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"I'm getting too old for this shit"

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by walt, Apr 9, 2011.

  1. Jimmy James

    Jimmy James
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Washington. The state.
    I'll be 29 in July. I've been going gray for about 10 years now. I figure it'll be less salt and pepper and more "what kind of asshole puts streaks of gray on his hair?" by the time I'm 35. I've clearly never been much for physical activity and I'm slightly comforted by the fact that I'll be dead at 65 with most of my mental faculties still in tact. As it is now, my collarbone aches when its damp. I can't run very far due to a shooting pain in my right ankle from a paintballing incident a gear ago. I also get a knot in my lower back if I stand up for too long, but that's only because I'm fat.

    I generally don't drink to excess but when I do, I feel like I've been trampled by horses the next day. It's easier for me to enjoy a few beers and call it a night instead of going into work hungover and instantly pissed at everybody.

    Alt focus : As to kids these days, fuck them and the shitty clothes and media they rode in on. If kids were any dumber, it would be legal to harvest their organs.
  2. M4A1

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 22, 2009
    Los Angeles
    Holy Shit. I don't feel old at all anymore. Listening to some of you fuckers piss and moan. I am 33, spent 13 years in the Army, grew up playing sports, and minus a funky right shoulder due to my service, I am physically fine. I could probably stand to drop-10-15 lbs, but who can't. I can still drink most youngsters under the table, my tolerance is pretty high. (body mass doesn't hurt either).

    Mentally. That's where this thing gets me. I have the memory of a goldfish, and the attention span of a ferret on crack. Seriously, anything shiny in my line of sight, and I am distracted like a moron. Some days are better than others, but what are you gonna do.

    Plus I am bald(since I was 24), and have fucktons of grey in my beard. I'll call it a push.
  3. slothers

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    Santa Barbara