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I'm about to make either the best or worst decision

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by tool, Mar 11, 2010.

  1. bewildered

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    Deeply satisfied pooper

    Oct 26, 2009
    Ahhh, the path to not getting laid.
  2. dewercs

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    phoenix, arizona
    Perhaps they see you as their gay friend, girls love them some gay dudes.
    You should fit in nicely.
  3. xrayvision

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    He will go into this not trying to get laid, but a small part of him will justify a little crush and maybe think he can skate by, fucking one of them only once. One drunken evening later....
    "It won't be weird. We will just go back to being the way we were the next day. Promise!"

    Cue a few nights later when either he or she comes home with some greasy random and has loud offensive sex.

    Now its weird. Jealousy and animosity prevail.

    Hilarity ensues.

    I want a journal.
  4. Kittie

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 23, 2009
    The best roommates I have ever had have been gay or straight men.

    I HATED having female roommates, so much I would rather live with my parents than live with a whining, messy, sniveling woman ever again. It was horrible.

    Living with someone of the opposite sex is not long as you don't sleep with them. It has the definite possibility of becoming extremely awkward afterward. (If it does happen, best to pretend it didn't.)
  5. Volo

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Dec 9, 2009
    Heard that before. Know what followed?

    "That fuckin' bitch got a restraining order against me!"

    Don't deny it. You want to fuck all three of them, preferably at the same time, with a family size bottle of cherry-flavored lube, a nine-iron and a two-headed dildo with spikes on it. In the bathroom, no less.

    It's nothing to be ashamed of, really. Builds character.
  6. tool

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    Are you me from the future?
  7. Nitwit

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 25, 2009
    C'mon, tool. They are just girls. It's not like they can eat you or something. They might blow ya', but they won't eat ya'. Here is some motivational music for you. Now get your game on and git' you some.

    #27 Nitwit, Mar 12, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2015
  8. deltron

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    Should still be lurking

    Jan 18, 2010
    Didn't read the rest of the posts in this thread, but I'd figure that I'd weigh in.
    I am currently living with 3 girls, and there was another girl who left for Italy in December.
    I have no complaints, but that may be because I was friends with them before hand.
    I realize I'm the exception, not the rule, but I'd say go for it, depending on the vibe you got when you met them, especially if its just for 3 months
  9. The Good Doctor

    The Good Doctor
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    Average Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    Just do it, you pussy.

    If it goes wrong, you've got some good stories. It it goes right, you've got some good stories and a lifetime of spankable memories.
  10. tool

    Expand Collapse
    Village Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    I wish I could rep you a million times.

    Let's do this.
    #30 tool, Mar 13, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2015
  11. Nitwit

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 25, 2009
    Nope, it's my turn to rep you now, bud. Get with Chater about your journal and remember to have some fun for the next three months. Like the late great Bill Hicks said, "It's just a ride, man."
  12. Roundhouse

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    United Kingdom
    During my first year of University, I moved in and shared a house with five women for almost a year. Most points have already been covered. Your, "creepy crawly" disposal services will be called upon frequently. The television will be strictly off limits unless you happen to enjoy watching a particular brand of day time drivel that your fairer sex housemates organise their daily schedule around.

    The hair, by Jove the hair. I have long hair myself, yet I maintain a simple order to prevent clogging up the facilities' drains. Unless you have a weak stomach, cleaning the drain to the sink and bath tub will become another little jobby for you to undertake on a weekly basis. If left alone, the ramifications can be dire. I once spent an afternoon dismantling the bath tub and drain to remove a blockage of tangled hair and grim accumulated by five women over the course of a month. Mr Muscle, you failed me.

    Organisation skills for either gender at college age leaves much to be desired, however I note the fairer sex preferred to carry out all activities in groups, including laundry duties. This resulted in the washing machine becoming jam packed with the girls' laundry and running all day Saturday. Come Sunday the living room became a wonderland of garments hanging from table edges, sofa arms, the ceiling fan... anywhere it could be hung from to dry.

    With time you will become an expert at detecting when personal space is needed. Yes, they will synchronise and should you suspect it is time, leave the house. If you decide to stay in, keep a low profile and noise to a minimum. You could hold your ground and watch Lethal Weapon with a surround sound setup, dram of whiskey in hand, and several friends from your course, but the following drama far outweighs the brief enjoyment of an eighties buddy cop film with your friends.

    Keep a full two litre bottle of water in your room at all times. When it comes to "Girls' Night Out" one will always go too far and arrive home on the shoulders of her friends. Crusted vomit colouring her chin, natty hair caught in her jewelery, bleary eyes peeping through the flowing, teary mixed make-up, and the scabbed knee dripping blood across the thresh-hold of the house is the only warning sign you will be given of the ensuing drama. Your worse for wear housemate will soon be cuddling the porcelain throne while her friends come to blows outside over who's fault it is for letting her drink so much. The only advice I can give here is to leave the dueling vixens to their altercation while you watch over your near paralytic friend.

    All that aside, the experience is worth putting yourself through. Everything mentioned above and in previous posts will dawn upon you at once, perhaps in your first week's stay. Grit your teeth, be pleasant to live with (read; not a pushover, just polite and courteous to your housemates) and it will soon become like an ordinary living experience, apart from laundry weekend... that never seems to change.
  13. Cadders

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 26, 2009
    I'm currently living with three girls and another guy, and then living with the same four people in a house next year.
    As someone else rightly pointed out, if they're anything like typical 19/20 year old girls, expect them to get overly drunk and come home covered in their own vomit. Every single time before we go out, without fail, I hear "I'm not going to drink much tonight, I know my limits." and every single time they end up either passed out on the floor, or puking into a toilet in a club.

    For the Christmas Ball, we all went to a fairly expensive, well, I guess 'castle' is the best way to describe it. 'Lo and behold, barely past midnight and one of the aforementioned housemates has too much to drink and vomits into her cupped hands (as if she were sneezing). She ends up spraying puke all over these expensive leather chairs and her own dress, in the middle of the reception area surrounded by people. Attractive. Then one of the other three girls was sick on herself on the coach on the way back. They ended up showering in their ball dresses to wash off the vomit.

    Not to mention, one of the girls turns into the incredible hulk when she's drunk. Shes a fairly large girl, and she doesn't realise her own strength. She punches people in the face when she's been drinking, thinking that she's being playful or something. Its happened to me, and to the other guy. Neither of us found it as funny as she did.

    Needless to say, they can never remember any of this the next morning.

    One of the three girls gets into weekly domestic arguments with her boyfriend from home when he visits, and they end up having a screaming row at 4am. Then me and the other guy are expected to diffuse the situation before it escalates into violence (it has done several times before) whilst the other girls cower in their rooms.

    I don't even need to point out the constant, and I mean constant, talking about hair, nails, make-up and fucking shoes. To highlight the type of girls these are, one of them spent the equivalent of $1200 USD on a handbag...

    Personally, i'd rather be in a flat with guys. Even if I was single, I wouldn't be able to reap the benefits of living with three girls, because none of them are all that attractive.