I went as Rising Sun as the old board, and I've retained my avatar. I would say my life has gotten more productive since the board went down, but I would be lying.
God I missed those bouncy bundles of joy getting perpetually massaged... Good to have you back, though you probably have no idea who I am/was on the old board
Hey all, I like many, many other posters before me have kept my old handle. Likewise, I look forward to this board and hope it can become what the TMMB once was. I became a lurker for the most part towards the end of RMMB's existence because as many others have said, the board had turned to utter shit. When I did post, I usually posted argumentative bullshit on the Finance Thread in order to try to keep the conversation going and people engaged on the topic. Otherwise, I used to enjoy the MMA Thread as well, there were many well-informed MMA fans....I hope that continues on. Thank you to Chater for starting this board. Good luck to you and all of the Mods. Regards, O
Long time lurker on the old board. Hopefully I'll post more around here. Thanks for starting the board Chater. My procrastination can resume as scheduled.
That probably qualifies as the one and only time on the board where you'd be allowed to use a sad-face emoticon in a post.
Same name as before. I was kind of looking forward to being more productive without the TMMB around, but after seeing this place and all the people who have moved over, I can't resist getting on board. Looking forward to some good times.
Long time lurker (of the old board), first time poster. Here I was logging in to get my fix of others' thoughts on Dexter, only to find the board gone. And yet, as luck would have it, like a phoenix from the ashes this place comes up, and I couldn't be more pleased. All thanks to Chater. Hopefully I'll post more here than I did at the old board, although I've already succeeded with this post, so we'll see what happens.
Hello everyone, Same dumbass I was on the old board. School is still kicking my ass relentlessly so I will be lurking more than posting for awhile. I am glad to see so many people bringing the various aspects of the board back. Thanks Chater and to all the new mods. -Merle
i'm back It's been about 3 years since I left the TMMB (in good standing, natch) Something made me go back there and that's where I found the Idiot Board. I've always posted under JackNickel, so to those who wondered where the fuck I went, it doesn't matter. I'm back. Will
Didn't you have the avatar of Keira Knightley? And/or... Didn't you fuck a bunch of hookers and ruin your marriage? If so, welcome aboard. If not, welcome aboard anyway.
Yes on Keira Knightley, and no, I didn't ruin my marriage. She did. And yes, we're still married, we both travel a lot now. I'm the same idiot.
Boy, am I glad I found everyone. I need something to do during down time at work and I was floundering for a few days. I was Der Bibliothekar on the old board and was a sometimes poster. Glad to see everyone - I was hoping a place just like this would eventually pop up!
Was stoked to find you guys in mostly one piece. Well done breathing some life back into the old girl, I look forward to molesting her.
Just stumbled in the door a few days ago I wasn't on the old board, didn't even know about it. This looks like a pretty cool place to hang out even though I'm probably old enough to be the daddy of most people here.
Just visited the old board after not being on in a good while and saw the message posted up. I was not a little bit stunned, but, well, things change. I didn't actively post very much on the old board, unless of course it was the Guns & Holidays permanent thread, which I'm hoping will be making a comeback here. For anyone who cares, my current username here is the same as it was on the old board.
Good to see there is now a replacement for the idiot board, which is in all honesty, the only place I posted on the RMMB. Though productivity went up twofold, there was a burning hole in my heart caused by the absence of the time waster known as the idiot board. Thank you to whoever decided to make this. Anyways, I was villagebicycle on the old board. I did lose my supremely awesome surprised cat avatar, so I had to make do with a shitty ms paint edited version. We can't win em all. I look forward to wasting a chunk of my life here with the rest of you degenerates. edit: oh, and I've been RMMB since 04 or 05. I've reached the holy 1000 rep points several times over, so I believe that earns me the status of royalty here. Right?!
Hey folks. First time poster, long time lurker. I figured now would be a good time to start my posting career here. Look forward to wasting my years away!