Well, I'm done. Tomorrow I'm going to a surprise bday party and for some unknown reason they have hired a belly dancer. Weirdos.
Maybe the original C&H will show it better. My crude Gimping skills don't convey the obviously subtle nuance.
Does anyone else marvel that the innocuous phrase, "I saw a turtle" and a cute accompanying photo morphed into a discussion about latent homosexuality and what does/does not constitute gay in less than five pages? Complete with a passive/aggressive mod fight!
I am not good at making things rhyme, so I'll give you the best turtle video of all time: (Sound is NSFW, but if you're at home or have headphones, turn it up. It's hilarious)
I really want to know what happened when the guys from the hairbrush incident the next day. Ballsack, what was the fallout from the hairbrush insertion.
A suicide bomber runs into a pet shop and screams, 'You've all got 30 seconds to get out before I pull the chord' The turtle at the back shouts 'You bastard!'