick sniff-n-pump with an older bear-type.
Any guy that likes fucking other guys, or sucking other guys is gay. How can you even debate that? That is not "fooling" around. Oh, and smoking weed is no excuse. I have smoked alot of weed, and I have never had the desire to go near another girl's ass with a hairbrush.
I think what determines homosexuality in these situations is whether or not you enjoyed the homosexual act. That being said, the only thing I can picture is Ballsack scraping a man's ass crack with a hairbrush while giggling hysterically. Edit: Devil's Advocate kind of beat me to it, but whatever.
Gay = Extremely predominately attracted to members of the same gender. Some men are predominately attracted to women but like occasionally fooling around with a guy they find at the gym. Or on Craigslist. Or in the Navy. If you don't believe that a guy could be predominantly into women but still want the occasional dick, I don't really know what to tell you. Go out in a different part of town? Surf different websites? You'll also find a large percentage of men who are into pre-op transsexual women, i.e., those who still have penises. This men are also by and large mostly on the heterosexual side of things. Just because you ignore or disbelieve them doesn't mean they don't exist.
Or sometimes, Priests. Or prisoners. But never both, because the Catholic Church has no idea what you're talking about, what scandal?
You might wanna check again. The "What Do I Call This Sissy" guide has gone through a few recent revisions.
The important question is: What became of the hairbrush? Does Sack have it in his nightstand table, and caress himself with it before sleep?