When I was about 8 years old, I loved to eat ketchup sandwiches. Looking back I just think "eww", but back then I was just a very picky kid (and still very picky). Slice of bread, buttered up and topped with ketchup. I thought it was the best back then.. now I just think "eww." I love ketchup though but I can never eat it on its own. Too disgusting for me on its own. My girlfriend thinks I'm weird for putting ketchup on chicken burgers, ketchup on my poutine, and ketchup with just about any fast food item, but her room mate is even weirder.. she loves ketchup on any salad she makes! I'm a big fan of maple syrup (the real stuff, not the crappy shit), whenever I go somewheres for breakfast I make sure I drench my bacon in syrup! Mmmmmm! But what do you expect? I'm Canadian! I wish maple bacon was easier to find (here)
I discovered this tasty little treat one night when I was half baked (Yes kids, us old folks used to smoke ganja to excess too.) Take a tortilla chip and dip it in cottage cheese, make sure you get a good gob of cottage cheese on it, then dip in in extra hot salsa. It's an awesome combination of hot, cold, & crunchy. When I was down in Louisiana I found myself in a fancy restaurant that had fried pickles on the menu. It sounded interesting so I ordered a side of deep fried pickles. They were fucking horrible. Then I discovered that if you throw an onion slice in your mouth and then pop in a fried pickle it was pretty tasty. Obviously I don't belong in nice restaurants. I was like Jethro Bodine come to town and going out to one of them fancy eatin' places.
My housemate eats cheese & sweet chili sauce toasted sandwiches. They look, smell and taste like ass, but she loves them.
I love me some fried pickles. When they're done right, they're one of the best culinary inventions I've ever come across. Focus: When I was younger, I used to put Heinz tomato ketchup on my salads. I have absolutely no idea why, although the rationale I remember using at the time was, 1) there are tomatoes in my salad, 2) the ketchup has tomatoes in it, 3) why WOULDN'T this be a good idea?!? I also slather my breakfast foods in syrup when visiting Waffle House/IHOP. Bacon & syrup FTW. Going a little off-focus, a friend of mine and I were at Waffle House late one night a few years ago. When they brought out her pancakes, she proceeded to slather them in syrup, and then dumped about 1/4 of a shaker of salt all over them. And then looked at me like I was the crazy one when I asked her what the hell she was doing.
Not sure if this has been mentioned yet, Lays ruffled potato chips and 2% cottage cheese used as the dip is quite simply the most amazing snack and it is "somewhat" healthy. I was at a golf outing a few weeks ago and in our goodie bag was a couple airplane bottles of this cheap ass rum, Captian Nelson's Spiced Rum... the only thing I had to mix it with was a 1/2 bottle of Vitamin water (XXX - Acai-blueberry-pomegranate) that I picked up before the outing....mix together and you have a great tasting ghetto cocktail!
My mom swears by that one. But I've got my own combination for a zesty side dish: Cottage cheese. Yellow mustard. Mix thoroughly. Delicious.
I hope you realize that your statements are blasphemy. Fried dill pickles are fucking delicious. Shame on you. Spears or chips... with ranch dressing. That's pretty standard in the South. Another of mine: cheese, mustard, cucumbers & canadian bacon on club crackers. or cucumbers & cheese. or cucumbers & mustard. Any combination is yummy.
I went to a place called the Hollywood Cafe on a bike trip once to Tunica MS because it was featured on the Travel Channels Fried Foods Paradise episode. Terrible fried pickles, onion rings, and frog legs. I was stunned at how bad it was. I'm also of the crowd that dips fries in frosties and puts chips on sandwiches. While working at a correctional facility, we used to give the inmates sacked lunches to take to their jobs. This consisted of two turkey sandwiches, a bag of lays, condiments and some other shit. Almost nightly I was combine the meat from the two sandwiches, throw the lays on top, slather it all with mayo, and then take an another bag of chips from the cooler to eat along with it. Phenomenal midnight snack.
I am obsessed with fried eggs, three of my favorite combos are: 1. Fried egg, peanut butter and bacon (or banana) sandwich, no cheese 2. Fried egg on a cheeseburger 3. Fried eggs served on top of pasta and marinara sauce (light on the marinara). They have to be over easy so the yoke spills over everything. Everybody I've been able to convince to try the first two absolutely love them, still haven't been able to convince anyone to try #3...
