this deserve re-posting. these are the faces of the people you are supporting. even if the donations don't make a difference, the simple fact that those suffering from it know there are people out there who are donating and showing them support, to them means a lot more than some minuscule hope for some miracle drug anyway. the way this has grown, i'm beginning to think that other charities/causes will jump on the marketing bandwagon and use people's desire to create "look at me" videos for their benefit. that desire is going to exist, and be used for something, just like that money is going to exist and be used for something; might as well take that desire and that money and have be used for something good.
i'm i the only one who legitimately thinks it would be fun to do a tib ice bucket challeng thread where we call each other out for it. as narcissistic as this place is we could probably drum up a few thousand dollars.
how about "cake it for cancer"? make a cake (and decorate it with whatever offensive joke/sentimental message you want), then slam it into your face?
i'd be down, obviously it needs to be contingent on donating $100 to the cause of your choice, but it'd be cool to see if it could happen.
i'm down too. $100 here as well. type of cancer/charity of your choice. (als is specific, but a general "cancer" allows the individuals to personalize it for their own reasons) what say we give this a try?
i already blew my wad for the ms ride, but if you want to fire up a thread in the suggestions forum, i'll bump it.
let me do it and make a video first. someone has to go first, prove it as a concept right? walk if it's just talk. if anyone has a better idea, let me know. if not, i'm baking a cake tomorrow (first one i'd ever have baked too). the way i figure, if you work your ass off enough at pipe dreams, eventually one is gonna work out. this may not (though ideally it will); regardless, at least i can remind myself i tried.
pick your disease. they all suck. just give what you can towards something you feel comfortable with. whoever doesn't realize als is current and thought it went out with polio? my grandfather died of polio 85 yrs ago. dumbass anti-vaccination people are bringing it back. my friend joy styles died 3 yrs ago from als. ( she was an amazing, dynamic business woman and filled her life from diagnosis to death with every wish she had. it was about 2 yrs. travelling, jumping out of a plane and finally getting married from a wheelchair on a beach, to a man she loved, but had previously said she was too tough to marry, that hard-ass did it. so much spirit. now my friend jo-anna downey has it. she has been the cornerstone of comedy in toronto. this chick has huge balls and is loved across canada. my comedian friends are rampant taking up the cause, probably some because they are publicity whores, but more because every knows her and respects her. i will donate, but not do the challenge unless i'm publicly forced to. i don't even do selfies and avoid the camera. i've donated to this cause before, i've donated to cancer and numerous others (obviously the liver foundation. i know what's good for my future). please just stop shitting on people if they give their money to something outside of nigeria. whichever cause, still has more money than they had yesterday and every drop counts in the proverbial bucket. and yes, i vote.
i was ---this close to buying that dick shaped cake pan from the sex shop down the street. if i ever needed an excuse to go back and buy it, this is it. i don't know about the whole smashing it in my face thing, but i will happily make a cake for a disease. diseases need birthday cakes too. wait what is this about again?
this just got more realistic by the moment. tib's resident chef makes the cake. i know online promises don't mean much, but i'm down for $100. anyone feel like setting up a pay-pal account to track the donations? if someone makes a "cake for cancer" and i don't donate $100, on the record one (all??) of the mods perma-ban me from here.
and as far as me doing it goes, the "cake it for cancer" now went to where i work (one of my co-workers made my groomsman cake years ago and i commissioned her for a staff-wide thing). sorry, but don't want to mix tib with personal. a lot of yall already hate my guts so i don't really feel like posting the video on here, because i have my privacy to protect. and i don't trust the masses of the internet not to fuck with me. that being said, as i posted earlier, if someone else also wants to start a "cake it for cancer" thing, i'm still down for $100.
how about childhood/pediatric cancer? a mom i know has a daughter with neuroblastoma and several times she's expressed her frustration that breast cancer gets all the press and pimping in october. in fact, now that i realize it, september is childhood cancer awareness month.
thank you for posting this. she's not famous for her comedy, but she's famous for running an open-mic room for 18 yrs. spirit's in toronto. everybody, who is anybody in comedy and in to goes there, including robin williams. this woman is in her 40's and is far enough along with als that she can no longer speak. i've spent many nights with her in calgary and toronto and even a super drunk weekend in london, ontario at the canadian comedy awards. realistically, i'll never see her again. this is the face of als.
a very good friend challenged me, and even though ice water is intended only for drinking, and i hate being cold. i'll do it. i'll donate for als because fuck that situation, and i'll donate for huntington's disease research because that one's a bit closer to home.
it looks like the ice bucket challenge has reached phase 2, condescending posts about how you're doing something better than what everyone else is. Spoiler my rugby team just got challenged to do it, i'll be so proud of them if it continues to go ignored.
ice bucket challenge claims first victim? ... challenge/ edit: apparently that's the only place with the story and it appears to be untrue. yay!
i like how this guy politely declined and then put the act of giving to charity in perspective as well as what ice should really be used for: " keeping fresh produce fresh, beers cold and nipples hard."