Re: Introduction I see the boobie thread is up. But, I fail to see how it can possibly survive without some sort of validation. If you think the ladies will repeatedly post their sweater kittens without some sort of digital, pseudo-currency, you are mistaken. However, I'd love to be proven wrong...
Re: Introduction Well at least this way I can go with my classic internet username. Anyone else get a weird feeling they should have listened to a couple days advance when some of the senior members were banned? Here's looking at you Jay-Vee.
Re: Introduction Lurker for about 5 years now, though I did start posting a fair amount in the last year or so of the board. I think my first thought when I heard about this re-incarnation was "Finally! A chance to change my user name." I was registered with this name on the old board since about 2004, but around 2006 I think, my e-mail got hacked and the password got changed. I decided to change my e-mail on my TMMB account, but for some retarded reason, it sent to confirmation link to my old e-mail address. When I had to create a new user name, I thought 'Hey, Up Shit Creek would be an awesome screen-name'. I realized pretty quickly that it was in fact kinda stupid, but left it anyways. I'm pretty much in the same boat as everyone else, kinda disappointed when it went down, but not too broken. I think the main reason I was a little torn about the board getting shut down was the fact that most of the people I hang out with are idiots, and can't hold an intelligent conversation to save their life. I love all my friends, and they're great to hang out with, but it's a nice change from that, having a place with a group of people who are all fairly intelligent, even if they are all people I never have and probably never will meet in real life. Whoh, just hit the 'Submit' button, and instead it said that there had been a new post since I started typing my response, and asked if I wanted to change what I was going to say. I guess we won't have anymore "Fuck, beat by a few seconds" posts on here.
Re: Introduction I knew about a week early thanks to one of the global mods what would happen, and honestly, I was surprised. Ever since I had first signed up in 2004, the old message board was the ideal example of how to run a forum; ridiculing idiocy, promoting humor and intelligence, eschewing politics, and focusing on the funny. I wasn't upset, but I considered it odd that such a successful message board was at its end. Thanks a lot to Chater for this re-incarnation. As for Tucker Max, I think the guy rocks; he wrote a funny book, a bunch of funny Internet stories, started a GREAT/funny/occasionally educational message board, was responsible for some funny Bill Dawes videos, and made a funny movie. What does the rest matter? That's his problem, not mine.
Re: Introduction Like many others, a long time lurker, but hardly a poster. Using the same name again. Good to see a lot of you guys made it here, I'm sure more will come. Here's to the new board and hopefully it'll be successful.
Re: Introduction This is why I only posted in the Formula 1 2009 Season thread in the Sports board over the last few months. This board will most certainly take off and will be more like the old TMMB if the Tucker fan boys stay off. I already see some familiar names on here, people that I know add quality to a thread whether it's serious or funny. I'm glad someone did this since the shut down came as quit a surprise.
Re: Introduction I'm your friendly neighborhood Frebis. You will all remember me as someone that promoted two things. Funny, and story telling. Neither of which were present on the board in the past 12 months. Every fucking thread was a list. And when we did have a thread with potential for funny the PC idiots (drawn to the board because you had to post good thought out material I'm sure) came to tell you why you sucked, and your shit wasn't funny. It went from one of the best sites on the internet, to getting shit on when you made fun of art/a gay/minorities/retards/someone that wipes their ass different than you. It became fucking annoying. I'm sorry, but gays having sex is fucking hilarious. Don't believe me? Watch Broke Back Mountain and try not to laugh. I look forwarding to bringing back the story telling portion of this board. It helped me learn what was and wasn't funny.
Re: Introduction Hey. I'm really glad to see this board pop up (kudos to Chater!), but I'll tell you that one of the keys to the success of the old one was exactly what KiMaster referred to. "Take No Prisoners" style moderation is the key, but with fairness. Do not suffer fools lightly. The internet is FULL of shit forums with all sorts of stupid people piping in with their "me too" replies and purple smiley faces, and I really hope this one doesn't devolve into one of those. It takes smart people to have the high quality content of the old board, and a shitty signal:noise will not keep them around. This site has a shot, and I hope it makes it... because I really miss the old one already, and realize now what a significant part something like this plays in my life. Sounds crazy, but I was Jonesin' this morning. Here's to hoping it makes it. ...nettdata Chater: I hack phpBB boards fairly often, and admin quite a few of them, so if you need a hand with any dev stuff, let me know.
Re: Introduction Reading some of these posts makes me feel bad I found the old board less than a year ago. I thought it was awesome, but even I could notice it changing the last few months. I'm actually really looking forward to the thinning out of the boards. All of them will (hopefully) stay more focused to what they want to do without becoming diluted by morons. Let's stop lamenting and look forward to what we got: A group of very smart people who can bring the funny. This will be alot of fun.
Re: Introduction I got the news the board was going offline Friday when I asked one of the old mods why I'd been banned (the reason on the notification page was bullshit). Apparently the mods were having some fun as the ship was going down.
Re: Introduction My first thought when I saw that the RMMB was down was that I wanted to "rant" about it. Fuck. I think this is probably for the best though; like others have said, I thought the ol' RMMB was starting to go downhill. Maybe it was me just getting tired of it though, I'm not sure. I'm really looking forward to see how this place turns out, and I'm glad to see a bunch of familiar faces... or avatars, I guess. Seems like this place has the potential to be a continuation of the good with the crap filtered out. Although I'm here, so I guess the filter doesn't work all that well.
Re: Introduction Yeah... when the Boobie thread was handing out mod status, I knew things weren't right.
Re: Introduction Glad to see someone has decided to take on the no doubt hugely frustrating job of running a forum for whom most psychiatrists would label sociopaths. The first thing I did when I saw the old board had shut down was to go to google and search for someone making a site just like this one. Thanks.
Re: Introduction Thanks for helping to create the message board chater. I was at work bored, and I missed the ramblings of the Rudius Boards. So in short like everyone else said, I got a lot done at work, but I HATED IT. The boards helped me learn a lot, and I credit a good amount of you guys for my wry sense of humor, drinking problem and woman hating personality. Thanks for the entertainment!!!
Re: Introduction I'm all for "Hooker" being a mod here. She ended that thread in a glorious fashion. As for me, I got the hint with a rep saying "404 not found." Thanks Chater, best of luck with this.