Re: Introduction This is my single biggest regret with the board closing. I saw that she had posted, but didn't click the link because I was at a public computer. By the time I got home, board was down. CURSE YE, CRUEL INTERNET BOOB GODS!
Re: Introduction I've been following the TMMB and RMMB for nearly 6 years. Like many of you, I started out a fan of Tucker's Work, but ultimately became a fan of the Board instead. It was a great work distraction, and I particularly enjoyed the sports threads, the finance discussion, and some of the random idiocy from the idiot board. I hope we can recreate some of the fun here. Big thanks to chatter for starting this! While I do remain seriously confused as to why tucker would lock us all out and kill the entire Board without notice or warning, I imagine the stress of his movie pretty much failing in no uncertain terms has crushed his ego, not to mention his wallet. I am pretty sure he is slowly nailing his own coffin--the dude's 15 minutes are nearly up--and this was a panic move. Anyways, glad to be aboard and look forward to the future.
Re: Introduction I missed Hooker's boobs? Whaaat? Someone here has to have her private contact info to ensure that she gets over here and looks after her *fans. *I'm allowed to creep on her because I'm a chick and we all know that's hot.
Re: Introduction Hey all. I used to post under the-blitz, very occasionally, and only when I had a story to contribute so I wouldn't be surprised if anyone remembered me. I mostly stayed out of the debates because of the pressure a senior mod in particular would put on the members "You're an idiot and do not post again about this subject". Granted, most of the time it kept the retards quiet, but I was a little disconcerting whenever I thought someone had made a reasonable argument and was shut down hard with a threat of ban. I lurked a whole lot back on RMMB, I'm a student so whenever I'm on my computer doing work, I'd always have it on in the background and check it periodically to keep myself sane as the level of discourse there (up until recently, what the hell happened to decent idiot board topics?) dwarfed most of the other threads that I've been to. I wasn't distressed, as a mostly-lurker, I wasn't all that attached to the place, but I was pretty disappointed that such a gold mine of entertainment had just been randomly thrown away, seemingly without regard for the hundreds of posters there that really made Tuckers website what it was. It was you guys that made it special, not him. I respect the guy, but to me, he simply owned the party house. Also, while some people have their share of negative things to say about the mods, I think they did a pretty good job -for the most part- keeping the ship tight considering the influx of tards of late, until it all started to get a bit out of control. It must not have been easy dealing with so many people, and probably perpetually frustrating. It's awesome to see that all the posters that I really enjoyed reading are here. I think Savage Henry is the only one missing, that dude had a lot of entertaining insight, and I loved his medical input. Oh, and ToyToy. Here's to hoping particular posters like him stop by every once in a while. It's kind of weird how a simple act of a forum shutting down has displaced so many people, and everyone's scrambling together, looking for familiar faces and seeing who else survived the fallout, and thanks to Chater for providing us all with another place to hang out and have fun. I used to keep my head down back on the RMMB because of all the Jackals on hanggliders, but with the forum young and growing, we'll see how I go. Just one suggestion for the future threads. Can we have some decent ones please? No more lists or really bad polls (how do you wipe your ass, seriously?). I had written off the idiot board section of the RMMB for a while now because of all the appalling thread topics, I miss the days when it was filled with awesome stories and entertaining discussion. Can we have that back?
Re: Introduction Damn, I'm kinda bummed that RMMB closed, but really happy that this place is here. This is kind of echoing everything everyone else has said, but I was a rare posting lurker (my old name was Vampile Hunter), and I too learned more from that place than I ever did in college. Here's hoping everything works out.
Re: Introduction Hi, I'm Stevo. The board closed down, so I went outside. The world hasn't stopped. I think everything will be just fine.
Re: Introduction I was a member of the old board since 2003, which pretty much makes it the longest thing I've ever remained a member of. I didn't post with great regularity, but had some great discussions and learned a lot. I don't want to speculate as to the reason that the board shut down, but I'm sure there was more to it then Tucker said. I hope that this board continues to carry the torch for intelligent, drunken, funny discussion and the mods continue to prevent morons posting smilies and IM retard speak.
Re: Introduction Can we have a thread where the people that know what happened talk about it? I'd love to hear some more information.
Re: Introduction I never posted to the old board just lurked, and I really enjoyed my daily dose of hilarity. Coupled with the fact that the jackals that comprised the boards did not suffer fools. That being said, are the posting rules/traditions going to remain in effect? i.e. Focus/Anti-Focus among other things? I always thought that really helped keep the threads on track along with the "rule with an iron fist" moderating, which to be fair did go overboard from time to to time. I do hope Tom88 migrates over here, his posts/verbal beatdowns were hilarious to read.
Re: Introduction I posted sparingly on the old board over the past two or three years, picking up around 100 posts along the way but avoiding saying anything remotely controversial out of fear of being flamed. I definitely sensed the board going downhill somewhat over the last year, but there were enough hilarious threads on the idiot board to keep me reading. I kept coming back for the advice board more than anything else. It'll be nice to start with a clean slate here, and without the sycophants and tools. I respect the hell out of Tucker, but he tends to attract dysfunctional people by the thousands (as he freely admits). While it was fun watching those idiots get ridiculed mercilessly on the old board, their growing presence dragged the place down. That shouldn't be a problem here.
Re: Introduction I posted sporadically on the old board, and was pretty choked when I saw it was shut down. I think shutting down the RMMB is going to prove to be a mistake on Tucker's part. That board gave the fans a connection to him that we don't get with most celebrities. Tucker wasn't just some random famous person, he was was a normal guy we all rooted for to succeed. Now, he rarely if ever updates his blog, especially since the move has turned out to be a failure theatrically (hopefully it takes off on DVD). A gap exists between him and us that wasn't there before. Unless he regularly posts here (the other boards are pretty specific, they won't draw the same wide audience the Idiot Board did), I think he'll lose enough of his fan base that it'll have an impact on his future projects.
Re: Introduction On a similar note, I'm surprised he closed the board after pulling that stunt with his phone number. If he wants the attention so badly, it's an odd move to shut down the board, but I guess other concerns took precedence.
Re: Introduction I thought my computer was messing up when I tried to find the old message board but couldn't. At first I thought something happened and the F.C.C. or something shut it down. I then read the statement Tucker put up and was shocked he shut it down. All good things must come to an end I guess. Better to have left the party early, than have left to late. Thanks for putting up this place Chater!!
Re: Introduction I'm glad to see a new board starting up. Like most on here, I followed TMMB for five or six years. I think the moderation was necessary and got out of control as the number of posters increased.
Re: Introduction Nope. I am happy to say, I have found da white wimmen. They were at Whole Foods! Who wants organic cous-cous and a homemade scarf?