Re: Introduction I totally agree and plan on contributing more. Like many said before, the moderation was ridiculous. I didn't want to argue if my thought process was different than any of the big time players on that board, so I just lurked. Here's to a more easy going board with the same type of funny!
Re: Introduction I agree with this, and I was pretty much just a luker on RMMB. I just figured my posts would get torn to shreds, so I usually just didn't bother. But I definitely want this board to take off, so I'll try to post more frequently than I did over there. Hopefully other people will too, and that will help this place grow and stay as funny RMMB usually was.
Re: Introduction Wait... who is going to talk down to everyone on the advice board while telling them they have some deep issue would mommy/women if Bunny isn't around? But despite all the bad things about the board, I'm going to miss reading the military thread. Savage Henry, BrianH, Prester John, etc., were all incredibly intelligent people. Thanks a lot Chater for stepping up and creating the board, I know a lot of people were as lost as me today trying to figure out what to read. Thanks, -erk33
Re: Introduction Is there anyone more fucking cool than Chater this week so far? I think not. (Except for that one weird looking guy over there, he's pretty cool.) Mahalo Chater. Well done.
Re: Introduction Really happy someone is keeping this part of the old RMMB going. Was a professional lurker over there, will try to be a bit more vocal here. Thanks to whoever is hosting this.
Re: Introduction Hi, Just wanted to reintroduce myself (Fallen1 under the old board) and say thanks for hosting this alternative. It is much appreciated.
Re: Introduction The user formerly known as AndThisConcernsMeHow. The name seemed like a good idea at the time, but it did it get annoying to always have to type that name in. I used to be more active on the RMMB, but between getting a new job, and as other people have lamented, the repetition of similar threads led me to curtail my posting. This is the proverbial new start, so lets see what happens.
Re: Introduction I'll echo a lot of the sentiments here. I started lurking when I was about 15, after I heard about the website from a much older co-worker who (I now realize) "just wanted to fuck tucker." I quite literally had no clue what a message board was, but the link kept saying "coming soon" or something like that. Eventually, it worked, and I was introduced to the TMMB. At 15, I was that awkward virgin kid you picked on in high school because he didn't really do anything back. It came along at a good time. Now, I'm 21, have a few good stories, and am getting ready to marry someone out of my league. As several people have said before me, I learned more from that website than I did in college. I'm excited to see where this new board goes. The RMMB had its problems, but it was fun, and rewarding, and hopefully this place will be too. I wish we had some notice, because even though I didn't have anything important on there, I know others did. Ultimately though, what can you do? I'm not sure if it will or won't come back, and even if it does, I'm not sure it will be better for it. It will be interesting to see what happens when the focus isn't on Rudius (though Dr. Rob is hilarious).
Re: Introduction [quote="suapyg] Um... What? I was just trying to help the kid![/quote] I remember once a couple of years ago you told me that you were sick of people not getting what your handle meant and that you were going to change it. Looks like you missed your chance.
Re: Introduction Several of the RMMB Mods started a forum based on writing and art - - in that forum, I'm using my real name. Here, I'm more likely to post things that I'd rather not show up in a google search of my name. Once I've made that decision, I might as well go with the name you know, right? - Scott
Re: Introduction Well look at the miscreants we have over here. Somehow I feel right at home. And while it pains me to be the voice of reason - I've logged onto quite a few message boards over the past few months as it became obvious the RMMB was going by the wayside, and any of the posts here complaining about the mods at the RMMB could be cut from any of those other boards. As the saying goes, you can't please everyone.
Re: Introduction I've waited 2 years and a lot of missed joke references to ask this... if you don't mind what does the name actually stand for??
Re: Introduction We should have a sticky post for some time that gives a link to the five (including this one) boards that were created after RMMB closed. If all boards did this it would probably help all of them at least a little.
Re: Introduction If I remember right, it's shut up and play your guitar. "Smilies are ON"???? Heh. I was mostly a lurker on RMMB. Partly because I didn't feel quite clever enough, and partly because it was hard to keep up. Y'all are some prolific posters. But I always enjoyed being part of the pack, and as others have already said I learned a lot from you guys - and I'm in my 30s. This isn't the same name I had. For various reasons I change up my internet identity from time to time.
Re: Introduction And I thought my days were going to become more productive. Not that I'm complaining.
Re: Introduction Shut Up and Play Yer Guitar. I have a blogspot site by that name. I did cop it from Zappa, but it's not the album I'm referring to, it's the concept of just doing the work.
Re: Introduction Former lurker of about six years, occasional poster here, I just felt it wasn't worth it. I had an opinion, but I also liked reading the forum, and I was always kind of weary that some mod with sand in their vagina was going to give me an extended vacation for misspelling "tomorrow." So I contributed some recipes to the old mixed drink thread (seriously, can we get THAT going again?) and pretty much left it at that. It wasn't that I was afraid of getting my feelings hurt or anything (though I can't speak for everyone), I just weighed my options and figured I was happy lurking and reading. These next few weeks are hell for me, with trying to sell the house, move, my wedding in a few months (they come quicker than you'd think, kids) and work... I'll contribute as time goes progresses. Can I put a vote in of morale support?