I was dieformetal under the old board, but with a different avatar. Only joined in the beginning of '08, so I missed most of the classic hilarity. I didn't post too much over there, hopefully I'll change that here.
Ahh yeh that happened to me as well, everytime I had a shitty post it was one of them damn Mods changing it that way. Pricks. They did it a lot too!
DannyMac here and there since 2005 (I think). I will still be bringing you the occasionally poorly punctuated and mechanically constructed sentences as before and talking about TV shows from time to time. I had moved off of the idiot board recently, because like others the quality of discussion had dipped greatly. Then again, maybe we can get Ryan Holiday to come back and tell us how fail posters are only funny when you use the correct font.
Another long time lurker since about 03 or 04. Just glad to see that I'll have somewhere new to lurk at. [if it matters, i was LatinAssasin at the old boards. terrible name, i know.]
I was Kratos on the old boards and Kratos on the new one. I'm using the same avatar as I am a gopher hockey nut and am likely to change. You'll find me most in the pop culture (video games and shows) and sports boards (NFL and FF). I may post some other stuff in the General forum with obvious misspellings and grammar mistakes.
I had the same name on the old board. I would contribute when I found a topic interesting, which happened less and less frequently. I liked how genuine the threads could be, and sometimes, the intellectual beat down could be awesome (which gives me an idea for a thread). I'm glad that some of the relatively intelligent people from the old board came over, because unlike most, I was never really much of a fan of Tucker Max, instead liked the message board in and of itself, and the range of perspectives it provided.
Uzisuicide there, uzisuicide here. I'll add a fitting avatar soon enough. Glad to see this place here!
I'm so glad that you guys created this place. When I first read about the RMMB shutting down, there were only options to go to a writing/art board, an MMA board, or the Chasing Kaz board. I joined the writing/art board and several of us mentioned how awesome it would be to have a section for pop culture and general bullshit. They didn't want to take it in that direction. No big deal, somebody stepped up and took care of it. It's nice to see that so many people are making the transition.
Thanks for creating this place guys, I was mostly a lurker at the Tucker board...good to see many of the same people moved over here! I'll chime in on stupid shit every now and then.
There's nothing like that first post. The anticipation, the nervousness, the unabashed vulnerability you feel... wondering if you will be accepted or not. Fortunately, I am SaintBastard and this is not a problem. I might drop a funny bomb here or there. Here's hoping this thing picks up.
It is picking up. Look at the topic threads that have been started. In two days, starting from nothing they are getting 15+ posts an hour some of them. What will make it pick up is the lurkers contributing and learning. Like you. Make you funnies and make them often, and this place will take off.
Hey guys, nettdata clued me in on this place. Thanks for setting it up again, I really needed somewhere to troll again.
I rushed over as soon as I heard the news. Chater, if you go on and make a movie, I'll fucking lose it. I can't watch another great board go down in flames.
Long time lurker...I just signed up over there about a week ago, too, and never even got the chance to post anything. Oh well. Thanks to Chater for starting this place.
Hi. Lurker and occasional poster on the RMMB boards, but I am hoping to participate more here. Truth be told, I didn't like the other boards -- thought it was run by gestapo-trained lemmings. I'm a professional writer, a diehard proponent of freedom of speech, even on privately run forums. Don't disappoint me. Lighten up on the delete button. Someone doesn't like where a thread has gone, scroll past the offending post. It's simple. Anything beyond that and you're just forgetting how it's done anywhere else on the planet. With that said, for you formerly abused and bullied people inured by years of Tucker Max insults and mob-railing on the smaller dude, let it go. That's neither funny nor particularly human. Leave the douchbaggery behind. Seriously. Please. If I could have written one last post before the old boards were deleted it would have been, "keep your friends close and your enemies closer." Tucker will never learn.
I've been mostly a lurker, posted less than 150 times in 2 years. Glad this place is up. I learned a lot from some of the posters. I just hope we don't get so many "omg! your comment is off focus!!!" which if you think about it, was also off focus.
Hi all, relatively infrequent poster on the old board by the same name. After reading through this thread, I've noticed a trend. A lot of people were a little gun-shy when it came to posting. I had lurked on the RMMB for years before finally getting the balls to post. It felt like being around a bunch of fraternity brothers, you didn't want to jump right into the conversation for fear of not being welcome. I'm glad that someone decided to recapture the essence of what made the RMMB something worth visiting, thanks Chater.
I'm really glad we have so many new people that are here, and posting. And don't be afraid to post. All we ask is that when you do, have something to say. Ideally, it's something funny. At a minimum, it's on topic and intelligent. And leave your anti-Tucker agendas out of here. Ask Latchkey... oh wait, you can't, because he's now banned for pushing the limits, even after multiple warnings. Sure, you may post something stupid, and get ragged on, but that's how it goes. Grow a pair and keep going until you get it right. Or take a break, lurk, and get a better feel for the place. The mods aren't a bunch of ogres waiting to descend on and ridicule the weak... we're just here to try and keep things focused, uncluttered, and devoid of annoying idiots. We're also here to help, so if you have a problem or question about something (posting a picture, embedding a video, where to post a new topic), just ask. AFTER you search for the answer yourself, and can't find it. Have fun, and be an idiot... just don't be stupid.