Hi all. I only ever lurked on the RMMB but TiB seems like the best part of that place plus an enhanced acceptance of opinons so this should be a good place to actually post on.
Same name as on the other board. Some of you FFL types might recognize me for my consistently inaccurate fantasy advice. Glad to see this. And the style #2 is so much better - I hate seeing the name/avatar on the right. Good luck with this!
Hey all. I had been a regular member on rmmb for close to 3 years and I am really happy this board was put up. I wonder if savagehenry is on here yet. I truly enjoyed reading all of his well-informed and well-written posts.
I didn't post much on the TMMB or the RMMB and have been lurking for a looooooooong time. I am funny but my style of funny (which is mostly stupid-goofy) translates on a message board as annoying so I don't post too much. Most everyone is so funny and that is what I love about reading the board, that, and the diverse perspectives on life, and well everything. It's like people watching online. So, props to Chater and I'll dig out pics of the cat and dog and throw out what I consider to be the funny once in a while to add to the board (as requested). Cheers!
Re: Introduction Don't think he's a nurse, but yeah, Savage Henry was the highlight of the Advice Board. That's not to put down the other mods in any way, who were all awesome.
Re: Introduction I'd be happy to see Savage Henry's opinion on anything that ever happens in life. That guy was a beacon of intelligent, rational, hilarity and reason.
Hey, Chater you have my respect for getting things going so quickly over here! I'm a long-time lurker who made a few small posts here and there (including the boobie thread) but am totally up for making a bigger contribution here. I loved the RMMB and I hope this board can make something of itself.
Always made a daily stop to the old board. Lurked, but posted very little. Gained a lot of knowledge, laughed a lot, and was kept up to date with news, sites, etc., through the threads and posts. Looks like this will now be my daily stop. Thanks for getting this board up and running and for the link to it. Good luck!
You ditched "Cockykyle" for "WAdude", which at a glance looks like "W/A dude", or With A dude? Good call, homie.
Hey everyone, it's nice to see so many familiar names here. I was a rare poster over on RMMB under the same name. I'm older than most of you and I've led a relatively boring and stable life, so I don't often have much to contribute. The crazy experiences people related along with the high average intelligence of the posters always kept me coming back. Reading about other people is both entertaining and educational. When members posted serious questions on the advice board, the responses were second to none. Thanks to Chater and everyone else who has pitched in to get this place going. It looks like it's off to a good start.
Considering I was banned for a good part of 5 years at RMMB, it's great to see this spin off board! Probably won't post on a lot of topics but great to see some old names from past! -Lou
Hi, I was Inga on the old board as well. I used to have an avatar of the rugby player with the same name as me. I might change it here, people kept thinking I was a guy. It made for some confusing PM's and reps. I'm surprised about the old board. I didn't see it coming. I logged on to finally answer a PM I got a few days ago and it was gone. Oh well, such is life. I had fun there, and i'm sure i'll have fun here. Thank You to Chater for setting this up and thank you to the people who are taking on the responsibility of moderating it.
I lurked for years on the old board, but I figure I might as well dive in here, since everyone's making a new beginning.
I posted occasionally under the name ThatDickw/theGlasses, mostly in the Soccer thread. Glad to see Chater's put this board up, for all of the negatives regarding the RMMB, it did have some redeeming features. Well done, I wish you the best of luck running this beast.
Evening all, First off, thanks Chater for picking up the slack so fast. If you think of anything I can do to make your job here easier, let me know. I was ow3n on the other board as well, a member since the "members area, advance released stories" in...2003? Something like that. Recently I've been posting less frequently because I just didn't feel like I was contributing anything. Signal:Noise is a good way of putting it. I too liked the moderation, fell foul of it a couple of times, but can't really argue with why. Nice to see the majority of posters I liked form the old board cross over. RMMB is dead, long live TIBDC!