I'd take the money, no question. That decision is definitely based on my life experience, which is that most people metaphorically suck dick. I've also spent years alone at this point, so I can cope with being alone in that sense for longer. Also, the chance of me meeting my soul mate at my age (28) is extremely low, purely because I'm not looking for that. I'd like the chance to meet the rest of my family, many of whom I have never met or haven't seen in more than 5 years, due to huge geographic distance (most of my family is in England and NZ, both far from South Africa). Money would also allow me to avoid work and spend my time only doing things that I enjoy, with no worries about how I'm going to pay the rent or the cost of food or petrol - worrying sucks, and I am a worrier, so, eliminating that from my life would be fucking awesome. So yes, definitely money.
My first instinct was to say soul mate, because I've always felt like I'm the type of person who doesn't need a lot of money to be happy. But I'm pretty sure I've already met someone who is good enough for me. I don't think he's my soul mate, but he's someone who's worth being around forever. So I'm gonna go for the money.
As a Latino I've been poor most of my life and know how to be pretty resourceful as a result. Being poor I can live and deal with. All the money in the world doesn't mean shit if you're alone. I'd easily choose love.
This is a no-brainer. I would much rather find my "soul-mate" than be rich beyond my wildest dreams. Not to be cliche, but money doesn't by happiness, and though being ridiculously wealthy would be awesome, and would obviously present opportunities to have sex with many beautiful women, the loneliness would eventually consume me. I think I would give up success and work a dead-end job with low pay (enough to get by) if I could share my life with someone I truly loved.
I'd take the motherfucking money. Contrary to popular belief, money can buy happiness. Just try being poor and see how happy you are. Being poor, hungry and angry fucking sucks. Having to sleep with a bunch of randoms for the rest of my life? Fucking awesome.
I have had many true loves, they all have in some way disappointed me, I would gladly take the money. I don't really buy the notion of soul mates.
I read an interesting article once about the super rich and how they live. Basically after a while, you would get used to being so rich it wouldnt feel that great anymore, it would just become relative. This is probably why Bill Gates gives his money away more than anyone. The first million gives you the most utility, but subsequent millions after that gives you a little less every time until another million or billion dollars doesnt feel any different than the last. Assuming no one on this board is super rich, were looking at it from the point of view where we are not rich and suddenly became super wealthy. I had a great uncle who divorced my aunt because he wasnt in love with her and wanted to focus on his business. He ended up becoming super successful and wealthy, but also became depressed and lonely; basically Mr. Potter from Its A Wonderful Life. After years of spending a ton of money he turned around and was an 80 year old with no immediate family. He spent the last years of his life alone as a millionaire in a retirement home. That being said, Ill take soulmate any day, Id rather be cash poor but otherwise happy, than be cash rich and die alone.
I've been thinking about this one all morning. I've been married for 2 years, and I really and truly love my wife. That being said, I'm also unemployed and have been looking for a job since finishing school (and for a long time before finishing school) 2 months ago. I will happily spend the rest of my life with my wife, and hopefully I'll find a damn job soon. Given all of that, I'd take the money in a heartbeat. I have friends and family, so I don't consider loneliness to be an issue. My life wouldn't be quite as complete without my wife, but getting to experience everything in life that I want without any restrictions on my time, my company, or anything else, yeah, I'd take that without second guessing myself even once. I'm interested to see how things breakdown among those on the board who are or have been married. So far it seems like the majority of us would take the money. Just an interesting thing to think about for the younger folks on the board.
Money may not buy you happiness, but poverty won't buy you a damn thing. Give me the cash. I'm sure I could find some achingly gorgeous ballerina type to pretend to be my soulmate while I cruise around the Mediterranean on my super yacht. If it works for Russian Oligarchs, it can work for me.
All relationships get boring after a while. Soul mate relationships included. I have always been a loner and preferred solitude. I'd take the money without batting an eye and live in a modest house with plenty of land and just putter around my property, play video games, travel, and pay for hot call girls once a week. I can tell you for a fact, I would be perfectly content for the rest of my life, which would probably end up being extended because I would have a lot less stress, could afford personal trainers and home gym equipment, and would have access to the best medical care in the world. Yeah, fucking money rocks. Fuck relationships. All of them.
