Pretty fucking sad that a dog can dance better than me. Well, "dog." I'm drinking a 1.5 year old Brooklyn Chocolate Stout. This thing is a bit past it's due date.
Calm down, dickhead. I think I even specifically mentioned that I wasn't trying to personally denigrate you and your actions, but the particularly demented thought process of young women who think that receiving a ring worth more than 50% of their annual salary is just the done thing on the way to graduating, having babies, a white picket fence, and who knows what next. Anyways, if you want to get into a discussion of how much I can and can't spend on a piece of jewelry (or a flight from Boston to New York), I guess you have me there. You've been a lawyer for a while, I guess you would have more money saved up than a 22 year old. I suppose that passes for a significant accomplishment these days. But you are quite handily demonstrating not merely that, but why, money doesn't buy class. In any case, with my current job, I'm going to be below average for my profession and graduating class. That's okay, though. You're the guy who has to defend his career choices to himself by pointing out the salary compensates for it. Me, I chose the other way. And if it turns out I've chosen wrong, I can't even do cocaine to deal with it because there's a drug policy and testing.
Wow, that is a pretty deep response to somebody who was just offhandedly saying he is following tradition and doing something that feels right to him. I don't mean to speak for sack here, but that hardly seemed like he was making any sort of judgement on anybody else. And maybe I missed something but I saw no mention of price. More interesting that you seemed to interpret it as such.
I think he was referring to past posts regarding income vs happiness. We shouldn't go there, though. I had a post that I deleted, but essentially, y'all quit your bitching! This is the WDT, not the "throwing a tantrum because wah wah wahhhh." Be happy, damnit!
Yeah, I guess I can see that. Maybe I am just projecting and defending my thoughts on tradition and useless and overpriced baubles and what they represent to me. Carry on with the drunkeness now. Personally, sad to see the end of Game of Thrones, but I guess a little True Blood may hold my interest for a bit.
This WDT is all serious'd up. Where's Bl1y when you someone to joke around and make merry????? Did he ever return fron his "day off?"
From what one of the mods said earlier, sounds like he got his panties in a twist and decided to move on. Who'd have thought that his exit could lead to deterioration of the WTD.
Obviously we need more drunking. Sorry I couldn't help y'all out last night. I was busy winning drunk scrabble (which I won by 1 point, and everyone else was sober/almost sober), then I ran around the yard in circles, then I puked in the toilet, then I went to sleep. Solo internet drunking is what we need, then. Oh, and Bl1Y may not have posted anything since he was temp-banned, but he's lurking.
I see both sides, but I'm inclined to give 'sack the benefit of the doubt. He just wants a dude's lips wrapped firmly around his penis. I think he mentioned once that he never got to experiment with a guy, and his future nupitals probably have him wondering, "what if?"
Look guys, running a top of the line website is serious business. You don't become a hundred-aire by pure luck. 'sack, while we're on the topic, did your diamond come with a BMW logo laser-engraved on it?
I met a guy over Memorial Day Weekend who had longhorns engraved around his wedding band. He was an alum and a huge fan. His wife is from L.A. and has no ties to Texas. It looked super ridiculous.
Never understood why people feel the need to bring school ties into their marriages. Like, even if you both met there, were president of your fraternity and an athlete, sorority girl and homecoming queen, etc it just seems tacky. College is incredibly important, and there are things about it that you can carry with you for the rest of your life and be proud about, but I dunno... a garter, sure. A grooms cake, cool. A "Go Gators/Hook'em/Roll Tide/etc" at some point in a drunken speech buried in the middle of a reception, why not? But a logo engraved wedding band is fucking weird. I live and breath UF, and Gainesville has been awesome for the last five years, girlfriend did both undergrad/med school here, but I'll be damned if we do anything more than what's mentioned above. A wedding is a day to celebrate two people entering the institution of marriage, not the institute from which they graduated...