I'd like a microphone in the bathrooms after a contest like that. You know it would burn like hell on the way out.
Yeah, not eating all day is a horrible idea. I think you might still be just as hungry, but your stomach will shrink. You need to cram your stomach to the max and to do that you need eat earlier to stetch it. I'd also suggest either not drinking at all (go for the win) or drinking a shitload (go for chaos).
I was in a buffalo wing eating contest back in college. Are y'all using the spicy buffalo wings or just plain wings? This won't make too much of a difference during the contest. After everything is said and done is a completely different story. You'll be fine for about an hour and a half. This is when the rumbling will start. You will want to take the next 15 minutes to find a bathroom that you can post up in for a good 20 minutes. Next will commence the most foul smelling, asshole burning shit of your life. While never experienced having a hot curling iron up my ass, I have to imagine this wasn't too far off. I didn't win by a mile. I only ate 53 wings in 30 minutes. The winner was over 100. He looked very similar to Randy from My Name Is Earl. Good luck man.
I'll take his silence to mean that he's been hospitalized with food and/or alcohol poisoning. That or high level of fiery buffalo sauce in his system caused his spontaneous combustion.