I think I'd go with Nina Hartley. Sure, there's some hotter celebs but how many are gonna ride you with the skill of someone who's been professionally having sex for almost 30 years? And just like a fine wine, she's aging pretty well.
Does any of this dead fish stuff matter when she's blindfolded and her wrists are tied to her ankles and her underwear is stuffed in her mouth? Emma Watson, call me.
Jessica Biel. Yup that would be the most intense 30 seconds of hammering away I'd ever have. I'd bring the thunder Indiana style. I need a tissue...
Henry Cavill. Yes, he even edged out my current fuck fantasy, Ryan Gosling. Ryan seems like he'd be a man that would want to get all lovemakey. Mr. Cavill, on the other hand, gives off the "I'll throw that ass down and fuck you cross-eyed while whispering 'you're my little ginger slave whore' in a Brit accent" vibe. Ohhhhh god, that's hot.
Jessica Alba, hands down. Notable as a dancer in Sin City, but totally smoking in Dark Angel where I first saw her. She wins the battle of the Jessicas.
I would edit my post if I could but I don't think I've seen anyone mention Scarlett Johansson yet. I think Kate Upton still slightly edges her out, but ScarJo... I would wine her, dine her, and then attempt to crush her pelvis during coitus. If she survived the next morning I would make her eggs and bacon, offer to walk her back to her place and would return her calls. Sorry Rachel McAdams, you're number three on my list now. Fuck this thread, it's too hard to choose one.
Seriously, I have been racking my brain trying to choose just one all week. I am surprised I haven't created a spreadsheet with pros/cons. Or created some sort of complicated numerical ranking system. I blame the fact that this week has been very busy and very shitty, but promise that I will try to suck all of the fun out of this thread by overanalyzing this over the weekend if I have a chance.
This times.......motherfucking infinity. She strikes me as the type of woman who could drive ordinary men into a goddamn sex coma. And I definitely haven't fantasized about murdering Vincent Cassel..............much. But if dear, dear Monica is off the table due to brother Aetius calling dibs, then I'll take Nigella Lawson. She'll fuck you stupid and the cook you the best goddamn meal of your life. Please and thank you. I'd have so much sex with this woman it's retarded. Honest to God, retarded.
Marlon Brando. Marloooonnnn Brando. This has always been, and always will be, my answer. The man drips sex. A Streetcar Named Desire confuses the shit out of me, because there is no way Marlon Brando could rape anyone. Everyone wants to have sex with Marlon Brando. He is the original fucked up sexpot. I also think that if we fucked, there is a good chance he'd invite James Dean, given his proclivity to experiment. Wouldn't that just be the perfect day...
My two toss ups for current times are and always have been Jennifer Connely and Charlize Theron. for size Spoiler