Of course not, I'm neither the leader of the free world nor living in a castle. And I don't have a single pony to my name.
I'd shapeshift myself into a giant scrote and make you wear me as a visor. Then when you had enough of smelling my old balls, I'd transform into a sheet of ballskin that would suffocate you. Like a huge bat wing. But made of balls. Eat my ball skin. Whore.
Mind control, of course. Use your abilities to quickly work your way up through the Illuminati and Jewish Banker cabal that we all know controls the world, then usurp their power using your tremendous force of will. The Rothschild family will give away their entire fortune to you at a single whim. At this point, you would become Supreme Overlord of the world, using your vast political and economic networks to rule the world with an iron fist. Basically, become an evil Professor X. Someone comes to take you down with super-strength? Big deal, they can become your slave with a single push into their minds.
Teleportation. Think about how awesome that would be. Shitty weather? No problem, I'll just go to Bali for a few days. No money? Teleport into a bank, grab some cash, teleport out. And besides, what are they gonna do? Lock you up? I'd like to see that.