I feel like we should have to qualify our posts by including our age. I'm willing to bet the majority of people who chose soul mate are under 25 and have never had REAL financial stress, I'm not talking about having to eat Ramen for a couple months to save cash. I'm talking barely being able to pay your mortgage and feed your kids because you just had to go on furlough for a month. Someone else got at this idea, sure money doesn't buy happiness, but poverty brings a boat load of stress that I personally think outweighs true love. That said, if I could keep my current job and income I'd go for love because all my needs and most of my wants are taken care of and I have enough left over to stash away in case shit happens. More money would be welcome, but I certainly wouldn't give up true love for more than I currently make and my job satisfaction. But if I had to take a 40k per year job I hated (my last job), then financial security and absolute freedom it is. For the record I'm 27.
Considering that I've never had true love, a soul-mate, or a relationship that lasted more than 6 months, I'd say the cash. The honeymoon phase is the best part of any relationship anyways right? The one where you're stoked to go on dates, try new activities, and tons of sex any which way and everywhere. Well you don't need a soul mate for that. As long as I'm able to have flirt and pick up chicks every now and then, buy an escort at worse, well the illusion of true love is fine by me. Either way I'd have so much cash to donate to stem cell research that I'd have new cartilage in my knee in no time. And being able to run and play sports is more satisfactory to me than a soul-mate. Especially if it's running to the bank to withdrawal more cash for my next flight out to every expensive and tasty restaurant I could find. A part of me wants to be whimsical and take the soul mate but being poor blows. "You don't get a jet ski if you're poor". - Daniel Tosh.
Well this is just dumb, we all know women are gold digging whores. We don't need the money, we find it fuck it and take it all when we leave. Neither option applies. Really though for all the reasons mentioned over and over in the thread, I'd take a person over the money. I think the money would make me even more cynical, sarcastic and a glass always half empty type of woman. That last part seems backwards but I know the sense of being better than others because I was rich would come into play and make me an ugly person. My money glass may not be half empty, but my personality would.
Is this soul mate someone who is open to me fucking other women? If so, I would say soulmate. Otherwise give me the money.
I'd pick love. No question. I grew up in a pretty wealthy family. My parents didn't flaunt their affluence, but as I got older, I gradually came to understand that there was very little we couldn't afford. I was also pretty miserable for much of my childhood. Depression runs in my family, and I'm no exception. My mom and her siblings grew up in a house with both downstairs and upstairs maids, and they've all suffered from various mental ailments. My dad's problems are less acute, but I know they exist. We've all been in individual therapy for prolonged periods. But despite all this, my parents have a remarkably stable relationship. They've been together nearly 30 years, and most of their arguments end with them laughing. Looking at them and other couples I know makes me think that that kind of bond is a priceless asset to have through the ups and downs of life. The point is, I know money isn't the answer. I know I wouldn't have been happier in high school if I'd gotten a Mercedes E-Class as opposed to a Volvo for my 16th birthday. And love, while it's no panacea, might keep me going on my worst days.
I'd take the money. I don't have it in me to fall head over heels in love; additionally, I've reached the age of 30 without a meaningful long-term relationship and it hasn't killed me. I HAVE learned, though, that I'm at my happiest when I am unencumbered with schedules and responsibilities beyond looking after my dogs and renovating houses. I could easily be uber wealthy and happy. Plus, I could afford the really expensive sperm donors so that the kids I banged out would be a master race.
For the record I'm 27 and I don't have much money left over after feeding little man and paying bills. In another 6 months after I'm done with all bills I'll have roughly 50 bucks a month left over. Come on man, it is pretty insulting to assume people haven't gone through hardship. That's a relationship I wouldn't want to get in. Boredom is the bastard child of predictability. Maybe it's the same reason some people think I'm stupid for wanting to change the world.