I can't find a copy of it, but a few years ago Aero chocolate bars came out with a commercial that featured two women going on and on about the bubbles inside the chocolate. The one was showing the other that if you let it melt in your mouth you could feel the bubbles bursting, and they were both reduced to stupid babble at the end of the commercial ("I WUV za bubbles!!!). I'm not easily offended, and I can't stand people who jump on the feminist soap box at every opportunity, but this did it for me. It made the women sound so profoundly stupid that I vowed never to buy an Aero bar again. I eventually came around, but it took a solid four or five years. The Calvin Kline pedophile commercial also crossed a line. Playing with the edge is fine, but they went too far in the creepy factor for my liking: Again in the feminist vein, the Resolve Carpet Cleaner commercials annoy the shit out of me. [Mass generalization alert] I've never known a man who new more about doing laundry than a woman, so to have some dipshit 25-year-old showing all the middle aged moms how to wash their clothes is just fucking stupid and condescending. On the upside, the Dove: Campaign for Real Beauty ads are some of the most tasteful and well-executed advertisements I've ever seen. I like what they're trying to do, even if they are also trying to sell me something and be gimmicky about it, and it's the first time I've ever bought a product solely because of the ad campaign. And the FUNNIEST COMMERCIAL EVER is without question the Budweiser donkey ad.
I think this is genius, while my buddy despises it. Geico in general does a pretty fair job at creating compelling advertising. I giggle my ass off every time I see it:
WHOA WHOA WHOA... What the hell did I just watch?! Those looked like tapes confiscated from one of the people that Pink Candy interviews! How in the blue hell would those commercials ever sell jeans? I feel like I need a shower after watching that. Focus: Any Texas Lottery commercial. I don't watch local TV where I would be able to see the commercials, but I hear them on the radio all the time, and goddam, they are annoying. Here's a random TV commercial. The radio commercials are at least 10X more annoying.
The Ameriquest commercials have always been my favorite. But I always forget what they're selling, so they can't be that effective.
I forgot about this! I'm on the Huggies mailing list and I received this the other day. It's clever, but ew.
You people have no joy in your souls, so you probably didn't like this commercial, but I loved this bitch the first time I saw it. Hell I watched this at least 10 times the first time I saw it On Demand. It even calms my kids down.
Good Commercials: I'll remember this ad for years. Spike Jonze knocked it out of the park. Imagine if everyone in Grand Central started playing cops and robbers all at once. ImprovEverywhere needs to get on that.
Making your own commercial can either be awesome, as this one is...: I cannot emphasis how annoying these commercials are, she seems subdued in this one: