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I'll have the salad........with a side of dead cow, bloody .

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by shegirl, Apr 6, 2010.

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  1. Sam N

    Sam N
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    Oct 19, 2009

    Well... the point is. That they don't taste like piss to me. In fact, a good beer is about the best tasting thing in the me. Maybe when one is in high school he might drink beer because it looks manly or whatevs, but at this point in my life, I drink beer because I love alcohol and beer is (in my opinion) the best tasting vehicle to get that alcohol into my body.

    I'm not a huge fan of hard ciders. I don't hate them, they just don't taste that good to me. And anything in the Zima category tastes god awful. It's not the girly stigma, it's the sweetness. But then again, I don't even really like candy much.
  2. Creelmania

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    Oct 19, 2009
    Vancouver, BC
    While it does vary from girl to girl, I think you can judge a bit about a girl based on what she drinks. There are a lot of overlaps between the two groups, but girls who drink beer will definitely have the more tomboy edge to them than those who prefer coolers, even if it isn't fully pronounced.

    My girlfriend's drink of choice: beer. Won't touch coolers ever. I think she's still "girly" in some senses (fake nails, likes chick flicks and Coldplay) but she also would rather go to a hockey game than a John Mayer concert any day of the week.
    Some of my friends' girlfriends however stick strictly to coolers and/or wine. They are the ones that gush over Twilight, get grossed out easily, and act like your stereotypical girly-girl.

    While it may seem a little condescending, the only time I won't look down my nose at a guy drinking a cooler is when it's 3 am at a house party and there's no beers left in the fridge. Ya, I know, just because a guy is drinking something fruity and sugary doesn't necessarily mean he too is fruity, but you sometimes gotta wonder.

    I don't really have any stigmas with food now. Between dates ordering burgers when I take them out for dinner, and me sitting down and eating a mini-tub of yogurt in one go (those 650 mL containers disappear after a trip to the gym), everything is fair. Ya sure, I want some sort of meat with my dinner, but there had better damn well be a green salad to go with it. You "manly men" can go ahead and eat your steaks and pork chops and cheese while neglecting your veggies, but don't come bitching to me when you're all backed up and can't shit 'cause you never eat any fiber.
  3. SwampDonkey

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    Oct 21, 2009
    Portland Ory-gun
    My girlfriend introduced me to scotch and I love it now. In return, I introduced her to India Pale Ale and she is always bringing home new ones I've never tried.
  4. Rumble

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    Feb 24, 2010
    I've always thought that coolers were particularly girly. If you can't stand the taste of beer, a mixed drink or wine etc then you better be wearing a skirt, otherwise, you better believe that I will secretly be judging you.


    I've recently been introduced to a wonderful little drink called the TURBO. A turbo is 1/2 a beer, 1/2 a Smiornoff Ice and a shot of Vodka all mixed together. You may think this sounds like it tastes awful, trust me, so did I. But this little creation tastes pretty fucking good and gets you completely annihilated. Everybody needs to try one.

    Having said that, I'm still suspicious of a dude that drinks straight coolers...

    EDITED: There is absolutely nothing wrong with drinking a cooler as a last resort. God knows I'll drink anything leftover in the fridge at 3am when I'm out of booze.
  5. ghettoastronaut

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    Oct 22, 2009
    I've met one guy like this. Doesn't like any kind of beer whatsoever for some reason, and goes for smirnoff ice coolers instead of mixed drinks or hard liquor or wine or anything at all, for that matter. By no means a hipster or outwardly girly, but still rather suspect.

    I was going to say how jealous I was, but your "girlfriend" probably has fake tits and unusually large shoulders.
  6. LukesBoxHero

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    Mar 4, 2010
    Upstate NY
    Going out tomorrow night for the Club Hockey party and we have about $300 left over from our budget with the school. It's at a Mexican place where you can drink Margarita's under the tab for free or pay $1 for a beer ($2 is covered by the tab). I'll have some beers for sure, but not before at least three to five Margarita's.

    On kind of a side note, I can't stand when we have a group of friends back after the bar for a little after party and a few of the girls bitch cause we only have beer. It's 3 in the freakin' morning, one beer won't kill you; and if you haven't noticed we are in college.
  7. zyron

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    Oct 19, 2009
    Well I am a vegetarian who doesn't drink beer so I must be some special sort of homo. I don't drink beer because I don't like carbonation (But I will drink if offered, it is alcohol). I don't drink soda either even though I love the taste of Coke and Root Beer.
  8. SaintBastard

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    Oct 21, 2009
    Dirty South
    Every time I dine at a restaurant I order a steak so big you could almost milk it. There are no exceptions.
  9. sunny jim

    sunny jim
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    Oct 21, 2009
    Is sweet flavoured yogurt really that good for you though? It seems like a lot of milk fat and sugar to get a few probiotics (and very un-manly in the little tub and all)
    I'd say much food served in very small containers/quantities is considered girly, especially if it's sweet.
    Australian Aboriginals have their own special gender bias, in that many of the good foods are taboo for women, for example prawns. It is however quite OK for women to catch prawns for the men.
  10. Assur

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    Wait, quiche is girly? Its fucking egg pie with cheese on top, medieval food stuffed with fat and calories.
  11. AlmostGaunt

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Us (West) Aussies can be a backwards, simple people at times, and alcohol/food is most definitely gendered here. I've never seen a woman drink dark spirits. Not once. A good 60% of the women I know barely eat red meat, and half of those are actively grossed out by a medium-rare steak. Both of these things make me very sad, but on the other hand, I absolutely loved the gender distinction for guys drinking girly drinks.

    Back in my young drinking days, four crucial factors came together like some perfect storm: I had a job I hated, that could be done retching-in-the-work-toilet hungover, and that offered a reasonable amount of disposable income. Additionally,I also had a PhD student roommate who would drink with me every night, and any dispute was settled with multi-shot (5, 10, 21 shot) bets. My poison of choice varied between straight bourbon, straight whisky, and 50/50 dark rum and cokes, and I was putting away about 0.75L a night, every night.

    However... when you are drinking 7 nights a week, and more often than I'd care to admit, drinking to the black-out, pissing-the-bed stage, it's really easy to get sick of drinking the same shit. And, if the bile in your guts starts surging at the smell of spirits, the girly, fruity cocktails start looking very appealing. So, if I was out at a halfway-decent bar, I'd often start the night with a mojito, or a daiquiri (ps Americans - daiquiris aren't fucking frozen. Goddamn it, I'm at the Bellagio paying $20 a cocktail and the barman understands Sidecar, and Oldfashioned, but not Daiquiri?), or an apple sling. In the Aussie pub scene, apparently this was basically the same as ordering a face full of semen to go with my ovaries. I would have multiple randoms giving me shit about my drink of choice, almost every time I went to the bar and got a drink with a sprig of mint or curl of orange peel in it. At which point, I would bait them into a drinking contest, with the loser paying a percentage of the winner's tab. Pro tip: the average Aussie bogan drinking pints of beer can't handle straight spirits. Especially in the sort of compressed timeframe required on weekdays. I absolutely murdered people, often depriving them of significant portions of their money and dignity. (There was also the time a guy a full foot and a half shorter than me kept up with me right until he passed out on the road and I passed out naked in a bathroom, but I try and forget that).

    TL;DR version: it can be a costly mistake to assume that guys who drink fruity cocktails can't handle their liquor. At least, that's what I keep telling myself. Now hush while I keep jerking off to craigslist m4m ads.
  12. Sicnevol

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    Oct 22, 2009
    I think food is some what gendered. Do I care? Not really. I can't count how many times I've been told I " eat like a dude."
    I'm ok with that. When I order a steak I want you to slap it on its ass, and send it out to me; under its own power if you can. I don't really like vegetables; They're pretty backdrop colors for my bloody meat. Now don't get me wrong, If you put a salad down in front of me I'll eat some of it. I just don't order them. Cheese is gods gift to man.

    Beers on the other hand trouble me. I don't like the taste of hops at all ever. So I'll order Woodchuck, Framboise or another Cider of some sort. If these are not available I go for hard liquor. Vodka, mostly Three Olives or Grey Goose because the after taste of the cheap stuff sucks. So I guess I drink like a girl sometimes and eat like a dude all the time.
  13. konatown

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    Oct 20, 2009
    Evansville, IN
    And the after taste of Grey Goose doesn't taste like goose shit to you?

    In my little conservative neck of the woods foods are not really gendered at all. German folks are a hearty bunch.

    And same goes for the drinking. I know plenty of woman that will drink whiskey with the guys. Sure there are women that won't touch straight hard stuff, but an equal amount of men that won't but disguise it by drinking beer and beer only.
    That said, sugary drinks like Schmirnoff, Zima and that flavored Jack Daniels bullshit are taboo for anyone out of high school. Gay, straight, male or female: you're a fag if you're above 18 and drink that shit.
  14. hooker

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    Oct 20, 2009
    I eat and drink whatever I want, whenever I want. Life is too short not to eat massive steaks and drink lots of beer/tequila.

    I'm not overly concerned with my figure or what people think about the way I eat or drink. Turns out if you fuck like a champ, it makes up for a little junk in the trunk.
  15. JohnQ

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    I tend to agree with most of the thoughts about coolers and zimas being girly drinks with one addition. I just can't take any guy seriously that drinks a Michelob Ultra Lite. There is also a strong association to me with mixed drinks ordered to include most any flavored liquor, such as orange or lemon flavored vodka/tequila.

    While not alcoholic, I also seriously want to hit any guy that goes to a coffee shop and orders a double mocha frappacino with whipped cream and caramel sauce. Sorry, guys drink coffee, and I can even live with you putting cream and/or sugar in it.

    When it comes to food, while I like salad, I still refuse to order one if I'm out. There was also a pretty entertaining article on the old board about BLT's being the most homosexual food. I love them, but, for some reason also seem to view them as having a mildly gay association to them. As for the argument about quiche being gay/girly, I think it's based on having a French sounding name(I have no idea if its ACTUALLY a truly French based food though.)

    Oh, and anything ever consumed by the Bizarre Foods guy is automatically a manly food. Probably disgusting as all hell, but I'm still qualifying it as manly.
  16. eric

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    Jan 22, 2010
    This reminds me a of business dinner I attended a number of years back. I had been working for a larger customer in Toronto and we'd reached an important milestone on the project. To celebrate, the project manager took the entire team out to dinner, including the PLM (product line manager) who had flown in from Texas for the milestone. The PLM had the reputation of being a no-bullshit kind of guy.

    So, we get to the restaurant and order our drinks. The waitress comes back with a few pints of beer, a couple glasses of wine, some mixed drinks, and one very conspicuous Pina Colada complete with umbrella and piece of fruit impaled on the side. The table had been quite boisterous with several conversations going on, so we had not heard who'd ordered what, but this changed when the waitress arrived with our drinks. The table went quiet as the waitress went around placing the drinks in front of people, waiting to see who had ordered the Pina Colada. She leaves it till last, placing it in front of the project manager. The PLM, who was sitting directly across from the project manager, asks loudly: "What the hell is that?"

    "Its a Pina Colada" replies the project manager.

    PLM retorts: "Where I come from, we call that Penises Colliding"
  17. GrinAndBearIt

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    Oct 19, 2009
    Hippiestan, Colorado
    I don't judge people on what they order, I do judge people based on their willingness to try exotic foods at least once and how they order their meat. I was raised in a household where meat was served barely dead and after eating a few overcooked pieces of red meat decided that chancing the various diseases you maybe, possibly, perhaps could get is worth the flavor.

    In terms of alcohol I stick to beer and whiskey because it's what I like. Most people I drink with shy away from bourbon for the most part, the only few I drink with that enjoy it and will drink it straight are women.

    It's vodka I can't stand, I don't understand the stigma it has gained of being the "chick liquor" even good vodka I have a hard time drinking in any quantity.
  18. Blue Dog

    Blue Dog
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    Oct 19, 2009
    South Louisiana
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