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I'm a lover, not a fighter

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Juice, Sep 9, 2014.

  1. Juice

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    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009
  2. Fiveslide

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I've been in a few throughout my life. The latest one is the only one I'm particularly proud of.

    We were living on our sailboat at the time and drinking at the waterfront bar when a guy started getting out of hand. He pushed his girlfriend, threatened others and threatened to shoot me in the face. I looked him straight in the eye and told him I would hold him under water until he stopped breathing. That's when several people grabbed me and got me out of there, most likely for my own protection since he did claim to have a gun.

    I was waiting on the dock for my wife and friends to use the bathroom when he found me. He cornered me at the end of the dock and just would not let me get on my boat. I asked repeatedly to be left alone. He took his shirt off and swung at me.

    I grab him and drug him to the ground and started punching him and then start dragging him towards the edge of the dock. Several people grab him and only temporarily talked me out of drowning him. So I let him up. When the crowd thinks it's over and starts to clear he runs and tackles me, we both fly from the dock to the deck of our boat. There was no reasoning with me this time. I got the upper hand and drug him off my boat and shoved his whole body under water, between the boat and the dock. I held him there for a few seconds before people grabbed me and stopped me.

    We went to another boat to get away from him after that. When we went back several hours later he had ripped our companionway doors off and stabbed the countertop with a knife. He was arrested later that night for something unrelated to our fight. He was also banned from several marinas in the area and several bars. Apparently he did some vandalizing after we parted ways.

    I was so ashamed of how I had acted and dreaded seeing the other boat owners and bar regulars. However, when I emerged from the boat the next day I was given hugs and handshakes and a round on the house.
  3. walt

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Whats with guys taking off their shirts when squaring off to fight ?
  4. Parker

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    Focus: I got into a ton of fights in like 4th grade through my junior year of high school. One memorable fight is when I hit on this guys sister in 8th grade, big kid named Raul. Fucker was probably 6'2 in 8th grade. He came up to me, said we were going to fight, I took two swings at him and he barely flinched. He then just put one right on my chin, I felt my face move in slow motion and I just fell over in the grass. We were friends after that, to him it was a fair exchange of communication that I should not be talking to his sister.

    After that, I don't even know what the fight was about. I was trying to help this kid out in H.S. somehow turned into a swordfight over a girl I didn't like. We got into it on a side street by school, dropped our bags and went at it. I landed two good hits, he landed two weak ones, only popping a zit on my cheek. But we moved around so my backpack was behind me he punched at me, I moved back, stepped on my back and ended up like 1-2 scissor kicking him. I landed both kicks, didn't hurt him much. At this time the fight was broken up by some adult that luckily only grabbed us to say "you go that way! and you go that way!"

    Got back to school, I somehow lost the fight because I kicked. Because apparently rules were, which no one told me, it was a boxing match. There were rampant jokes about me being the black karate kid and kicking made me weak. IF THOSE FUCKERS ONLY KNEW THERE WOULD BE A BLACK KARATE KID AND MMA WOULD BE A THING!

    Alt: My friend is a drunk fucking idiot, can't fight for shit, barely has any muscle mass but he constantly gets into dumb situations. Where he'll find it funny when piss drunk to shout across the street to random people. He won't say anything offensive, but to other drunk idiots anything is offensive. So its a constant thing of "He's drunk, doesn't know who he's talking to, he doesn't mean it, not a big deal, let's just go home..." over and over again. Happens about once a year. He moved to LA 2 years ago and can't hold his liquor for shit now.
  5. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009

  6. shimmered

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    Emotionally Jaded

    May 12, 2010
    I'm not a lover. I'm a fighter. Have been since I was a kid.

    Now, I'm just smart enough to pick my battles.
  7. Coke Bottle Casualty

    Coke Bottle Casualty
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    Experienced Idiot

    Dec 13, 2011
    ...But sometimes you just have to ride on a bitch.
    #27 Coke Bottle Casualty, Oct 3, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2015
  8. Stealth

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    My last "fight" went down as follows.
    It was a pleasant late Spring Sunday in Melbourne (Australia).
    I had been to a friends apartment located in the CBD (Central Business District) and he suggested we walk to the Crown Casino (the only Casino in the state of Victoria and a shithole that I generally avoid) ... so ok I thought.
    On the day my lower back was sore and I was having some sciatic pain but I battled on. Anyway, we walk ... cross over the main thoroughfare and onto the bridge that runs over the river Yarra from Flinders Street train station (Melbourne's main station) towards the Crown (piece of crap) Casino.

    As we walk along, someone runs up behind me and jumps onto my back, almost piggyback style, his right arm over my shoulder.
    For a brief moment, I thought it may have been someone that I knew playing a joke on me. I held onto the arm briefly, then sort of bent down and let go while turning to see who the fuck it was.
    It was some retarded looking dude, quite possibly homeless, a few teeth missing.
    He stepped back... I was pissed off. "Do I know you!" I yell out.
    Him .. nothing ... possibly looked like he was about to try something.
    He was around 5ft7 (I am 6ft) fairly solid and in his late 20's.

    Now, having done a couple of years of Wing Chun Kung fu training and with a bad back yet rather pissed off, I quickly formulated a plan.
    I tried to kick the dickhead in the balls ... twice ... and fucking missed both times!
    Dammit. Damn back!, lack of speed and flexibility!
    The dude backed off though and I walked off. He probably had a few bruises to show for his troubles.
    I guess that if he had wanted to, for whatever reason could have already hit me from behind and I would have been none the wiser. It was in broad daylight and there were many people around. As to why he did it? Who knows .. mistaken identity?
    It's not as easy as you might think to kick someone in the balls.