I'll also break the rules of the thread. Fuck: none. I know, realistically, none would want me in that way. Marry: I know no-one is crazy enough for that. Kill: Also none this time. Most of the posters I didn't like have left, and currently I don't dislike anyone that much. It's nice* to know that so many want me dead. *Not really
Bang: well, if I want to be bad, probably miss pimptress. It would be either the most memorable or the most humiliating experience of my life. I also think that the weed she could potentially share would be awesome. I might as well do all my experiment-y things at once. Please no items in the butt though. Sorry but that immediately nixes angel as a possibility. I'm not gonna lie, angel, you scare my bits a little bit. Kill: ghetto. Who wears a kilt while drinking wine and playing guitar by yourself? Because the worse possibility is that you changed into that gettup to Google hangout with us, and that is just terrible. Marry: katchoh or however you spell your username. He's a legitimately nice person who does manly and productive things in his spare time. I sort of admire him as a person. He's the kind of guy you want as a neighbor.
It's a toss up, like...I feel like I could win either way...with fuck/marry for shegirl and TX. Kill? Google Adsense Bot. That motherfucker needs to die. Or wait. Whoever that female was who posted in the advice forum a couple of years ago, asking about inane bullshit.
Fuck: Nom, MoreCowbell, crazyasian, audreymonroe, and that one anonymous poster in the TIBer thread. We could do it all together, or separately. Not too picky over here. Marry: Gravy. Kill: Everyone who has ever irritated me. The list is long, but y'all know who you are.
Pick your fucking head up dude. You're better than you think, but this lack of confidence shit is harshing everybody's buzz. If you're not going to contribute to the thread, feel free to lurk it, but there's no need to turn it into a pity party. You want somebody here to want to fuck you? Post like you're awesome, because you are. You want to just whine flaccidly? Leave on the Rant and Rave thread.
Don't listen to him Durbs, he didn't even come close to following the focus. ...and neither did I, shit.
Can I just kill a few people? Kill: Ghetto, Kim, Stealth. All are pretty obvious as to why. Fuck: Probably Pink Candy just because of thin privilege. Marry: Crazy Asian, I like me a fighty girl.
Fuck: Hmmm, Pinkcup. She seems like she'd be a lot of fun. Marry: Bewildered. Cool person, low stress. Kill: KIMaster. What a tremendous douchecanoe.
Fuck: Rush. He's funny and smart. Both attractive qualities. I can't believe I'm the first to mention him. He seems like a truly decent guy. Despite always trying to get the ladies to bare their lady parts. Marry: No brainer. Noland. He sounds like a decent husband and dad which I find appealing. He speaks his mind but doesn't take cruel potshots when he does it. Plus, he swims. Always a bonus. Kill: I was going to say no one really bothered me enough to kill but then I remembered Nitwit. Poor guy just didn't get it and he seemed kind of dumb. Honorable mention fuck: The Village Idiot. Two reasons mainly. The first is that his nerd talk is adorable. I just picture him sitting at a desk somewhere happily putting his coins in laminated sheets in his binder. Secondly, if even half of his posts about his wife not having sex with him are true, he deserves it.
Fuck: I'll go with Roxanne and shegirl for the menage win. Marry: is there anyway I can get a polyamorus thing going with Angel, Audrey, Pinkcup, and Bewildered? Kill: I love most of you fuckers but I would challenge Bundy Bear to a drinking competition to the death. Whoever wins can claim they killed the other.
A lot of you are quick to forget Chellie's recent posts in the boobie thread, that's all I have to say at the moment.
Fuck: Roxanne in her Catwoman suit wins easily. Marry: Either of the Pink girls. Kill: Challenge accepted McCorpseStuff, I'll promise to be drunk at your funeral. Cremation would be best i think. One match and the pyre will light the sky.
Fuck: Soonergal. Doesn't post much but those pictures in the bikini thread tell me all I need to know. Plus, she's a sooner fan. Marry: Tweety. She seems like a good person that has a good marriage with her husband. She also has a trust fund if I remember correctly. Kill: KIMaster for pissing everyone off and ruining many a thread.
Now, show us your boobs! Fuck: Couldn't choose just one - any of the TiB ladies, quite frankly. Except Dcc. Marry: 'funball. The first date went well, soooo . . . Kill: There's one, but I'm not going to give him the satisfaction of knowing that I care enough.
This is just an expanded version of the "seven minutes in heaven" thread. My answers haven't changed much. Fuck: scootah, nom, pinkcup, audrey. (Individually is fine but can you IMAGINE this combination as an orgy?!) Marry: jprue. Sup. Kill: I actually don't know any of you well enough to hate you. Cheers!
Fuck: Roxanne ever since the lingerie posts Marry: Pinkcup, hot and cool from everything I've seen Kill: KIMaster, I don't think I even need to explain