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If I can't have you, I don't want nobody Baby.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Crown Royal, Aug 7, 2013.

  1. caseykasem

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    Emotionally Jaded

    May 6, 2010
    This is how I feel about women sans the bit about blowjobs but I can take my 9v powered tongue and my time and give both another woman. My girlfriend gets hit on all the time when we're out. She's black, I'm white, many people don't think we're "together" if there's no PDA involved. As a result, black dudes hit on her all the time and want to dance with her, get her number, etc. This doesn't make me the least bit jealous because I know I have good taste and I know she's going home with me. If she tried to make me feel jealous I would simply say goodbye and find someone new. She has actually gotten mad at me because I haven't ever gotten jealous when we've gone out, no matter how many guys hit on her or try to get her number with me around. She viewed my lack of jealousy as a lack of caring about her because all of her friends had boyfriend who would get jealous and upset at that kind of stuff. I had to explain to her that I trusted her and that I beleive jealously to be a display of weakness either in one's own self or in the relationship.
  2. Roxanne

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Dec 8, 2009
    Precisely. Hearing, "I know you're sexy enough that people will hit on you, and I know you're awesome enough to handle it" is way hotter than hearing "I'll TEAR HIS FUCKING EYES OUT OF HIS HEAD AND THEN YOURS, BITCH!"

    Unless there's a safe word involved, and then it's totally okay.
  3. sisterkathlouise

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    I never thought I'd be remotely jealous, but it turns out, I am a little. I don't act on it, but sometimes seeing girls hit on/try to flirt with my boyfriend makes me want to say "HEY, THAT'S MY BOYFRIEND, CUT THAT OUT!" Boyfriend has a similar jealous streak, so it works out. We were at karaoke the other night, and a crazy drunk girl sang All That Jazz and basically gave our (married) friend a lap dance. I told boyfriend that if she ever chose him to climb all over, he'd better stand up or shove her off, and he told me I'd better do the same, so it seems fair.