Hi, I'm a single white male from the UK, I was on the other board, came here right after that ended, but dropped out again. Dropped in to see how things were doing and can't get my old account up so time for a do-over. Nice to be back, things look good here.
I’m a 22 year old college dude who has lurked here and at RMMB previously and never posted a thing because… truthfully… it’s very intimidating. I’m worried my lack of literary skills will make my posting career short and my negative rep high but what kind of man would I be if I didn’t try?
I have lurked these boards for far too long. It is time for me to emerge from the dark chamber and engage you all. Initiating critical thinking skills, now.
I was registered on the old RMMB and came here as soon as I found it... I've been a very long time lurker but decided it is time to join in the mostly depraved conversations. Drunkfish
I found the RMMB in the last year before it ended, but never posted. I started lurking on this place, and even made an account about 6 months later, and finally decided to actually use it. Hi everyone!
Long time lurker back to the RMMB days. I never posted over there, and after several years I just now decided to post here. I don't know if I'll be posting very often; I mainly enjoy just reading what the intelligent, experienced (in life, that is) folk have to say, and I'm not sure what I would be able to add to any discussion. I would like to say, though, I have appreciated reading the thoughtful, honest conversations here. I can usually find something that gives me perspective on an issue I'm facing in my own life. So, thanks for that.
hullo, I posted as Hybridvigor (I thought everyone was signing up here with their real names..what?) and lurk here sometimes. Thanks to those who kept their profile photos the same so I can vaguely remember who's creepy vs who's funny and whatnot.
Hello, I'm an idiot too. In fact, I great at being an idiot. I love telling stories on forums in a short episode fashion. Having an audience is the only way I can actually write. Given that you guys like funny stories, this should be a good place for me to get these things off my chest. If the mods will let me, I'll tell a story here starting today (I'm still trying to figure out this suggestion thing). Stosh
Hi there! To all the guys and gals who actually remember who I am, nice to see y'all again. It's been a while. To those who don't, hi, my name's Tom and I used to post under this name on the old RMMB. Long story short, when the board closed I stopped posting because I was living with my best friend at that point and to be honest, he was getting all of the rants, raves, stories, and tearful requests for advice I would otherwise post here. But he's moved away, and now I miss the company of like minds, which I found a lot of here, and I miss the writing as well. So I thought, why the hell not? And here I am. If what I remember from the old board is any guide, I expect you to be merciless, so please slap me down when I need slapping down, and commend the occasional flash of wisdom and insight. Tom out.
Ain't none of ya'll gonna remember me; mostly because I forgot half of the user names I posted and was banned under at the old Rudius forums. Anywho, I'm here and... Well lets see how long this'll last.
Well, I haven't been here in a while, but it doesn't look like too much changed. Being in college will provide me a lot more material to talk about than my relatively boring high school life.
Finally decided I needed to get rid of my douchey username. Gravy is better on so many levels. Now if only I could figure out a way to fix my real first and last names...
Hey! An introduction thread! Hi TiB! So I seem to have picked up a good number of uh ... "fans" from my posts on a thread whose name I won't mention. Question: Can you have negative rep points? And no — that is not an invitation to try it out. Oh and here's my picture — I finally got around to washing the truck this morning.
I'm not really new but holy fuck it's been so long since I've posted that I probably needed a new introduction. So much has happened, in the last year especially, but it's been a long, fucked up ride that would be hard to tell you about in this one post, especially since I'm posting from my phone and that's an especial pain in the ass. I'll be spilling it out here and there... try to keep up. Heh. P.S. You can thank Ken for my miraculous reappearance! Thank him, slap him in his big, gorgeous teeth, whatever.