Spam. I love Spam. Peanut butter and Spam is truly magnificent. I generally cut the Spam lengthwise into slices about a quarter-inch thick, fry them, put one on a slice of toasted Italian bread, and spread peanut butter on top. Salty, a little bit of sweetness, and nuttiness. Then again, I can eat all three ingredients by themselves; I would amuse myself in physics class by bringing a jar of Skippy's and a spoon and distracting the teacher by eating it out of the jar. "And for this solid, the moment of inertia is... uh... uh... (staring) Oh yeah. 2/5mr^2." Dinner on Boy Scout trips often consisted of me chucking a (slightly opened) can of Spam into the fire for ten minutes or so, then eating it right out of the can with a water bottle to go with it. Delicious. I also love taking a baguette, dipping the tip in olive oil, and gnawing on it. Wash, rinse, repeat. I tried it with just plain vegetable oil once when I was out of olive oil; didn't work very well.
Great. Now I think my dad had another family in another state he would visit on the weekends. Not salami and jelly, but he was known for strange concoctions of his own. Peanut butter with thick slices of raw onion was the oddest.
My smallest nephew has a tendency to make a peanut butter sandwich with slices of bologna. Weird. His brothers and sisters think he's nuts.
My Dad drinks the juice in the pickle jar. This is for the polish pickled cucumbers though, not that it makes it any better. He also drinks the juice left over when you take fine green beans out of cans. ( I don't know if you get them anywhere other than france though.) It is basically brine flavoured with green beans. Fucked up in other words. That and reading through this I've seen loads of things eaten a fair amount in my household. I guess we are messed up.
I do this sometimes too. I prefer the one that the half sour pickles come in as there is usually garlic in there and it has a good taste.
When I lived in Florida I would pour maple syrup on my grits. People seemed to think this was really weird and they used to charge me extra for it.
Peanut butter and pickle sammiches are actually the best fucking thing ever. Even MORE awesome if you can find spicy pickles. All you assholes don't know what you're missing.
My stepdad eats mayonnaise sandwiches. He will make one or two of these and eat them after dinner and then he wonders where all of the bread has gone. I used to think it was strange and gross, but after living in Belgium for a few months and being witness to the way they tend to absolutely drench food (especially fries) in mayo, it's not too far out there. I'll make myself a peanut butter and bacon sandwich if I feel like clogging my arteries. Crunchy is best. I've also put sour cream in an omelet before, just for the hell of it. Syrup also might find its way onto my eggs, whether or not I'm having pancakes/waffles. I also used to throw some fries on a burger if I was getting bored with them. My brother does the fries-in-frosty deal. I was never a fan of Wendy's fries so I didn't partake, though I suppose I could appreciate the contrasts. My coach in college would put fries on her salad, said it was a Pittsburgh thing. My brother will go through phases where he puts one condiment on just about everything. Ketchup was first, but he soon moved on to hot sauce - the hotter the better. Having since singed his taste buds, he now loads up on mustard. He'll put it in soups, on meats (no matter how they're marinated or what other sauces are on them), on veggies, in mashed potatoes, etc. When he gets bored of sandwiches for lunch, he'll also make a pot of ramen noodles and throw whatever he can find in there: lettuce, diced onion, eggs, leftover meat (chicken, beef, pork), garlic, cabbage, worcestershire sauce, cheese, and the obligatory bacon, among other things. Whatever works for him.
I can't read that post next to your avatar without laughing. Hooker's avatar is waiting for a nice, big, peanut buttery pickle
Fried chicken and waffles, both drenched in butter and syrup. There's a restaurant called Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles that does this quite well. I think the polite method is to eat alternating bites of each with a fork. I use the Pinkcup method--roll the chicken up into the waffle burrito-style, dump syrup and butter down the top, and demolish using two hands and 1,000 napkins. The other patrons are almost invariably horrified, except for the one stoned cook in the back who appreciates my silver palate. Also delicious: Fried pickles with ranch dressing, fried corn nuggets with honey mustard dressing, and any combination of food that involves cheese and bacon. Yummy!
Spicy grilled sausage and cottage cheese. This combination was discovered during a trip to Tunica. Glorious. I also enjoy a delicious condiment of ketchup and homemade sour cream ranch dip. I call this "Redneck sauce". And one cannot forget the glorious delicacy of spaghetti and meat sauce with fried chicken gizzards. My wife's favorite sandwich is peanut butter, strawberry jelly, and crunchy Cheetos. As for all the blasphemous hate on fried pickles, for shame, for shame. To paraphrase Benjamin Franklin, fried pickles are proof that God loves us, and wants us to be happy. Of course, the original quote, "Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy" is pretty awesome as well.