people seem to be clueless as to how heavy water is. the ones who jerk it up too quickly are the funniest, not expecting how heavy fifty pounds of water is when you yank it up that high. they're going to need a charity for all the people injured during this charity.
this is the best video i've seen. it changed me from being snarky about it to being impressed by the advocacy efforts.
see, i took another view from that video. a whole shit load of really weak people that can't lift a bucket of water. people are getting soft. everyone needs to start eating steak and doing push-ups. also, they had to drag that bucket from the spigot, didn't notice that they couldn't carry it then, let alone lift it over someone's head?
these are the same people who mount their computer monitors sideways. i mean, i assume they do, since everybody shoots fucking video with their phones sideways. television, movie screens, computer monitors all are wider than tall. can you people please rotate your phone? or, start a campaign with youtube to allow vertical posting, because i hate that retarded blurry area to the sides.
i guess its a sad state for humanity when certain good causes have to use facebook narcissism to raise money.
that's just it though; the narcissists are still there so why not use them for their money to the benefit of charity?
while we'll all have a good laugh at crown and your bill nye clowning of him, it would seem people have no concept of how cumbersome water is when lifted in bucket form. it is a fact that on average thirteen thousand die every year from water lifting mishaps with five times that in injuries. yet no one seems to care or create awareness to this life ruining epidemic, pandemic if you ask me. the dog running away was my favorite clip from the mishap video.
most of those people seemed to have a pretty good sense of humor about it, realizing they had done something stupid. some of these videos i've seen, though - i'd like to convince that group of people that the "new" thing is the boiling water bucket challenge.
this is pretty much my opinion, i'm just avoiding facebook right now since it's all i saw on my home page. it probably won't have an impact on treating the disease but hell, this was going to be beer money or money spent on dumb shit. leverage the narcissism for something better.
sure, this is awesome. no denying that. but it says a lot that we had to give everybody 1 minute of internet time to get there.
i am still confused as to why bimbos think people give a shit about their opinions. especially now, when she looks like a peat bog mummy.
i got challenged. i'll do it. because i believe in being positive. and i'll make a matching donation to the huntington's disease society of america because...well. i'm a vain, narcissistic bitch and while als doesn't run in my family, huntington's does, and i'd be rather pleased if there were some kind of treatment that benefited me and my loved ones. but goddammit i hate. haaaate. hate. cold water.
know what i hate? neurodegenerative diseases. but you're right, cold water does suck. the organization near and dear to my heart is stupid cancer. it doesn't try to fund research, rather it helps young adult cancer survivors cope after the acute therapy is over. such a necessary group, i can't say enough good things about it.