Re: Introduction I was going to object to the new board being called "The Idiot Board" again. I was going to talk about how it creates the wrong sort of self-deprecation: that it engenders baseness over humility. I'm not an idiot, I was going to shake my fist at the monitor and decry. Then I wasn't able to sign up properly because I got half-a-dozen consecutive CAPCHAs wrong. So, what's up?
Re: Introduction Woooow... so not only did I wait two years to ask and miss a lot of joke references... but apparently I've been staring at the answer the entire time, it being in your quote on the old board. Shame on me.
Re: Introduction I posted a lot as ravensfan on that messageboard. The only board I have been truly interested in for the last year has been the IHTSBIH movie forum. I learned a lot in that time, he helped open up a huge new field of interest for me and expanded my way of looking at film as an art form. There was no problem discussing the movie when all assumptions were that it would explode, but suddenly the movie doesn't do as well as expected and there is nothing left to do or learn? The last informative post was mid-July before the premier tour. The tour posts were interesting and the videos funny but I was really looking forward to posts after the movie released, whether it was good or bad the blog posts were good but it was the discussion afterward on the forum that helped me learn the most. I can't say I am not angry that after all the bragging he did about having such an open company policy in regards to behind the scenes material, and being so true to his word for so long while he had such high expectations, that he would now shut the movie forum down after things did not go as expected.
Re: Introduction I was signed on the old board since 2003 and it definitely was going by the wayside. That said, thanks for opening this place up, I'll try to contribute more than I did in the last board, but usually I don't have much to add, unless we start a "How do I do my tax return thread" I am pretty much useless. I'll try my best though.
Re: Introduction This might just be my lack of exploration on the old board... but I kinda feel for the mods going ban crazy. There weren't THAT many mods considering the size of the forum, and if you include the fact that they had to switch contexts on a regular basis from thread to thread and deal with the same problems in multiple places I can't help but imagine that you'd (the guys who complained about this) would eventually end up doing the same thing if you were in their position. I admit, I kept out of posting for the same reason, but I don't necessarily see where these huge ban numbers are coming from. If you looked at any one thread the ratio of keep:ban is well in the keep favor (except maybe the advice board... but... well.. you know)
Re: Introduction Hey there. I haven't posted much in the last few years. I was pretty active back in the pre-2004 iteration of things (proboards and whatever came after that; before the months-long break some of you remember), as the years have gone on, I got older and it seemed that the posters stayed the same age. I doubt I'll post much here, but I'll be looking around and checking in from time to time.
Re: Introduction I found out about the shutdown when I logged on to see what was being written about Curb Your Enthusiasm. I started out only reading and posting on the Idiot Board, and then I realized every thread became a pissing contest to see who could be the "Tucker" of the thread. I've been strictly a Pop Culture board guy for about a year, with occasional trips to the Boobie/Booty thread. Like many have said before, the biggest loss to me is the LOST thread. People were analyzing hieroglyphics and really brought the show to a new level. All I had to contribute were meaningless conjectures, and "Kate is so f'ing hot" posts. I'll give this place a try. I'm sure this place overtime will develop popular posters and mods to bitch about soon enough. I think Tucker was usually a little quick to throw out the "You're a fucking moron"
Re: Introduction Are you an accountant? If so i certainly would welcome the opportunity to talk to you possibly even hire you to help with tax return issues. I bet there may be more than a few people that feel the same way!! Thread: "I am an ________ (accountant) maybe I can help you" Don't underestimate the fact that people sometimes feel more comfortable hiring/asking questions of people they feel they have something in common with.
Re: Introduction I'm quite happy that this forum has gotten so many people from the TMMB. I was dreading the idea that everyone would just go, "Well, it was fun while it lasted." I remember Tucker Max saying a while ago that the only reason why his messageboard thrived was because of him. I respect the guy, but let's prove him wrong.
Re: Introduction Something I hope is not taken from the RMMB over to here is validation points. After awhile the same threads kept popping up and the same posts were made complaining about infants crying, or hippies, or [insert something you saw Tucker or friend complain about] here with the same people whoring for points.
Re: Introduction I joined the RMMB when it was TMMB around 2003. I was actively posting for a good 3 or 4 years before things started getting redundant. Then, I slowly faded away until I was effectively out of the loop, although I still logged on a few times a month just to see what was what. I did just that last night and discovered that the RMMB had shut down. As if I'd lost an old friend, I felt a pang of nostalgia... Then, I chuckled at the thought of all the attention-starved whores who were left without a home for their slutty pictures and, consequently, without a source for shiny, shiny green dots of validation (Of course, I'm kidding. Without boobs, what's the point?). Regardless, today I found the link for this forum and I'm anxious to see if we can make a go of it. Let me know what I can do to help. You'd know me for my photoshop work.
Re: Introduction I was a lurker (under a different name) for about a year and a half, but I guess I'll try to contribute a bit more here. Maybe you guys have just seen things that I haven't, but I always got the impression that the mods were pretty fair. Obviously, they ruled with an iron fist, but I felt like as long as you worded an opinion well and backed it up with some decent logic, then you were relatively safe. Granted, the atmosphere also was pretty intimidating, so I guess it's a good time for a fresh start.
Re: Introduction Sweet!! A new place to go to waste my time and become dumber reading some of the things these kids have to say. Thanks for the time, effort, and money.
Re: Introduction Boy am I glad to see this board pop up. I never posted much, but enjoyed the way RMMB kept me up to speed on all the best pop culture interweb shenanigans. The diversity of people there was such that you could get help and advice on almost anything you needed help with, except if you're a retarded sociopath asking on the advice board. I don't know if those posters got much help. Was the advice board a giant inside joke? It was the only place there that didn't seem real. The various permanent help threads were pretty fantastic though. I can only assume this place will only be better as it seems to be the core posters and long time lurkers drifting over. Between this and the art/writing forum, I feel a whole lot better. I also think I should contribute a bit more to both places. It wasn't until I found that board gone that I realized how much I was going to miss reading stuff from the more respected posters there. That place had a high level of intelligent posters and I'm glad to see a bunch of them showing up at these two forums.
Re: Introduction I was an occasional poster on the other board, and like many of the other people, I could see the writing on the wall within the past month or so. New threads weren't being created quickly, and those that were being made were of poor quality and we not very interesting. I think the fact that we all hate on the Tucker fanboys and people who were drawn to the site due to his popularity is a little nearsighted. Some of my favorite threads on that other site were directly a result of Tucker being famous (is that the right word?). The ask a pornstar, Bob Jones student, etc. wouldn't be possible if it wasn't for his drawing power. That being said, it will be nice to have this board go back to the roots of the old board, genuinely interesting conversation with people I will never meet. I look forward to what will happen here and thanks for hosting the new site.
Re: Introduction No, it was definitely real - I asked a couple questions, and always got thoughtful, helpful responses. The problem was that so many people saw "Advice Board" and immediately thought, "WOW! There's a bunch of people here ready to validate my life!" The amount of bad questions to good questions was probably around 20 or 30 to 1, just because of who was using the resource. I was amazed that they kept it on after it started going downhill - there were periods where every thread on that board was awful for a month.
Re: Introduction Just wanted to say thanks to Chater for setting this up. I think I know who it is, but since he doesn't want to say I'll keep my guess to myself. I hope this turns out to be a success. Obviously it won't be easy to draw new members here, but it's good to see so many of the old members moved.
Re: Introduction I never posted much, but have enjoyed reading what everyone else has to say, I'm glad that will be given a chance to continue.